October, 31st 2016
It’s time again...
My children, today in the early afternoon and partially also earlier, people will mask themselves, play tricks on others, and do all kinds of mischief. For little children it is still funny from their view to masquerade, but adults should not spend their energy for this nonsense. As soon as it becomes dark, the other side plays again its evil games, and many dark horror stories, often coming from America, have been templates for it. Enshroud yourselves well this evening and during the night, and if you are under way this evening, please take good care. Your FATHER, who is always there for you. Amen.
October, 30th 2016
Want to see something
My children, who does not want to see something, whether real or symbolic, will not be able to keep his eyesight in optimal sharpness, he brings this point of view into this life, in the full sense of the word. Many people look away concerning what happens around them. But who is ready to work on himself, who wants to see everything, and trains the muscles in his eyes daily, will normally get better eyes through the law of resonance. The same applies for all other problems: Be it to reduce superfluous fat, to build up muscles, and so on. Everything has to do with desire and self-confidence. Many things are possible, if you keep going consciously and purposefully. Amen.
October, 29th 2016
Gifts from the heart
My children, you have asked Me often, what you should give for Christmas, on birthdays, and in general. I take this question serious, because it is absolutely important that gifts are always genuine and come from the heart. Be it now the birthday of some of My children, or also Christmas, to name only two examples: Do not follow the actual trend, but donate something that connects you with this person, or what he or she e.g. wishes. Many of My children are very pleased, when their children or grandchildren do some handicrafts, paint something, or come up with something else. If you absolutely have no idea, which you could give to a loved person or friend, think back to the time, where you had not yet to make serious decisions: Your childhood or youth. At that time, you often spent whole days in doing some handicraft for the parents or siblings, respectively the relatives. You should rediscover this vibration in yourselves, which made you creative. You need it not only for creative gifts, but also for the daily things of life. Amen.
October, 28th 2016
How the ancestors did it
My children, did you already talk to your parents or grandparents about their lives and their own stockpiling? Now: For your ancestors it was self-evident that they had a stock room, which was always filled as much as possible. When the reserves were running low, they stocked them up. In the past, there has been no best before date. The date had been simply written on the food, when it had e.g. been preserved. Who had the possibilities, grew something themselves, or they asked the farmers, whether they could get something from them. For instance, they baked their own bread, or it was baked in the village at fixed days for the inhabitants. Water was an important asset and free of charge for everybody. People met in the local pub or after church to share news and information. They also helped each other, when help was needed. The old professions disappear slowly. Who can still make shoes or ropes, to name only two examples. If the people would remember their skills again, and also begin to cease thinking and acting always fast moving, and to throw away at once things being still ok, a different behaviour and life will appear again. In the city, in those huge residential containers, many people even do not know each other. In the village it is absolutely different, there people still help each other. My children, get the appropriate reading about skills, how you can participate with manual know-how in times to come. Nobody has “two left hands”, everything can be learned. It also must not be perfect, because a proper job is always worthy of prize. If your children or grandchildren should like handicraft work, encourage and support them, and in case they do not succeed at once in crafting or building, do not scold them, but encourage the child to go on. You have a nice proverb saying: “So far no master has fallen from the sky.” Before somebody grumbles or scolds, he should look at first at his own performance. Try to get away your children from this addiction to games and mobile phones, towards something practical and useful. Amen.
October, 27th 2016
My children, I already told you a lot about this, and you also know several facts about it. But because again and again new readers of the FATHERWORDS join Us, I want to tell you the most important sentence once again for the present time: “I manifest for me and for all people open to it worldwide peace on earth, in the heart, in the soul, and in the togetherness! Amen.” This main manifestation is immensely important, My children, because it shows your attitude towards life. To be afraid of a war means to give energy to the other side. Manifest for yourself your peace inside you and around you. It begins always with the single person, and increases then. During the two major wars, there were people, who realized practically nothing of them – also in your country – because for them only peace was really existent. Certainly you need for this a due portion of TRUST IN GOD, but also confidence in yourselves, your creativity through reasonable self-sufficient personal contribution, and the irrepressible will to succeed, in confidence that I help all those people. Think about it. Amen.
