Father’s Word of March 31st, 2015
Stormy times
My children, at the time being, stormy times will come. However, they can be changed, when all of you stay together in your prayers as a strong bulwark against the other side, when you pray together, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory” and the awakening calls, and when you also focus your thoughts so that they allow only positive things. It would be ideal, if you did this at least three times a day. I focus then all these energies in a way that they flow compactly to the places, where they are needed. The heavy storm of today is an effect of the events that just happen on earth. You have the chance to change a lot, if you really want to do it. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 30th, 2015
The weather in the mirror of events
My children, I told you already several times, how strongly feelings, moods, events, but also thoughts of all kinds influence the weather. Now, at the time being a lot of My children true to Me realize that there is a strong resonance. The Passion Week has begun, and I want to ask you to include also the peace in your daily prayers, because there is a heavy oscillation in the atmosphere. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 29th, 2015
Do not stress yourselves too much
My children, many of you have problems to say NO, if somebody asks them to do something, and they voluntarily let themselves exploit up to their limits or sometimes even further on. Therefore I tell you: Learn to say NO as soon as you feel that it overstrains you, or that your body respectively your soul or your heart does not want to do this. It is not good for you to demand too much from yourselves, and especially in case that you e.g. have a certain rhythm in your life during the whole year, and when you then are urged to excel above yourselves suddenly. Decide for yourselves, where your limits are, and have also the guts to say NO! The same concerns also the critical theme of radiation. If the radiation bothers or burdens you, tell your guests that they please should switch off their “mobile all-rounders”, when they visit you. Avoid places, where many people carry around their activated “walking sickening gadgets”, because also the passive exposition to the radiation in closed rooms is definitely not harmless. Try simply to live your life so that you are happy, and do not show consideration towards the reactions of your fellowmen, if they do not understand your point of view and thus stay away from you. They will learn one day about the effects of their ignorance. In times like these, My children, you should think of your own health in the first place, and then you should inform the others as far as it is possible. Have also the courage not to allow your children everything, only because it is just state of the art. Migraine, tinnitus, headache, and many “modern problems“ result mainly from the very careless use of the mobile all-rounders. It is a shame that the young people let seduce themselves very easily by commercials, and many parents believe that they must imitate their children to seem modern and young, and they are merely deaf and shielded against your help and advices and think to have to stay away from you, because you are old-fashioned and cranky in their eyes. Be not sad about this, My children. It has always been so that My nearest, familiar children found it difficult to comply with the big mass of those people, who rendered homage to the dark side often unconsciously, because the dark side attracted them with “sweets and specialties” to seduce them and to make them dependent. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 28th, 2015
Laughing makes free
My children, at the time being, the vibrations on earth are quite depressing. Laughing from the bottom of your heart frees the body, the mind, and the soul. Therefore I recommend to you that you should have more joy in your life again, and that you let also flow the true, honest laughter into your life again. Feel the enjoyment of nature, the smile of a child, the blossoming of a beautiful flower, the twittering of the birds, just to give you some ideas. Do not be sad, and do not let infect you by the dark scenario, which is spread out via the worldwide public media. Look also in the mirror and smile to yourselves. Your souls and your hearts will smile back at you. Your FATHER, who is very glad, when His children are happy. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 27th, 2015
To look behind the facades
My children, the more you become sensible, the more intensely you feel that the things suggested to you on earth in the public media have only one purpose: To keep the people uninformed and down. You look already through the curtain they had closed, and everything becomes more and more transparent and lucent. Within regular intervals, they initiate huge public shows or events that shall divert the people again from important things, which then often happen quietly and secretly. However, when you ask now in the profound prayer also to reveal these illusions of the other side, the veil will be lifted more and more, and finally the truth will come then to light, and this will be an extremely heavy shock for most of the ignorant people. Therefore, inform and help, where you are asked for, and through your profound, daily light work, you are always My prolonged arms on earth, who stand deeply rooted as lighthouses in the roaring sea and help. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 26th, 2015
Compassion and sorrow
