Father’s Word of May 31st, 2015
What ways of thinking can effect
My children, every man is the architect of his own fortune, this proverb you know well. Therefore it is important that you are living your life always positively and with a positive attitude, and thus get back a lot of good things by resonance. The way people are thinking determines a large part of their lives. Who is delighted also with few conveniences and organizes his life so that he feels also in these circumstances happiness and blessing will automatically always get back through the law of resonance that what he has sent out – but in an enhanced way. This means: To do good deeds has always brought back good things in the long term. People, who are pleased also about small details, are connected to Me more profoundly in their hearts than all those, who are upset about everything and permanently show their displeasure. A flower e.g. tries very much to grow and to beam with joy. Some of My children realize this and are delighted about it. However, many people, who are steadily working and have nothing else than worldly things in their heads, mostly pass by many natural things without even casting a glance to them. But it is also really difficult to escape from the worldly every day business, when people have nobody, who supports them, respectively lives such an attitude of life. Therefore, you, My children, may also provide helpful support to them, if they ask you for it. Often, these themes come up only in conversations, which at first begin worldly, and then are guided into these directions. Pay attention to things, which will happen in the near future. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 30th, 2015
The days become longer...
My children, the days become still longer until June 21st, and many people benefit from it staying in the open for a longer time, when the weather is good. Also many of you, My children, do this as well. Whether in the garden, the city, or in other places – mild spring evenings lead to spend them in the open. Here I want to say now: Who does this, can celebrate excellently also profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, or awakening calls in the open, and he feels in situ the wonderful resonances to it. Try it, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 29th, 2015
Eating habits
My children, many of you have realized it already, and the others will realize it soon: Your body converts, and you need on the one hand less worldly food, which should be always blessed if possible, and on the other hand, your body changes the way that it does not tolerate each nutrition any more, and you should pay attention to it. Some of you do not tolerate even some of those diets any more, which they liked beforehand and ate it again and again. Watch very precisely, what your body tolerates, and where it reacts. It may also occur that you get acid indigestion or discomfort, so that you feel that you cannot cope with this food any more. Thus your body shows you, what it wants. Try anyway to integrate intensified vegan nutrition or fresh food into your life, if possible, or to change totally to it. In the New Time, there will be only Living Food, related to its energy contents. Most of the nutrition you can buy in the supermarkets is a food, which does not really deserves this name, and which can only supply your body with energies through the prayer of blessing. Of course, also the blessed water is the most important energy supplier for your body, but its effect is underestimated by most of the people. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 28th, 2015
The garden
My children, this year, in many regions of your country there is a snail plague. Many people, who till their garden or their small field with a lot of diligence and hard work, have often a reason for desperation, because the snails eat everything away that comes in their way. But “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is not the way I told you to live. Speak to them, collect them, and try to find a place for them, where they do not bother you. If it rains extensively, the snail problem is present, if it rains too little, draught or dryness happen. You see, it is not always easy to please everybody. However, patience and humility are virtues, and thus try to get grip on these problems by the sensitive way. Think about it. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 27th, 2015
The power that comes from inside
My children, if the worldly oriented people knew, which mental potential is inside them, they would quit their worldly vices and ways of thinking to a large extent. The connection with Me and the inner peace are two characteristics, which can achieve nearly everything, what is possible concerning good things in life. Try to let go all worldly influences as far as possible and to engage yourselves with the spiritual values for a while. You then confront yourselves with yourselves, and you will experience that you need no worldly media to be connected with yourselves and with Me. To read spiritual things and the daily GODFATHER’S WORD are important of course further on and help you to go your way like you want to do it voluntarily. To spend e.g. just only one weekend this way shows you, how much the body longs for distraction and entertainment. Who of you says now, that he or she watches consciously only things they like and which make sense, goes already the way, which many people still have ahead of them. During sudden power supply failure, mainly the young people are so much shocked and nearly panicking, because they are dependent from their mobile all-rounders and from the internet. My children, go also out into the nature with your children or grandchildren and show them, how it is in reality, because many children and youngsters know it only from television, internet, or the game consoles. The real life is often foreign to them. Use the power, which is inside you, to live an example also to other people, and to show them, how you can be free without the daily dose of dependence from the public media. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 26th, 2015