October, 26th 2016
How you can protect yourselves
My children, mostly, many people do not feel the subtle attacks of the other side at all, because they do not suspect something like this. But, you, My children, know exactly, how important the physical and mental protection is, when you put yourselves under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. As soon as you realize that you are under attack, speak at once in a low voice or loud: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!”, and you should do it so long and so often, until the aggressor has left you alone. Often it is sufficient to say it three times consecutively. During intense attacks, the speaking can last even several minutes. Be patient, and say My “Call of Victory” so often, until the all-clear signal is given, or until you feel a noticeable relief. The other side takes advantage of sorrows, problems, fears, and furthermore rigorously to intimidate or to upset you. As already said: Ask Me for My help at once, and it is already there! Remember this, and on request tell it persons seeking help. Amen.
October, 25th 2016
Something concrete and tangible
My children, some of you want to know, how secure the new technologies are. Now, a book is a book: You can grab it, it is tangible, and can be read when and where you want. Electronic books depend on their power supply, the reading device, and the data memory. Very fragile in times of crisis. The same applies to your data at the different computers and storage media. Very fragile in case of emergency. This can be caused by a solar storm, an electromagnetic pulse, or can also be triggered artificially. Many people depend already so much on the modern techniques that they get huge problems in case of a power failure. But it is very simple: To mow the lawn you have mowers run by muscle power, scythes, sickles, scissors, and so on. In the household you have in your kitchen nearly everything running also without current. You can substitute vacuum cleaning also with rough, strong brooms and hand brush and dustpan, just to name some examples. If the heating fails, a charcoal oven is useful, or a gas stove with a gas bottle, as e.g. on the camping site. If necessary, you can heat also with tea lights or other candles. Warm clothing is anyway a must, and also good books for the long evenings, especially in winter, if neither television nor radio nor computers work. In the beginning, most of the people nearly go berserk, when they realize their dependency on power supply. But the human being is flexible and adaptable. When he could manage something, it was to adapt himself. Because those who did not comply, got the worst problems. Therefore I recommend, My children: Practice once to do everything, also without power supply. Remember to practice your manual skills, and try at least at one day per week to forgo the background noise from the television, and also to reduce the internet use to a minimum. During this day, your children should leave their games consoles switched off, and it would be nice, if you could do something together with your family to enjoy the solidarity and the familiar togetherness without radiation. Therefore also the mobile all-rounders should be switched off during this time if possible. If this dependency is cut off, the mind and also the senses slowly begin to think clear again. If you follow this constantly one day a week, as far as it is possible for you, you will experience that after a certain time your bodies will long for being without stress and pressure again. Try it! Amen.
October, 24th 2016
Forward-looking thinking and acting
My children, I told you already several times: You can shape your life simple and relatively stress-free, but also full of panic, fear, and sorrows. This depends on each human being himself. Who is now ready to follow his inner voice and does, what his heart, his soul, and his spiritual energy tell him, has perhaps less financial benefit in life, but instead more joy and happiness, less pressure and stress, and so on. Who plans and lives forward-looking, has always sufficient supplies, and always heating material for the winter, etc. Everybody, who has a piece of land, can create a garden. It is secondary, whether this is an allotment, belongs to him, or is only rented. It is only important that it can be cultivated. But who now lives only for the moment, does no productive work, has no connection to Me, and additionally cannot keep house, must not be surprised, when he is left with nothing one day. Your proverb: “Help yourself, and God will help you”, must be understood so that I always help, but that the human beings must contribute to it, and first of all they have to make the first move. Many of you have made provisions, and this is how it should be. Amen.
October, 23rd 2016
Prospects full of light
My children, the light is immensely strong, when it comes to its full radiance. Through your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds you make available to your part of the total power of light radiance on earth a major plus, and it grows brighter. It is similar to a sun ray, which tears open the heaven wide after a thundershower – and the brightness returns. The human being needs the light energy, and they receive it through the daylight, the solar radiation, and the spiritual energies. You are, as the proverb says, the creators of your own happiness. Make something of it, for the good of your own life, and also for the good of all forms of life being open for it. Amen.
