March 31st, 2016
Something is in the air...
My children, several things are in the air, which, when being inhaled or being touched just by skin contact, can trigger diseases of different kinds. Whether these are various sorts of “influenza” or also other diseases, which can weaken the people, if they have no good immune protection in the form of vitamins, minerals, or trace elements, and if they are confronted with it unprepared. Some of My children leave their houses only with face protective masks and My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Now, without question it is a good idea to wear a face mask during those days, where the sky has been covered artificially. Pay attention, what is going on, before you leave your home. Your endogenous immune defence should always be high, and if possible, sporting activities should add up with it. But: not outdoors, if the weather in question is present. You know that you live in difficult times, and that the confidence in My love is your ultimate guarantor. Who needs help now, due to illness, misery, or due to other reasons, should ask Me for help in the profound prayer, and it will be granted. Do not forget this, My children! Inform your fellow human beings, if they need help. The next years will be no “bed of roses”. Amen.
March 30th, 2016
First indications of spring
My children, spring is softly knocking at your doors, and it asks quietly to come in. In some regions of Germany, but also in Austria and Switzerland, spring – and thereby the warming sun rays, which let everything grow – are waited for urgently and longingly. But you know: “April does what it wants” is a proverb, which is often still valid. Benefit from the warming sun rays to store vitamin D, thus treating your body with loving refreshment, and to do good deeds and send light in the open nature, after you have put yourselves under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Amen.
March 29th, 2016
Inner and outer health after the holidays
My children, just now after the Easter holidays, many people are outside their normal vibrations, to say it like this. The spiritual and physical balance can get out of hand through cheers, hustle and bustle, and fun, or also through sadness. Here only the profound prayer helps to come into the own calmness, and to do some days less physical work and to rest as far as possible. Should you get a cold, this is often a signal of the body that it needs more distance from the unusual activities. Especially at Christmas or Easter, people are often confronted with situations or things, which had been repressed or have not yet been discussed in this way. Therefore, My following recommendation is still valid, My children: Live your lives as you want to do it, and do not let yourselves push by relatives, friends, or acquaintances to copy them, because it is just state of the art the do or possess this or that. Only you are responsible for yourselves personally – except you have still children, who have not yet attained full age – think of it! Live your life in profound connection with Me at your side, and you are quickly so as you have been e.g. before the turmoil in your family. Amen.
March 28th, 2016
Easter meetings
My children, many family celebrations take place at Easter, and it is a good opportunity to talk to each other, or also to speak about the topics in the world. Try to tell your relatives and friends, why you do not eat fish and meat, respectably why you are vegans. If you explain it well, they understand it possibly. Oh, if you could see, how many Christians were praying during the previous days, sending light, and doing good deeds, you would have tears of joy in your eyes. Yes indeed, it is the most important “celebration” of Christianity, and especially for this reason, these profound, good deeds are so immensely important! Pray also for all people, who are now ill, stay in hospitals or also in retirement homes, because they need this energy now very much, the same as at Christmas. Amen.
March 27th, 2016
Blessed Easter 2016
My children, it is a delight that My children true to Me honour Easter also today, the symbolic day of the resurrection. Of course, the small and big children want also have fun during the egg hunt, but this is in fact only the distraction from the true fact: the resurrection from the dead! Unfortunately, Easter has become for many people the opportunity to fill their stomachs during the family meetings, and often the food consumed there is very unhealthy and greasy. I am glad, when also at Easter My children pray profoundly and intensely, send light, but also celebrate the “Calls of Victory” and the awakening calls, and when they think of all of those people, who need help. Amen.
March 26th, 2016
Holy Saturday
My children, the present day is used by most of the people only as an opportunity to do the shopping before the two Easter holidays – or also for a short vacation, unless they travelled already yesterday. Therefore, today, tomorrow, and also the day after tomorrow, the highways will be quite crowded in some regions. Now, why do I tell you this? It is for many people the last chance to celebrate Easter together with their loved ones – at least they think so... But I tell you: It is never too late to initiate changes, and the confidence in the help should always constantly exist. Of course, the other side wants to suppress manhood and to decimate them drastically, in order to control the remaining people in the way it has been predicted. But: There are different prophecies, and one half of them predict a happy ending. However, this can be achieved only, when a sufficient amount of people have awakened, and if they comprehend that only the profound prayer and all the other good deeds must happen first in order to achieve a change. Your proverb says: “Help yourself and GOD will help you!” This means that the human being must do the first step towards the change, afterwards also the divine support will take place. Amen.