Earth vibrations
My children, as in Tokyo and other places, there will be again and again stronger earth vibrations and earthquakes. Smaller quakes are only felt by people, who are extremely sensible and delicate. The bigger vibrations can be felt subtly worldwide. You, My children, can also pray for the protection and the blessing for your home, and in general beg for the cleaning of the earth, but in the way, how it should be, in the scope of My great plan of love and redemption – this means, without any influence of the other side. Many of the so-called catastrophes are homemade, and especially there your prayers should start and help to inhibit them, or at least to soften them. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 25th, 2015
My children, more and more people become more sensitive in their whole thinking and acting. Just nowadays, the earth needs people, who live and act more consciously, and who also set a good example. But concerning you, My children, sensitivity means e.g. also that you feel very consciously at and in your body, what does you good, and what not. More and more people worldwide become sensible against electro smog, and they react respectively carefully and also protectively to it. In spite of the increasing number of young people, who always follow the latest trends – according to electronics – other sensitive people consciously reject everything, what could harm them – be it mobile all-rounders, wireless means of transmission of any kind, up to things, which shall whet the people's appetite for it, but in reality make them ill or dependent. You, My children, will also become more and more sensitive, and therefore it is up to you to decide, what you want to expect of your bodies, your souls, and also your environment, when you use such things – or just consciously refuse them, as it is with the conscious rejection of animal products, which mostly are full of drugs or other things, that do nobody good. The conscious putting yourselves under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer is a proof that you deal with yourselves and with your health consciously and carefully, and that you try to set an example for the people, how it could be to swim against the stream and not to hook on the mass consciousness, as a main part of manhood – still – does. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 24th, 2015
Pentecost 2015
My children, this Pentecost is different from the past for many people, because they are nervous and anxious, for they are permanently confronted with negative things in the public media. In former times, the worldly oriented people were looking forward to a prolonged weekend, because after all it could be relied on the weather, and you could plan ahead. Nowadays this is not so, because it is said that the global warming is to blame for it. However, I tell you, My children, do not listen to this propaganda and to the tall tales dictated by the other side. On the one hand, there are regular cycles the earth is subject to, and on the other hand, the weather is homemade. You should continue to celebrate Pentecost further on so that you can enjoy it and at the same time can do good deeds and thus also help other people with it. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 23rd, 2015
Joyful things
My children, when you do things, which make you happy and trigger joy in your hearts, you feel well, and at the same time, you do good light work, because when you radiate joy, love, and peace, it goes out into the world automatically, and if finds open hearts and souls in the people, you receive it. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 22nd, 2015
Sound elements
My children, you can use sounds and music purposefully: Positively and also destructively. Therefore, you should consider precisely, which kind of music or sound elements do your body good, and which not. Harmonic sound can also initiate healing processes, respectively amplify them, and thus accelerate the healing. The monochord e.g. has a very soothing energy, which affects the body very positively. Also the flute, to name another instrument, can have very positive effects. But you should avoid this modern music, which is purely destructive and makes people dependent through its frequencies. Unfortunately, many young people become addicted to it. Music can be calming, but also motivating and inspiring. However, see to it that it runs only so long, as it does you good. You have to watch the noise level as well. Heavenly sounds of a harp are destined to do good deeds, similar as with the monochord. Your FATHER, who knows that His children try to listen only to that, what does them good. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 21st, 2015
Strengthen the energy
My children, many of you know that there are a lot of means, which help the body to strengthen its energy. It may be stones, plants, minerals in powder form, or different other possibilities. But many forget the most important aid: The profound prayer and the correct wording, together with the absolute confidence in My help. Think about it and act. Amen.