October, 22nd 2016
Exercises are necessary
My children, during the cold and cooler season, many people are too inactive. Also the majority of My children true to Me suffers from lack of exercise during this time, together with the missing of fresh air. It is absolutely sufficient, when you use your fitness machines at home and air your rooms regularly, because the body needs fresh oxygen. Walks in the open are of course also very fruitful, as well as gardening work. Who asks now: Beloved FATHER, I move up and down all day long, is this sufficient? Yes, it is, if enough oxygen supply is granted. My children, you cannot imagine, how much your body longs for sufficient movement and fresh oxygen, because thus an even balance takes place in the body. Amen.
October, 21st 2016
Vocation has something to do with patience
My children, many people have a profession or a job. But still only few people follow their vocation. Upon request I go into detail about the theme, which moves many parents between you: The young people finish their school, and often find only an apprenticeship, which they do not really like, or they get no apprenticeship at all. Through their addictive dependence on the mobile all-rounder, the laptop, the tablet, or whatever exists, the youngsters are fixed very much on gaming. To a large extent, they did not learn what it means to go to work every day for eight hours. Very often, they are effete, or their inner blockades refuse to give up the comfortable life. Some of them even work themselves up into phobias or fears, and then their souls shut down. You ask Me then to help your children to become “normal”. But what does normal mean? To go to work everyday, to struggle there daily, just to drive home in the afternoon in a state of frustration – or to follow the right vocation, and also to live the talents you have inside, and to make a profession from the vocation. Ask your children, what they are interested in, and which profession would please them. Even if you do not like this profession, accept your child’s desire in spite, and support it as far as it is possible for you. If you should have the problem of so many other parents, that your child absolutely does not know, which profession it wants to learn one day, be patient, and check your offspring. It should like something. In reality, there is no youngster, who has absolutely no interest in anything. As already stated, be patient and try to show comprehension with him or her. Often, they grew up from the cradle with the mobile phone and later on with computers, and those and anything else of this kind are well known to them. Youngsters, who do not compete, are often harassed or avoided. They are so to say in a dilemma. Today’s youth has also another problem in finding an apprenticeship: There is a big competition by the so-called asylum-seekers, who are often favoured in the process of apprenticeship placements, because the government dictated it. If your child does not find the appropriate training now at all, try to make good use of the time until next year by letting your child make e.g. one or more traineeships, or to give him the chance to build up a career opportunity through the internet. Be sure: Who finds his vocation, will work with joy, and often My children have to go into business for themselves, in order to avoid the pressure of a boss, whom they cannot withstand mentally. I help all My children, if they need help, but a share of the initiative must exist. Amen.
October, 20th 2016
Become creative
My children, especially during this uncomfortable weather, where you do not like to go outside except you have a dog who must to go outside, you can enjoy your creativity very well in your spare time. Many of My children have ideas, but not yet the courage or the time to start them. For example, you can begin with painting the logo “JCitV” on your flower pots. Of course you can paint it also with the long version “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR”. If now a flower pot has this painting, ask Me once for the permanent blessing for this flower pot, and every plant being put in there benefits from My healing essence, and grows and thrives beautifully. Of course you can also dig such a pot into a flower bed or a raised bed, and thus you can grow e.g. parsley, chive, and so on pretty energetically. These were only two proposals from Me to you for the dull days, where you can do nothing outdoors. Remember, My children, that the darker season can be used on the one hand for the inner reflection, but on the other hand your creative power may be encouraged. Amen.
October, 19th 2016
Take breaks
My children, it is important that you take daily a break, where you can relax and can do what you like. How long this timeout lasts daily is up to you. It serves as recovery, as gaining new energy, and as inner reflection. Therefore I recommend to do it daily. Amen.