March 25th, 2016
Good Friday 2016
My children, on Good Friday, many of you suffer as well in a certain way and are very sad. I however want that you think positive and that you pull yourselves together and do good deeds, because the other side does not sleep. Therefore try to think especially positive today, pray profoundly, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and send energies of peace out into the world, because it needs them nearly most of all. Amen.
March 24th, 2016
Holy Thursday 2016
My children, the Holy Thursday is an important day, and I know that you keep it in honour as well. Your proposition to eat today mainly green food in vegan form is a good idea! Unfortunately, many people on earth are not as spiritual as you, My children, therefore also today the profound prayer is an absolute duty for all religious people – but of course voluntarily! Your FATHER, who is always with you and also accompanies you in all times. Amen.
March 23rd, 2016
Light against darkness
My children, you feel that something violent is in the air, and that you are a help and a rescue anchor for the people, through your profound prayers, light transmissions, the celebration of the “Calls of Victory”, and your function as lighthouse and lighthouse keeper, who lets the light shine permanently in the roaring sea. Who lives at the sea or has already spent his holidays there, knows approximately, what I mean. But also those children between you, who cannot really imagine yet what can happen during the next time, should simply be only ready to help, and do good deeds daily in their own way. Who is physically fit, has of course the possibility to pray, send light or to celebrate also the “Calls of Victory” during his daily sport activities. Not important, where you are and how you feel, praying, sending light and celebrating are always possible – there are no excuses! But only who does this also with all his heart and voluntarily, can send always this strong energy. Think of this, My children! If you are distracted, excited, or if you have let yourselves come out of your middle, compose yourselves again, calm down, ask Me that you can come back under My mantle of protection, and say for instance: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!”, and you are again protected energetically and have done a good deed simultaneously. So simple life can be, My children. Amen.
March 22nd, 2016
Rethinking in the head
My children, for many people, a rethinking in their heads takes place. On the one hand, this concerns the nutrition and what is healthy or not, and the advertising for so-called “veggie days”, i.e. days, where only vegan or vegetarian food is offered, and on the other hand that the actual situation on earth cannot be maintained for too long any more. The people want peace, and they are also ready to demonstrate for it. However, what they have not understood yet, is that the first step should always be the own, internal peace with himself – in the connection with Me – and afterwards the profound prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”, because they achieve a lot more than a demonstration. Now, peaceful, silent demonstrations are also very effective, when they are publicized in the public media. But then the participants should nourish and maintain only good thoughts full of light, because of course these are also sent into the memory of the earth. If you could see the earth in its true shape and additionally with its gigantic memory – how small your sorrows and problems would be at once. Thus allow the good deeds to go their own way, and try to live during the complete Passion Week without eating any meet. Amen.
March 21st, 2016
Remove the stress
My children, in the Passion Week it is very useful to remove the stress from your life as far as possible, respectively to keep it away. Many people are afraid of larger conflicts during Easter, but a large amount can be still changed through the free will. Your prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” contribute to anchor good things on earth, and with your support, very many people awake daily from their twilight sleep, which is already half of the awakening phase from the deep “Sleeping Beauty” sleep. My children, many people begin to think, and they realize that the information presented to them by the public media is not at all according with the things they experience daily. Therefore it is so important to go through life always with open eyes and ears and an alert heart, and that you shelter yourselves constantly under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer with peace in the heart – without stress. Amen.
March 20th, 2016
What is realistic?