(Remark of Johannes: Here is a prayer you can use for instance:
“Beloved FATHER, I thank You that I am under Your protection and Your blessing, and I thank You that You take care of me, and that I get radiated everything from You into me, and that my body is purified and detoxified – in the scope, which is allowed – and that my Guardian Angels always watch over me and accompany me. Thank You, thank You, thank You, beloved FATHER! Because: JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen. Amen. Amen.“)
Father’s Word of May 20th, 2015
Exercises of patience
My children, especially now, many of you need patience at several levels. Be it the weather, which hinders you to sit or work in the garden, or to move in the open in general, or to explore nice things. Pentecost is around the corner, and the weather is cold. However, here the profound prayers and good deeds come into play. Do it like the little children and wish you something. Believe in it firmly, and then let it go... Most of the people have become much too much cerebral and have lost the relationship to the part inside them, which is called the inner child. To be able to rejoice with all the heart, to feel true joy, and also to be grateful from the bottom of the heart... These are things that take away the sadness and enable the patience you need to live in peace and to do good deeds. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 19th, 2015
My children, for most of the people in the industrial countries mobility is a luxury for which they spend a lot of money. Many families have even a second or third car. But what happens, if problems occur suddenly? Regularly, the stock market price is fluctuating, and a so-called crash is not far away. The other side controls this very consciously, but it has no influence on higher events, which can happen. On the one side, there is the unpredictable factor sun. An extreme solar storm can paralyze all electronic devices worldwide. On the other hand, there is the power of the profound prayer, which can prevent a lot of harm. Could you do without a car or other motorized vehicles, My children? Think about it. To change to the own muscle power by riding a bicycle is hard for many people. You should try to maintain a certain autarchy and train regularly e.g. bicycling, because precaution is better than astonished faces, if such circumstances occur. Many of you are aware of the fact, how important positive thinking is in traffic and public life. Therefore try to improve your fitness and train diligently if possible. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 18th, 2015
Outdoor exercises
My children, use the beautiful days, and enjoy also the nature. Profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and awakening calls can be perfectly combined with walking and staying in the nature. Many of you have meanwhile found out, how wonderful it is for the nature and for yourselves to hug trees. Also in the car during the regular rides, you can let in the fresh air und celebrate e.g. the “Calls of Victory” – either by heart or with a CD in the car radio. Be creative and use all possibilities you have to do good deeds daily. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 17th, 2015
My children, you as My prolonged arms on earth have it easy to adapt to the new higher levels of vibrations than worldly oriented people can do it. At the same time, you have to get by with the changes of the environment, the thinking and acting of the people, and the decreasing energies and minerals in your food. However, you move quite well on this narrow path, because I always guide and lead you, as far as you allow it. But people, who have no contact to Me, find it quite difficult, and it will become worse and worse. But the human being is a “creature of habit”, as you say, and in emergency situations he has the talent to adapt fast to the new situation. Therefore the other side is far back with its planning. You, My children, should do everything consciously in the profound connection with Me, and you should know that you receive help and guidance. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 16th, 2015
To shed tears of joy
My children, everything inside your bodies has a meaning – thus also the lacrimal glands. Many men have acquired conditions there and think that they may show no feelings in form of tears according to the slogan: “A Red Indian knows no pain.” As already said - that they transfer this also to emotions is very often acquired, brought from former lives, or also observed behaviour. But especially the tears that flow are very important for the human level of emotions. Today I am speaking about tears of joy, because they are very important for the healing and recovery of the body on a holistic level. Here, the soul equally shows in accordance with the heart in the subtle, emotional, physical, and also mental way a process of separation from blockades and problems of different kinds in the body. So many miracles can happen through the joy and the tears of joy! Therefore, dear men, allow it, and pass this message on as well. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 15th, 2015
Weather anomalies