October, 18th 2016
Eliminate deficiencies
My children, most of the people have diet-related deficiency symptoms inside and at their bodies. Many suffer from lack of iron and zinc, which has a large influence on the body. Merely the body’s optimal supply of the most important minerals, vitamins, and metals can lead to an immediate improvement of most of the people’s general health. Many of My children take algae, rock flour, vitamins, trace elements, and other things, which do their body good. The correct dosage is the art of it, My children. You can take hardly too much of the rock flour, because the body signals at once, when it is “saturated”. It is like normal sensations: If you are hungry, your body indicates it. But nowadays, many people mistake hunger for thirst. Most of the people need water, and they think that they are hungry. Who now listens again to his innate instincts gets back his internal eating brake. The body stops then during the meal, and the person, who listens to his inner instincts, stops eating at once. Those of you, who have experienced already ravenous appetite or even a real attack of ravenous hunger, know how it is, if the desire for this product is being fulfilled. Many feel then as soaring high up in the sky, but also there the ravenous appetite stops at once, when the limit of eating has been reached. Besides, you can eliminate attacks of food craving very fast, if you put simply something sweet, e.g. a spoonful of syrup or a piece of chocolate, under the palate and let it work. In the most instances, the ravenous hunger ends soon. Some of My children true to Me take zeolite or healing earth regularly, and even brush their teeth with it. This is a good possibility to let the body have important minerals on the one hand, and on the other hand to combine tooth brushing, which many people do not like, in a useful manner. If you listen to your body, and the endogenous instinct is revived, you will automatically change your eating behaviour, and those with overweight will also lose weight, because the body eliminates then also superfluous slags and deposits, and you thus feel better. Therefore pay attention to minerals, vitamins, trace elements, metals, and e.g. amino acids, and you will learn that you will feel better soon. People, who eat these food supplements, so to say, and do not lose weight or become healthier, mostly have a different problem. Often they argue with themselves or with the rest of the world. Only when peace comes into their hearts, healing can happen. Amen.
October, 17th 2016
My children, many people are drawn to travel to foreign countries in order to visit some places or even to experience adventures. Now, also some of you want to take to your heels, when winter with its frosty paws is approaching. But I tell you: Feel free to do this, but this year it is useful to pray at least energetically for your country and to protect it also with your spiritual weapons. The curse of those, who do not come as travellers or tourists, does not decrease, no, even if this is often the desire of many people. Your country is not free, and thus it cannot close its borders. Therefore it is so immensely important that you ask in the prayer for My mantle of protection to be put over your country as well. The more of you beg for it, the stronger the spiritual mantle of protection will become. Amen.
Prayer: Mantle of protection for countries
Beloved FATER, we ask You now from the bottom of our hearts and in profound love that Your mantle of protection is placed over Germany (resp. another country), so that all people are protected, who believe in You, trust You, and ask You for help and rescue. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER! Because Jesus Christ is the victor! Jesus Christ is the victor! Jesus Christ is the victor! Amen.
October, 16th 2016
Alkaline diet
My children, I cannot tell you often enough: Take care, what you eat and drink. Eat as healthy as possible, and also as alkaline as possible. Many of My children get heartburn, when they e.g. ate too many white flour products. Bread, rolls, or also noodles trigger very often heartburn. Some of you take daily healing earth, and for many of you sodium bicarbonate against heartburn is a constant companion. However, to eat purely alkaline needs a great self-control, because often the temptations of unhealthy delicacies are too large. Who does not want to do without sweet goodies can produce them themselves also in the alkaline variant. You can find a lot about it in the internet. Who succeeds now to eat mainly alkaline, will realize that everything changes in him and around him. Try it, My children! Your FATHER, who is always with you and who is glad, when His children change continuously to the positive. Amen.
Cleansing prayer:
Beloved FATHER, I pray to you to support Me now that all things in my house/my apartment are cleaned up to the tiniest atomic structures. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER. YOUR will is done now. Because Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor. Amen. It is so, and so be that. Amen.
October, 15th 2016
Exemplary function
My children, you, as My prolonged arms on earth, have of course also an exemplary function to a certain amount. It is often absolutely normal that the children and grandchildren take their parents or grandparents for an example, and that they want to do the same. Then it is of course advisable to set a good example in all respects. But now let us talk about the friends, acquaintances, and the people, who will come to you soon: Here it is important that you have an exemplary function concerning profound praying, sending light, and doing good deeds in general. Who wants to, can also celebrate the “Calls of Victory” as a group, because thus they even have a stronger power. But also the positive thinking, pleasure at the creative design, and growing the own food should be considered during planning. If you do not have space enough to grow plants extensively, you can demonstrate it theoretically and show it small scale at terraces or balconies. There are multiple possibilities to be an example for a healthy life, the rock-solid belief, and good deeds – but without doing missionary work and without using pressure. Amen.