My children, many of you ask Me again and again in the profound prayer, why a major part of My children true to Me is quite poor according to their financial means, and why they often can live their lives only with difficulties. Now, this has different reasons and causes: If e.g. one of My children has been a nun or a monk in a previous life, he has often lived on very few money, and he has often no relation to money. If this has not been changed, this child has also in this actual life no great relation to money, and thus he has difficulties to get it, respectively to spend it usefully. Often My children have been told in their former lives that money and gold are only temptations, which have been installed by the other side in order to lead the people astray from the right path. Now, this is absolutely very often the case, My children! Nevertheless you need in this material world sufficient money to lead a simple life pleasing to God. Therefore do not hesitate to ask Me for it, when you need it urgently or are in financial hardships, which came to you without your fault. Those of My children, who have a lot of financial means, can help the poorer of you, because nobody should be hungry and suffer hardships. So what is realistic, My children? Now, who lives “on the fat of the land”, can be easily diverted from My way, which I have gone ahead of you, unless the lot of money is spent to a large extent usefully in the sense of those things I prefer to see. Therefore do not be afraid, My children, that you will have problems regarding this. I always look to My children and help them, when they need help. Amen.
March 19th, 2016
Friendliness is a mercy
My children, many older people are very sad and depressive, when they suffer from an illness or have e.g. difficulties in walking. If they only knew that the process of healing is very well related with the things they think, say, do, and all their other thoughts and feelings. First of all, a person should not complain and struggle with himself. Who thinks positive from this moment on, accepts himself and his situation, and of course also his environment so, as it is, and when he then spreads friendliness and a smile – and also lives this way – will realize very fast that the whole life inside and around him changes to the positive. Also you, My children, will experience that friendliness has positive qualities and helps you also through the law of resonance. To be grumpy and grouchy causes the opposite! Thus everybody has a major share, how he is doing, and how his life takes place. Amen.
March 18th, 2016
Increased visions of dreams
My children, many of you receive now increased visions and inspirations during their dreams or during awaking in the morning. But these visions and inspirations are very often only symbolic, not word-for-word! However, by and by, a system will develop from this. Write it down and try not to be afraid about it. Some of you have seen already a planned third world war, and they have asked Me, whether it is sure that it will come. Now, it has been planned by the other side, but what and how heavy something will happen still depends also from My children, who pray profoundly, send light, and also celebrate the “Calls of Victory”. Also the prayers of the worldly oriented people have an influence, when they come from their hearts. Therefore think always positive, and be full of hope and confidence, and know that the peace in the own heart is always the basis to send this peace also out into the world. Amen.
March 17th, 2016
Both internally and externally
My children, when you are dirty, you wash yourselves and try of course to make the body as clean as possible outside. But with the inner cleaning, many people are very careless, and they do not give their body the best, which it originally needs, but only things of inferior quality. First of all, the water you drink should be clean. When you now provide it with My blessing through the profound prayer, it is so as you need it. You should also pay attention that your food consists always of things, which you firstly can tolerate, secondly which are good for you, and thirdly that you always ask Me for My blessing for it. Why is it so important to eat gene-free, natural food? Now, your bodies are designed to be robust and to be able to clean themselves up to a certain degree, but if this limit is exceeded, first the severe illness comes, and then decay or death. If somebody has a protracted illness, it is mostly the case that he has not listened to Me and My helper angels over an extended period, and that he has lived on things, which did him nothing good at all. If this person comes to his senses then and prays fervently, I send him help in form of people or ideas, which can help him, if the process is still reversible. Certainly this is possible until shortly before death, but only, if this person rethinks completely, wants the healing, changes his life at once insofar, that he adapts his way of thinking and acting, and first of all: that he has the will to it! However: My children, without sufficient blessed water, nothing is possible in the long run. Just like breathing, the body needs clean water! Therefore keep your water springs clean by e.g. praying for blessing them, and inform yourselves, where you can find clean water in your vicinity. Amen.
March 16th, 2016
Symptoms of lack of water
My children, there are news for you: On request many of you receive physical indications, when you drank too little liquids. You should fill your deposit with blessed water. The alarm symptoms are as follows: Sudden dry mouth, dizziness, headache, or general weakness. As soon as you drank a sufficient amount of water, your previous condition is achieved again. You should from the start drink always sufficient water, so that your body must not switch on the “alarm system”. Amen.