My children, you hear about it, and sometimes you feel it as well: The weather seems to go crazy. What’s behind all this? In former times, tornados happened very seldom in Germany and its neighbour countries. You just have got several of them within a short time ... Now, the weather can be manipulated by the other side. Only your profound prayers and light transmissions can protect you and also many other people, when you do daily this voluntary labour of love in form of light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and profound prayers. It is absolutely no easy time, because the chemicals, which are sprayed into the sky, affect most of the people. However, who puts himself under My mantle of protection and does a lot of good deeds, is also protected and guarded by the law of resonance. Many people nearly do not understand that I do not intervene. But it is fact, My children, that I only intervene helpfully in exceptional situations, when there is danger to life, but the life plan does not yet signals an end of this life. Otherwise, I gave all human beings the great gift of the free will. Of course you may beg for protection, blessing, and purification for the place you live, and you may become active yourselves within the scope of what is feasible. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 14th, 2015
The Ascention
My children, today is a special day, but the worldly people have made the “Father’s Day” out of it – in the worldly meaning. Now, many of My children use this day to do good deeds, to send light, and to carry positive thoughts into the world. At least in your regions, the worldly men have to a large extent nothing better to do than to become dead drunk, and sometimes attract negative attention. You know, My children, that you should support this day with positive things and thus create also an inverted vibration to the negatively influenced things of the worldly men. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 13th, 2015
Do not be afraid
My children, everybody has weak points somewhere, or issues, where he is afraid or feels ill. Here the other side starts, when it wants to annoy, irritate, or make them afraid. The best means against this are joy, cheerfulness, laughter, and the profound connection to Me. However, many worldly oriented people cannot find a way and thus have often sleepless nights or at least very uneasy phases during the night. Worries, problems, and uncertainties also contribute to a fitful sleep. Why is it so that most of the people are most fearful during the night, you could ask now, My children. Now, during the day there are daytime noise, distraction, and other things that prevent fear from arising. However, during the night, when it is quiet, the people begin to ponder, reflect, and are haunted by their weak points. Here the other side starts and tries to generate unrest and fears. However, it cannot reach the people, when they have laughter and joy, and who is connected to Me profoundly in the prayer is also under My mantle of protection. Therefore comply with this as far as possible, and inform the people, who come to you in need for help. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 12th, 2015
Generous acting and doing
My children, the law of resonance works independently from that, what somebody is by birth. It reacts with resonances. This means, if somebody does good deeds or donates money, it flows back to him stronger. Who does or thinks negative things, receives exactly these as a resonance. When you now are generous and give from the bottom of your heart, this resonance will of course come back to you like a boomerang. However, this is important for you: Please do not do it for self-serving, but with pleasure and out of deep inner joy and the personal need to do good deeds. You have still the possibility to clean also in your country the rivers, lakes, and regions – through the power of the knowledge and the energy I gave to you. Visit these places, or travel to them spiritually. If you anchor My love light there, it will beam brightly, and the darkness must yield. Of course it can be all locations on earth, which you want to help. Especially volcanos, ravines, earth dislocations, to name only some of them, are very delicate and fragile. Therefore they need human attention. In Germany, there are also such regions, which are steadily vibrating, as e.g. the mares in the Eifel, which still have not extinguished. If you do something, do it with profound joy and together with Me – connected through your heart in the prayer –, and you will experience, which beautiful feeling it is for you and for the place you have helped. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 11th, 2015
Exchange of thoughts
My children, most of the people exchange their thoughts by conversations of different kinds. Whether it is on the phone or personally, the attention is mostly depending on how interesting the conversation is, or which things you have to tell. However, what I mean is the spiritual exchange of thoughts. In your world, telepathy works better and better, and remember the following situations, which all of you have already experienced: You think of somebody, and suddenly the phone rings, and this person is calling you, or you meet this person in the near future. These oscillations causing this phenomenon are a kind of telepathy. There are different kinds of it. I want to explain to you, how you can send these thoughts perfectly by telepathy for the good of all. You know that the oceans are very much polluted to a large extent. Now there would be a possibility to send positive healing energies into all oceans and rivers – through telepathy. Imagine how you could make contact with the oscillation of the water in the seas and beg them to initiate a self-healing process, because water is not only intelligent, but it masters also the self-cleaning, when a certain percentage of pollution has not yet been exceeded. Otherwise, it needs help and guidance. You, My children, are in this case My prolonged arms and help them. Your FATHER, who knows that you can even achieve much more, if you finally could make up your minds to do it. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 9th, 2015