October, 14th 2016
My children, just now, when once more a solar storm can be felt on earth in your region, many of My children notice it very strongly through their sensibility and sensitiveness. Also during full moon, new moon, exceptional weather phenomena as severe storms, snowstorms, hot spells, Foehn winds, and so on, many are burdened or limited by their sensitiveness and sensibility. What helps best, My children, is that you drink a lot of blessed water, preferably do not go outside, and pray profoundly. Some of you put their semi-precious stones at the concerned body parts, others take a bath or retreat into their bed. Everybody has his personal technique. For many people, also their thoughts play a role. Fears, concerns, and of cause high doses of electric smog add up so that also headache, migraine, or other little aches matter as well. Here My well-meant advice for all My children, especially those, who have problems with radiation: Avoid places with strong radiation, and try to go to discounter shops and super markets only, when nearly nothing is going on there. Try to remove the “mobile all-rounder” completely, or to reduce it at least to a minimum. Avoid cordless internet and telephone, as well as everything which radiates. Also the microwave oven should be no part of your home. It is interesting that some of My children have still a rotary dial telephone. The modern technology has less advantages than disadvantages. Think about, whether your children really must have always the latest trend, because if they use it inside the house, it harms them and also you as their parents. Talk consciously to your family about your electrosensitivity, and that it harms you. Some children avoid already the mobile all-rounder indoors, in order not to harm their parents. An empathetic conversation is better than any pressure. Who is sensitive to changes in the weather has often as an appendage also many other sensitivities, and this delicate sensitivity – together with the sensitiveness – will still increase during the coming time, My children. Thus nearly all of you will benefit from it. But do not consider it as punishment or stigma, but as something special: You fortify your subtle antennas through the regular increase of the vibrations. Who now lives in a region, where mobile communication masts increase alarmingly, should talk to Me in the profound prayer about this, and you will receive help. Amen.
October, 13th 2016
To live your life
My children, due to the concern for a war or political unrests, many people do not live any more so as they could. Being restricted and continuously reading news in the internet, they spend a lot of time with fears and panics, which are unfounded. I do not want to say that the time you are actually living in is free of concerns, but every person makes his quality of life himself. It is useful to be careful concerning certain matters and to keep all senses open, when you leave your house. I have told you frequently that there are certain very strong fears of a big war, but that there is also a big counterbalance, which creates a transformation of the old earth into the new earth. You see, a lot is happening on earth, and the more of the earth’s people awake and contribute also energetically to the process of sending light, the more interesting will be the near future. Live your life, My children, preferably without fear, and with the knowledge to do every day something good, to pray profoundly, to send light, to celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and to enjoy your life. If you live like this, My children, you will learn that your whole quality of life changes to the positive. Amen.
October, 12th 2016
My children, now it is time that more and more worldly oriented people awake or at least understand partially, what happens there on earth. Your task, My children, is inter alia to explain and answer questions voluntarily, when you are asked or have been asked for. The awakening proceeds now faster, and therefore you should keep your eyes and ears open, what is said and shown there. Amen.
October, 11th 2016
Family and relationship
My children, the subject of the own family respectively relationship is a big problem for many of My children true to Me. The worldly oriented part in the relationship is often very big, and partially also in the own family. Many of you have asked Me, why they have of all things been incarnated in a family that can so little do with Me. Now, the answers are different: It may be an incarnation due to karma, but also the task to bring tranquillity and peace between the quarrelling opponents, or even a learning task. Most of you, My children, belong to these three groups. If then your own children are also difficult up to extremely difficult, you have often the feeling that your own creativity and creative power are restricted by this. But this is not so, My children! Take your children as learning tasks for you, and try simultaneously with a lot of patience to show them the right way. Many of the young people of today are addicted to the obsession of gaming, and thus they are kept from the possibility to enter life accordingly complete, i.e. to do an apprenticeship for example. Due to their dependence on the continuous diversion by games or the permanent staring and typing at their mobile all-rounder, they have major problems to concentrate. Additionally, they have difficulties in accepting authorities, as e.g. their superiors during the apprenticeship. If these children are also sensitive or shut themselves off from problems, their parents or grandparents are faced with intense situations. It does not help to shout or to put pressure on these children. Only patience, love, and understanding can help here. Very often, worldly oriented people cannot cope with it and despair about the situation. Therefore such souls have often selected parents, who are spiritual and sensitive. So if your children shut themselves off to you further on, want only to play, while away the time with the all-rounder, or if they refuse e.g. to learn a profession, go into the profound prayer to Me together with them. If they refuse it, pray alone to Me, and we will find a solution. Possibly, this can become quite a lengthy process. Ask Me for the power to get through this, and I will give it to you. The same applies to situations, where your family is harassed or mistreated due to your belief. I am always with you, day and night, My children, never forget this! Amen.