March 15th, 2016
Nature gives you everything
My children, please study the old books of your ancestors, and look, which herbs and which fruits and vegetables are good for which body parts, or which sickness they heal. But do not forget the trees, especially the birch tree. But also further wonderful helpful ingredients, which are generated from combinations, are very important. There is e.g. the biological produced cider vinegar, which has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, or also honey. Vegans can use thick juices or other variants instead. I let grow at least one remedy against each illness, and I have recommended to you again and again to drink a lot of healthy, blessed water, because this eliminates already many toxins. Strictly speaking, this is already the healing process for many so-called “illnesses”, and it shall indicate that healing begins, and that by means of this so-called “illness” the body needs only time to regain its power. Your ancestors knew a lot of this very well. Think about it. Amen.
March 14th, 2016
Correct preparations
My children, now, when you want to learn to grow plants yourselves, it is important to stick to certain preliminary works, and afterwards also certain rules: Pay attention, what is written at the seed-bag, in which months you can seed it outdoors or in the green house. Who wants to advance the growing in the flat, needs a constant, appropriate temperature and sufficient light. At the beginning of the year, the sunlight is not enough, and special growth lamps are useful, respectively necessary. Some inventors fix a reflecting foil at wooden boards or cardboards to reflect the incoming light. You should also talk always to your seedlings, and avoid large temperature differences, because this cannot only be a shock for them, but mean even their death. Seedlings are very sensible, and especially in this time you must nurse and pamper them like little human or animal babies. Therefore it is very good, when you ask for advice of professional gardeners. Perhaps you have even such experienced gardeners between your own relatives, friends, or in the neighbourhood. Another good advice for My children: Take always blessed water to water them, and take care that its temperature is moderate – not too cold and not too warm. Your FATHER, who is glad, when His children become convinced hobby gardeners, who thus grow also part of their need for fruits and vegetables themselves. Amen.
March 13th, 2016
Healthy bodies
My children, it is very important just in these times that you keep your bodies healthy, and that you pay attention that you eat more alkaline food than acidic food. When you feel that you must belch or get acid indigestion, you should at first drink a glass of blessed water, and if this is not sufficient, take a spoon full of healing earth or e.g. sodium bicarbonate, dissolved in water. Some of you begin every morning with a profound prayer and afterwards with a drink made of one spoon of sodium bicarbonate, dissolved in water, followed by a little of biological cider vinegar in lukewarm water with a splash of honey or thick juice. Amen.
March 12th, 2016
The power of the profound prayer
My children, many religious people, who believe only what is told them in church, do not know really how to pray profoundly from the bottom of the heart. Only when they are hit by a violent situation, they come into this intimacy during their prayer, which reaches Me then at once, and where I help at once in the scope of possible help for these people. Understand, My children, only the true, profound prayers come directly to Me – the superficial or so-called “alibi-prayers” however do not. Therefore you should always pray profoundly and also know that there will be help. Amen.
March 11th, 2016
To send cordiality
My children, I told you already often that friendliness and cordiality are two things, which My children like to send. Just now, in this difficult time, some friendly words, encouragements, or also positive sentences can do a lot of positive things. When you enter a shop or an authority, send at first mentally My blessing in advance, and you will see and feel that the oscillation increases considerably. Be in general polite, friendly, and smile, where you can, because this expels all dark energies. Who greets other people with a “GOD BE WITH YOU” or “GRUESS GOTT” (this means that you greet them in the name of God) does it in My name and thus sends positive energies. During this time of the artificial darkness, you should – as My children and prolonged arms on earth – be also My spiritual, virtual, and personal light bearers, who shall bring light into the dusk circumstances on earth. Light a symbolic mental candle, which helps all people, who search for the light, to find it. Amen.
March 10th, 2016
To learn to improvise
My children, you have often thought about what to do with things, which can be still used, but which are defective or broken, so that they are no more suitable for their original purpose. I now set you an example: A washing machine can very well be used improvisatory, when you remove the drum or also the porthole in the front, because this is fireproof and can be used e.g. as a pot or a soup bowl, just to name an example. You will see, My children, that spare parts or also converted things find a second use, which is often very interesting, even to say smart. Therefore: Check at home or in the circle of your relatives and friends, when something shall be disposed, whether there can be still another use for it. Some of you, including My writing channel here, are true masters of fiddling and recycling – because: They listen to the mental ideas and are very much aware that these helps can only be used, when they have opened all their senses and are ready to accept help. Therefore pay attention, what exists everywhere, which falls into the hands of your improvisatory talent. Amen.