Sudden inspirations
My children, sometimes you have inspirations and ideas, seemingly out of nothing. These so-called “flashes of genius” have indeed a spiritual background. Who looks for a certain technique or idea and sends this through the profound prayer, finds help and solutions via the “memory of earth”. Thus, these sudden inspirations can come to you to be used and realized. However, it is important that it is not registered as patent or copyright, because this is the thinking of the old time and has no place in the New Time. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 10th, 2015
Be creative
My children, always a lot of creativity was necessary to do the things one had wanted on earth – of course in positive terms. Therefore, creativity is important. In order to do good deeds, you should sometimes also consult your fantasy and let yourselves be guided by your dreams and visions as well. Always remember that the Divine way is simple. Your powers of imagination facilitate your creativity. Ask Me for help, and when it is allowed, I help you gladly. So, My children, be creative! Amen.
Father’s Word of May 8th, 2015
Rethinking concerning nutrition
My children, major changes of the people’s consciousness happen concerning the selection and the eating of food. Biological food is very popular, and the people are ready to pay some more money, when it has been produced biologically. Some time ago, home-grown fruits and vegetable had been frowned upon, because it had to do with a lot of work. The little bit of free time should have been enjoyed effectively. Nowadays, it is state of the art again to grow food, even if it is only a flowerpot at the balcony with two tomato plants. My children, use always your hearts first, and only then your brain, when you check, which of the variety of the food and the groceries is appropriate and good for you. Avoid genetically engineered food, and make sure, which additives are contained, and let your body decide, what is good for it and what not. Grow as far as possible the food you like, because then you know exactly, what is contained. Water the plants regularly with blessed water, and you will experience that they reward you with their growth, purity, and fertility. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 7th, 2015
Power of growth
My children, when everything is greening and blossoming, you can see how much power these plants and trees develop and possess. There is even the possibility that plants manage to break through asphaltic surfaces. The more unspoiled and natural a garden is for instance, the more natural and mainly curative plants are growing there – seemingly out of nowhere. This happens due to the law of resonance, and also through the power you call morphogenetic field. Then suddenly the medicinal plants you need are growing in the garden. Goutweed, ground ivy, dandelion, stinging nettles, daisies and many more are very curative and can be well used for a salad. Additionally, you can make oils and liquors as tinctures from them, for application and prevention. Go through the world with open eyes, and you will see things, for which most of the people are definitely blind. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 6th, 2015
The work in the vineyard
My children, you certainly have read something about it in the bible, but how can you apply it to your present life? Every day you notice somehow, which cruelties happen on earth, and many of you look the other way at first to be not confronted with these things. But I tell you: In your spiritual work, which you fulfil daily voluntarily full of love, you are standing with your heads held high in My vineyard, and every good deed and prayer you send out and do helps this planet earth and also all people, who are also your brothers and sisters, to leave the darkness farther behind, and to perceive the light stronger and stronger, which you and all the other children send voluntarily every day. Through you, I can do a lot of good deeds, and it gives Me great pleasure to see that not only people awake every day, but that through the law of resonance they come into contact with children, who enlighten them and explain My love light to them, and how they themselves can also implement and use it. I know that many of you can often hardly endure any more, which is shown or printed in the worldly media. However, be sure that the day is not too far, where a change will happen. Therefore, you are so immensely important with your wonderful deeds and light transmissions, which continue to lighten the darkness step by step, and let My love light shine into it. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 5th, 2015
Freethinking acting and doing