October, 10th 2016
Wishes for peace
My children, it is a great goal of most people on earth: Peace! In the hearts as well as also in all countries – worldwide! Now, if you want to contribute your part daily, send peaceful energies in all countries and to all forms of life open and receptive for it! As constant dripping wears the stone it works with the good deeds and wishes for peace, healing, and blessing. Never doubt, and be aware of the fact that I always stand by you and help you, My children! Amen.
October, 9th 2016
What is possible?
My children, for many of you it is a delight to do every day enthusiastically and voluntarily so many good deeds. Where does this optimism come from? Now, this answer is easy: The irrepressible will to do good deeds and to help is originally anchored deeply in every human being. Unfortunately, many worldly oriented people are so much occupied with their daily problems that they do not recognize the true purpose of life, or they refuse to believe it. What they call reality is only something being mirrored for them as reality. The human being has dreams and wishes, and the more he believes in them, the stronger they become part of his own reality. Like children believe strongly in Santa Clause or the Christ Child, also the wish is a large part of the people. Anyway, due to the illusionary world of the Computer games, many people can no more distinguish between illusion and reality. Remember, how vivid you experience certain dreams, and that, when you awake startled, you need some time at first to realize that the waking up is actually the “here and now”, and not the previous dream. But is this really so? Some peoples of your world believe that the dream is reality. My children: Everything can be kind of reality, it depends only upon the interpretation and the point of view. Thus you know now that you cannot only do a lot of good deeds during the waking state, but also during your sleep. Here you can control the dreams consciously so that positive things happen on earth. Think about it. Amen.
October, 8th 2016
Begin with yourselves
My children, many of you want to participate in saving the world, resp. changing it. This is laudable, but it has one prerequisite: First of all begin with yourselves, and pay attention, how you behave, how the fellow human beings see you, and what you can change in the positive way for yourselves. The reason for My question is as follows: You can change the world, yes, My children, by setting an example to the world, and when you send these vibrations daily through the profound prayer, the light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds. Understand: It is important to help, but it works only, when the correct way of thinking and acting is present. Watch yourselves, My children. Do you stay calm and relaxed, if others get exited? What does disturb you? Watch carefully, where you find still weak points. Ask also your friends and relatives to tell you, what they do not like concerning you and your behaviour. Be critical and listen to the comments. Because only this way you can learn, My children. The ideal “critics” are mostly the own children. Ask them, what they would improve concerning dad or mom, and what they would like much better. You will be surprised, how much will come to light. Try to eat as healthy as possible – in the scope of your financial possibilities – and try also variants like vegan nutrition, if you are no vegans yet, or also vegan raw vegetable, just to check, how your body reacts to it. Not everybody can cope with raw vegetable. Most of My children do not eat fish or meat, but dairy products in moderation. The step from vegetarian to vegan is still more difficult than to forego fish and meat, because cheese and dairy products have caused a stronger dependence than meat products. Therefore you should carry out the change to be a vegan always very carefully, but not too exaggeratedly and extremely. If you believe now that you can do good deeds for mankind due to your behaviour and living, send these vibrations through the energy field of the earth by the profound prayer out into the world, and this will cause resonances. As already stated, start with yourselves: Avoid violence, hatred, extreme things of all kinds, and you will learn that what you have done to yourselves has also effects on the whole. Amen.
October, 7th 2016
Strengthen the immune system
My children, you should adjust to the task that you enhance your immune system from now on, and that you also adjust to it also mentally. In cases of emergency for instance, you can generate mentally everything your body needs concerning minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and other substances, when you pray profoundly to Me and ask Me for help to radiate into your body everything vital you need. In this way you can survive for a long time on very little food. Mind you: In bad times! You can increase respectively strengthen the power of the immune system, when you imagine and always say loud that your body is in an optimum stage and free of adhesions of any kind. In the beginning, very often your mind or your inner resistance are blocking, because it does not want to believe it or which is not able to, but with persistence also these blockades will vanish. Practice from now on these increases of the immune system, so that you can manage them at once in difficult times. This well meant advice I give to you hereby. Amen.