March 9th, 2016
My children, certain regularities are very important for you and your body. You should see to be hygienic regularly, drink sufficient blessed water, eat the food you can tolerate, and be able to say NO, when your parents, children, or grandchildren have invited you, and you shall eat something, which you either do not tolerate or do not like. Stand by your eating behaviour and also how you are. Many vegans and vegetarians suffered for years, because they did not want to come out, and thus continued a seemingly normal life. But their body and soul rebelled against it one day, and they had the choice: Either to stand by how they eat/are, or better in this case: how they live, or to be afraid of becoming severely ill – because if a person suppresses his true nature again and again or even denies it, the soul and often also the body can be seriously damaged. However, it should also belong to the regularities that you sleep several hours deeply, where the time of the day is secondary, when you work mentally, because many of My children can reach their mental top form only during the night, when there is peace and silence around them. Some prefer to sleep during the daily street noise. Although they have turned the official regularities upside down, they can cope with it well. You see, the body needs certain regularities. Therefore take care consciously that you drink enough and also urinate enough, and correspondingly have also a regular bowel movement, because when body, mind, and soul comply with each other, you are healthy and can do a lot of good deeds. Amen.
March 8th, 2016
Build up mutual trust
My children, try to build up mutual trust with your neighbours and the people in your surroundings and to tell them about Me, when they ask for it. Tell them, how important prayers are, and that they now have still the chance to let go their addictions, adherences, and ways of thinking. When times are changing, it will be too late. Try to find out from your relatives, how they get along with the present situation, and which concepts they have concerning the near future. If you let yourselves guide, you will come together with like-minded people and thus be strengthened in the group. Amen.
Godfather’s Word of March 7th, 2016
Keep open all of the senses
My children, in the time, which lies ahead of you, it is important that you do not shut yourselves off in any way, and that you keep all senses aware. You should also notice not-so-good news in the official media and draw conclusions. Be ready to help, but also to step back, if this is the better solution. Be diplomatic and select precisely, how, when, and where you do something, and where better not. Stay in My love, and you will receive further impulses to do the right thing in the right moment. Amen.
March 6th, 2016
My children, not only at Christmas, at the turn of the year, or at sad occasions many people feel lonely. Also some of you, My children, have days or even weeks, where they feel lonely. Where does it come from? Now, there is somebody missing or also several people they were used to. But in reality, a person is never lonely. There are always guardian angels present, and this is why you perceive these angels, when you are sad or feel abandoned. Loneliness must not be, when you imagine how it works in the spiritual realms. There is a busy coming and going – and many angels have only one desire: To help their protégées as far as it is allowed. When you pray for those people, who are sad or lonely, then many additional angels come to help, and also the law of resonance effects that other people come to help as well. You see, My children, loneliness is not necessary. Nevertheless I understand, when people feel like this, because I am a loving FATHER, and I have always the time to care for the concerns and sorrows of every single human being, if he calls for Me in the prayer. Amen.
March 5th, 2016
Appropriate precautions
My children, you want to know, how and with what you have to stock up and to make provisions properly. Now, you know already about food and sufficient water, additionally white candles, which I like to bless for you, enough clothing, blankets, and everything you need. If you have an oven, you need sufficient timber stocks. Some of you have an emergency power generator, because it is to be expected that power will fail from time to time. Therefore you should acquire skills and also read about how you can survive these times best. Remember, your ancestors were in similar situations, and also they could cope with it anyhow. But the most important is always the absolute TRUST IN GOD in My love, My help, and the knowledge that I guard and protect My children true to Me. Nevertheless this time will be no bed of roses, and for those, who have made good provisions and have dealt with survival skills consciously, it will be easier. I do not want to scare you, My children, but during the coming years, hard times will come. Who now toys with the idea of emigrating within Europe should know that it will be no better there as well. Probably just a few regions of the world will remain unaffected, but I say probably, because I have given the free will to the human beings, and thus something can still change. Your daily prayers and light transmissions, and the celebration of the “Calls of Victory” contribute to it that it will not be as heavy as feared and predicted. There will be a rebirth on earth, but first the ballast has to be removed. Amen.