My children, it is the nature of the human being to strive after something that lets him live higher or better respectively nicer. He does not like restrictions of any kind through the other side, and these are also not intended in the divine plan. However, because the human being has his free will, there is no intervention, except when life and limb are in danger – beyond what he originally is still allowed to experience. It is the same with the freethinking acting and doing. Everybody has his own life, and thus also his resonances to everything he does and thinks. The other side tries now to take this freedom away from you and also from the worldly oriented people in small steps, namely through experiments. They check out, how far they can go, and first of all, how far the people allow it. Thus it continues then step by step – if you do nothing against it. A life on earth without money – mind you in the present time – would be the total enslavement, and thus something, which should not happen. Therefore focus to freedom, a freethinking way of life, and peace in your heart, which is then distributed throughout the whole world through the profound prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”. You know very well, the stronger you believe in something, the stronger is the energy. Therefore: Send these wishes very strongly out into the world, and believe that you can transform everything through your thoughts, together with the profound love to Me and to everything that lives. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 4th, 2015
Mixed emotions
My children, most of the people look to the future with mixed emotions. The daily horror news in the worldly media and the increasing uncertainty hinder them to sleep quietly during the night, because they worry about many things. However, if they knew that they can share with Me all their problems and sorrows and transform them through the profound prayer, they would be free and could use the time reasonably, which they gain through it. Therefore, it is so immensely important that you inform the people, when they ask you, or when you communicate with them. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 3rd, 2015
To form an opposite pole
My children, the massive unrests of May 1st, and also the many places of wars and skirmishes on this earth let keep the unrests and aggression on earth steadily in motion. You, My children, should represent a kind of opposite pole. In the way you act as My prolonged arms on earth and light houses in the roaring sea, you can virtually occupy the right side of the scales with your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls and good deeds, so that the scale pan slightly tilted to the left comes back into equilibrium first, and then tilts to the right side due to overweight. Every day, more and more people awake from their “twilight sleep” and feel that things cannot continue on earth like this. The freedom of the people is continuously restricted consciously more and more, and this is a great danger. Through your peaceful, voluntary work, you achieve something special, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 2nd, 2015
Spring fever in May
My children, many of you still know it from their childhood: The mandatory May walk on first of May – or in the following days. Is there a particular explanation for it? Now, May 1st is a bank holiday, and many people want to expel symbolically the last rest of winter, and to enjoy the fresh spring fever. Today, on May 2nd, you can very well catch up on it, because in many regions, yesterday the beginning of May has been a rainy day. However, My children, this rain did the nature good. In some regions, even the water level has raised heavily, and the people are afraid of flooding. It is so: You cannot please everyone. People always have to carp something. So I praise those children, who carry Me in their hearts right in the front, and who do good deeds voluntarily to help the planet Earth, and who do not ponder about what they receive in return. The resonance always comes, and who is humble, will experience it still stronger than those, who wait for it. Ration your water well, because there will be not so much as now in future. In the region you live, there are only some people who are conscious about how strong profound prayers and worldly effects are linked to each other. To name an example: Even a song or a poem you formulate or have made can change the weather positively within your region, when you speak or sing it. Solely the belief can move already a lot. Therefore, I tell you once more: Do not believe in prophecies and fixed things, because everything changes constantly – especially when My children true to Me continue to pray so diligently, send light, and do good deeds. Amen.
Father’s Word of May 1st, 2015
May has arrived...
My children, with May 1st, the Labour Day, a beautiful season begins – because everything greens and blossoms, and you should as far as possible enjoy nature regularly, and while you go for a walk, you should also do plenty of good deeds. For instance the “Calls of Victory” are excellently suited to be celebrated in the open. If you only could see, which magnificent things happen... You would practice it more often. Enjoy the month of May, and be pleased about beautiful things, because still you can do nearly everything you like in freedom. Your prayers and light transmissions help to prolong this situation, respectively to retard things the other side wants to do. Amen.