October, 6th 2016
Nature pure
My children, also in the autumn it is beautiful in nature. Especially on colder days, where it is dry and with a little luck the sun is also shining, you should, well covered in My mantle of protection, enjoy “nature pure”. Who now internalizes himself intensively in a large wood, will feel, how the resonances come to him through the trees. Unstable and groggy people can gain a lot of power and first of all self-confidence through woodland walks and possible embraces with trees. Speak to the woods. The wind, the creek respectively river, the tree, and nature in general are good listeners, and thus you can also lovingly transfer sorrows, problems, blockades, and adhesions, which you cannot get rid of otherwise. Some people are afraid of a profound dialogue with Me, and thus they can dispose everything in nature, which oppresses and burdens them. However, it should be spoken out loud. It is not enough to send it mentally. The spoken word has a very different seriousness than the thought word. Think about it. Amen.
October, 5th 2016
Look into the soul
My children, if you sit down in front of a mirror and switch off all thoughts, you can look directly through your own eyes down to the bottom of your soul. Most of the people can endure this confrontation hardly longer than some seconds. Why is this so? Now, many people live only superficially and grant themselves and their soul nearly no deep togetherness, or no togetherness at all. The fast moving daily up and down has become a routine on the one hand, and on the other hand it forces the people into thinking in templates, from which they can at best escape on free days or in their holidays for a short time. But what happens to the soul, if the person ignores it or perceives it only for a short moment? It becomes ill or withdraws. The same applies of course also to your connection with the most important part of your being on earth: The inner child! In the connection with the soul this is the aspect, which makes you aware again and again, how important it is to feel like a child. To explore something new, to watch, to try, and to learn the own limitations. Those of you, My children, who nurture their own inner child, will never be old and grumpy or hard as a piece of iron. The difference between the majority of My children true to Me and the worldly oriented people is, that you can feel into most of all types of people, and that you can first of all feel sympathetic to those people, who cannot become mature or have difficulties to grow up, because their inner child reminds them again and again, what it really means to live on earth in peace, harmony, joy, love, and happiness. Amen.
October, 4th 2016
Healing thoughts
My children, I have told you already how important it is to watch your thoughts. But if you want to do something good, send healing and positive thoughts continuously to where these energies are needed. Begin with yourselves and change your way of thinking and your kind to think and to speak. Be always cheerful and speak in an optimistic way, and be sure that you from now on load with positive words and energies everything, which you had titled derogatory or negative before. You will see, how your life changes. Amen.
October, 3rd 2016
Joy or pain?
My children, again there is a public holiday in Germany, which divides the nation into two parts. Many are pleased, and many have a different opinion. I want to start you off with the following: All people could live in peace on earth, if neither greed for power nor performance pressure would exist. The earth is so large that all people could easily live together in peace, harmony, and satisfaction in accordance with each other – if: yes, if they would live in peace and harmony from the heart. Everybody would grant the same to everyone, without jealousy, without pressure. Everybody does what he can, in joy and first of all voluntarily! Think about it. Amen.
October, 2nd 2016
Turbulent times
My children, with the beginning of October, turbulent times are coming. Certainly you can change a lot through your profound prayers. But you should speak these prayers daily with such a power that something can be moved also in a large scale. The fatigue trough the shortage of sun and sleep increases for many people, together with the readiness to simply accept many things as they are presented to them. However, you, My children have also to do a lot, and if you realize what you can manage, when your consciousness and your mind cooperate, you can initiate many things. Amen.
October, 1st 2016
My children, together with October, autumn draws around as well. It cools down, and also the long-desired rain is coming in many regions in the near future. The people have – often with a heavy heart – said goodbye to the summer heat step by step, and prepare for colder times. However, you should have constantly a good mood of well-being in your heart, and not important how the weather is, you should not let spoil your good mood and the positive vibrations. Only who is happy and satisfied can do correspondingly also intensive good deeds. Therefore try always to be so to say in your inner middle, and to go peacefully and full of energy through your life. Amen.