Calls of Victory (Siegesrufe)
(received by Frieda Maria Lämmle, Sigriswill /Switzerland, between 1965 and 1985)
Speek and celebrate these “Calls of Victory” daily, best more than once daily, with raised hands and in an intense voice, in order to let the Victory of the Light and the Victory of the Eternal Truth on Earth become real.
Pray will all the power of your heart:
Victory of the Light (seven times)
for Jesus Christ is the Victor (three times).
Victory of the Light in the new year of peace,
for Jesus Christ is the Victor.
Victory of the new empire of peace, peace on earth,
Jesus Christ is the Victor.
Victory of the new Jerusalem.
Victory of eternal love.
Victory of the holy spiritual power.
Victory of the new spiritual school.
Victory of the light signal of the stop.
Victory of the power of resurrection.
Victory of the eternal utinity.
Victory of power of redemption in the repatriation.
Victory of the new light.
Victory of the new earth.
Victory of the light comet.
Victory of the true joy of heart.
Victory of the conversion.
Victory of the paradise on the new earth.
Victory of the source of energy of life.
Victory of love in the total mercy.
Victory of love in perfection.
Victory of the holy fire of love.
Victory of love in the power of omnipotence.
Victory of the salvation on this earth
Victory of the light of resurrection.
Victory of the new creation.
Victory of the new build on this earth.
Victory of the unification of the communities of body and bride.
Victory of the salvation that flows out of Bethania.
Victory of the great turning point of the earth.
Victory of the eternal love in the fall.
Victory of the liberation of the occupied and the occupants.
Victory of the golden evening star in the love of total reconciliation.
Victory of the eternal awakening in the holy transsubstantiation.
Victory of the divine heart in the entire everlastingness.
Victory of the holy alliance of peace in the entire everlastingness.
Victory of the light in the entire everlastingness.
Victory of the light in the council of the world and all his attendants.
Victory of the harmony of love into the deepest underground of mankind’s hearts.
Victory of the love of total mercy that forgives and redeems everything.
Victory of the star of Bethlehem.
Victory of the everlasting truth.
Victory of every positive event on this earth.
Victory of the true peace of the heart,
for Jesus Christ is the Victor (three times).
Glory to God in Heaven - and on earth: Peace, love, patience, confidence, mercy, belief, faith, cognition, clarity, and consolation into all hearts of mankind, and profound delight. Amen Amen Amen.
As an additional explanation, Godfather told me:
My children feel how important the “Calls of Victory” are in their whole. Every child that prays them out of its heart adds to increase the oscillations of the earth, and to send light through My love. You are my prolonged arms on earth, and I rely on you, My children and heirs. I am a loving Father, and I am glad about every child that celebrates the “Calls of Victory” voluntarily and from the bottom of its heart. Those who carry My plan of love and redemption in their hearts are always protected and guarded!
Jesus Christ is the Victor! Amen. Your Father and Creator in Jesus Christ!
Amen Amen Amen.
Explanation of the “Calls of Victory” by Godfather:
My children, I want to urge you to celebrate the “Calls of Victory” as often as possible!
When you call out Victory of the Light with raised arms, there runs a jerk through the whole earth. Everywhere, My light will beam everywhere in splendid brightness! Then you are protected always and everywhere, and you are under My shelter! Who is bound with his heart to Me, feels My light of love so blissful and soft like a new born child that lies in the arms of his loving mother, protected and safe.
Jesus Christ is the Victor is the Call of Victory that may be called always and everywhere, because I am the victor, and the dark side can do nothing against My love!
In case you would be attacked, beloved children, so shout out: Victory of the light signal of the stop, and all attacks and efforts of the dark side will come to a stop.
Victory of the new earth is an important message for the hearts of mankind. The more frequently you shout this Call of Victory, the more intensively it intrudes into every tiny scratch in your planet!
For any affairs of affection concerning your heart, shout Victory of love in the power of omnipotence.
My children are my prolonged arms on earth, and when you shout Victory of the everlasting truth, no lies and no dark plans can hide any more in the shadows, because everything will be exposed.
If you shout Victory of the new empire of peace, peace on earth, a huge wave of My love travels through Mother Earth and further on into the universe!
Victory of the holy spiritual power is My invoking to all of you to trust me completely, and to send My love through your hearts.
Victory of the love in the entire everlastingness is the powerful hurricane of the energy of My love which flows through the whole universe where you live. Those who follow Me and carry Me in their hearts in the first place, will always be guided in the right way.
Victory of every positive event on this earth lets lies, treachery, and slyness nip in the bud, and it brings more and more light to earth, together with My veraciousness.
My houses of Bethania will come into being, and it will be multiply supported by the Call of Victory Victory of the salvation that flows out of Bethania.
My children, you learned how IMPORTANT it is to celebrate the “Calls of Victory” sincerely, and I can only advise you to pray them as often as possible in true belief and with all your hearts.
Amen. Your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST. Amen Amen Amen.
Request for the help of native speakers:
Dear readers of the “Calls of Victory”,
because this translation is made by a German, native speakers could certainly give us advice to improve the translation, especially in the clerical wording.
So please contact us by mail if you found wrong or misleading expressions.
Thank you very much!
Be embraced in the Love and the Light of Godfather, and may His blessing shine on you!
Amen Amen Amen.
Awakening Call:
I now send the love light, the divine justice, and the recognition of the earthly being in the FATHER’s name out into the world, so that it reaches all those people, who are open and receptive for it. Amen.
Prayer for liberation and protection:
Beloved FATHER, we beg you now profoundly that you clean all places, where people are treated, occupied, and held prisoner against their free will by dark forces. Please release these people from this burden, and help them to lead a free, peaceful life again, and that these dark creatures have the possibility to come into your spheres of transformation. We beg the Premium Archangel Michael that he always watches over us with his light sword, so that we are protected from now on from attacks. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER and beloved Michael! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen. (January10th, 2017)
Prayer To Let Go
I forgive me everything what I did to myself at any time, in this life or in former lives, and let go affectionately.
I beg for pardon all beings and souls, to whom I did wrong knowingly or unknowingly, and beg them to forgive me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I forgive from all my heart all forms of life that have done wrong to me in this life or in earlier lives, and I let go from all my heart affectionately.
I beg You, beloved Father, for forgiveness and redemption of all my old burdens that still weigh on me, and that all curses, oaths, maledictions, promises, and similar things that I have spoken, or that have been spoken on me, will be erased NOW, and that I am free from these old burdens.
I also beg You, beloved Father, to eliminate all chips and implants from my body and my aura that I received in this or a previous life, that I can live free of it live NOW.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved Father!
Your will be done now.
For Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor!
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Daily transmission of light through the prayer:
I NOW send from my wide opened heart the love, the light, the security, the peace, and the healing of the Father out into the world, and I embrace it with all my power of charity and conversion. I beg that only that happens what Godfather wants, and that only His will fulfils NOW. Amen! Amen! Amen!
Prayer for Mother Earth to heal her scars and injuries:
I send from my wide open heart – full of love, ardor, humbleness, and charity – the light, the love, and the healing power of the Father into all injuries and scars of Mother Earth, and thus contribute to the healing. Amen.