March 4th, 2016
Be able to accept yourselves
My children, many worldly oriented people have a severe problem with this. To accept yourselves how you are – with all so-called faults, quirks, and restrictions. You, My children, know that every human being is an individual, and that even monozygotic twins are never identical. As snow flakes are always different, also people are. You could say now: What about, if the other side clones the people? A good question, absolutely! But there is still the small but immensely important difference that clones have no soul, i.e. they are lifeless bodies indeed. Why I tell you this just now is that in the near future more and more people with orientation difficulties, emotional crises, and thoughts of suicide will run around, because their usual life does not take place in the way they were used to. Many people do not reflect any more, but they live their usual daily routine, and they chew symbolically always on the same slice of bread, which holds them tight to stick with old habits and traditions, but which do not take them mentally forward anyway. Certain traditions and legends are important and should be kept, but to watch for years the same serial novels, the so-called “soap operas”, is definitely only kind of waste of time of the lower class. Instead of studying further or of having continuously ideas for good things to realize, many worldly oriented people spend their time in front of the TV box, which has made them dependent, and whose addiction keeps them onboard. My children, most of you are able to set strict limits very well concerning this matter. Winter will weaken soon, and the mild breezes of spring announce soon, and then it will be easier for you to be creative again in the open. I want to recommend you additionally to accept all forms of life so as they are, and not to judge or even to condemn. Amen.
March 3rd, 2016
Practice makes perfect
My children, this old proverb will come true also in future times, and it will show that the people, who have prepared themselves, practice regularly, and are always alert, have better chances than those, who still continue the “sleep of naivety”. Yes, there is an extremely high priority, My children. You have still the possibility to read and acquire knowledge, and to keep yourselves fit bodily and mentally. Therefore also the confidence in the own power and workmanship is an important aspect, additionally to the trust in God. Again and again the children ask, where they should grow something, if they have no own garden. Now, there are balconies, terraces, if necessary also the living rooms, if windowsills are not sufficient. At this it should be taken care that no lice or other parasites come to the plants. Perhaps you have relatives or friends, whom you can join growing food. Ask in your community or city, whether there are lots or parcels. Sometimes also the farmers allow it. “Who does not ask will not win,” is again a sentence, which fits here exactly. What I really regret is that many people give up already in advance, and that they do not ask at all, because they think that they would be rejected anyway. But as I have told you repeatedly: “The faith is one’s heavenly kingdom,” this means, who gives up hope too quickly, has already lost. My children are used to be in the strong belief and confidence and to know that I always give them the rescuing hand, when they pray sufficiently profoundly, and first of all, when the confidence and the faith for a solution exist. Therefore inform yourselves, My children, and do not hesitate to rummage in antiquarian bookshops and also on the flea markets to find ancient treasures in form of such books, which tell you, how everything has been done in our grandfather’s times. I lead and guide you, when you listen consciously to My inspirations. Amen.
March 2nd, 2016
Healthy soil
My children, due to the use of artificial fertilizers and the pollution of different kinds your soil is no more the soil your ancestors e.g. could work in former times – but there is help in sight! Produce your healthy soil yourselves, or get it from those people, who have also a heart for healthy soil, and buy it there. When you now pray profoundly during the production of the healthy soil and ask Me for My blessing for it, this will be given to you, and you have a very good starting situation to grow healthy fruits or also vegetable varieties. Do not put it off too long, but begin soon, and you will experience that the success will come. Amen.
March 1st, 2016
In March, the farmer ...
My children, certainly you still know this nursery rhyme. But what does it say? That in former times, the people worked in the fields already in March... – and what about nowadays? In some parts of Germany there is still snow, as well as in Austria and Switzerland. Winter is still very tenacious. I want to remember you once more that you should not abandon the traditional songs, historical traditions, and old tales, but that you maintain your traditional folklore. Your ancestors are very grateful, when in spite of this fast-moving age their legacy is honoured in the form of consideration and knowledge transfer. What will those people do, who have no appropriate literature in the form of printed books, when suddenly the crisis comes out of the blue, and they cannot read any more their nice digital books, because of a power failure? Therefore it is important to learn certain basic rules, which are helpful in case of an emergency. Think about it. Amen.