My children, when a worldwide event takes the people in its spell and they are confronted with compassion or grief, a huge boost runs over the earth. You know that there is no coincidence, and if a catastrophe happens, it has been agreed with the life plans of those people. All souls are well protected, and peace will flow into the hearts of all human beings, who pray tenderly with them and send light. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 25th, 2015
Profound prayers
My children, when you hear the daily news, it seems as if there happen only negative things on earth. However, in reality only the “negative highlights” are sent as news to keep the people low during their awakening process, so that they do not realize that the messages sent are only a tiny fraction of what really happens on earth. From the bottom of his heart and his soul, the human being is good. The environment, the life situation and copied behaviour let him often “go off the rails”. Here your profound prayers come into play now: Through them the fallen man, who is ready to change, can receive help. The law of resonance helps him to find energies here, which let him leave his vicious circle step by step. Not everything is so, as it is presented in the media, My children, and you know it well. As soon as you begin to question the worldly media, you realize very fast, why they do it so, as they have to do it. To keep people in worry and fear hinders them to awake and to understand. You however, My children, have compassion with all forms of life, and you are ready to help those, who ask you for it. In this way, many people will awake in the near future, and they will also help to do good deeds. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 24th, 2015
Deeply inside yourselves
My children, deeply inside yourselves you know that you are always connected to Me through your heart, come what may, and that you are protected within the scope of your life plan. However, try to set your focus so that you are sensible and receptive for everything what happens around you, and how you can help respectively react within the shortest time. In critical situations, I always warn all My children, and many of you understand these warnings. Likewise, you awake sometimes in the morning and remember the messages of your dream, or you have inspirations for the day. I am glad, when you become more and more sensible, and when you also develop aids to protect the people from the radiations and effects of the other side. For all diseases, I have created at least one antidote, and also many other helps you can use. As soon as you are receptive for My irradiations, you will be also more sensitive for them. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 23rd, 2015
Top and bottom
My children, the new energy that has been anchored brings a lot of positive things on earth and to all forms of life. However, the other side has definitely not yet surrendered, and it plans further dangerous actions. Therefore, it is necessary to keep your eyes, ears, and all senses sensible, and to stay connected to Me continuously through the profound prayer, in order to react in the right way, as soon as it is necessary. Everybody has it in his own hands to decide, whether he wants to live on top or bottom, and a change from the bottom to the top is possible every time, as soon as the right inner attitude and the honest confidence in Me and My FATHER’S LOVE exist. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 22nd, 2015
The rethinking has begun
My children, through the irradiation of the new energy, a slow rethinking has begun. The people do not believe any more everything, which is presented to them in the worldly media, and they also begin to question, respectively to look for their own answers. It is like the constant dropping: One the one side, it wears the stone, on the other side it lets the bowl overflow, so that the water can find its way. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 21st, 2015
My children, the new energies have been anchored, and many of you have felt during the solar eclipse, how wonderfully soft but also powerful these new energies are. Your profound prayers and light transmissions were able to transform several things that had been planned on earth. Be glad, My children, that you can do daily so many good deeds voluntarily, and try to think positive every day, and to enjoy all the things you encounter. Welcome e.g. the birds that twitter, or enjoy the manifold splendour of the flowers that make special efforts for you to be beautiful and to bring brightness to their colours. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 20th, 2015
Intense days and nights
My children, what just now happens on earth is very intense, and it lets many people sleep badly. The solar storms of the past days and the media-effective scaremongering have left their marks. I told you already that parts of the events on earth are triggered by the vibrations, thoughts, opinions, and spoken words of the people. You should oppose these energies daily an opposite resonance through your profound prayers, light transmissions, „Calls of Victory“, wake-up calls, and good deeds, which you do voluntarily every day. Many people nearly cannot believe, how strong such mental aids are, until they experience it themselves, when they call for it from the bottom of their hearts and receive help. Therefore it is so important to do this voluntary labour of love daily, because everybody, who awakes from his deep sleep lets the spiritual realms cheer and rejoice. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 19th, 2015
Solar storms
My children, since yesterday, solar storms and their effects to the earth are raging. They have not reached their highest degree yet, but they have been close to it. The effects would be so severe that considerable difficulties would occur worldwide. You know that everything causes resonances, and also the solar storms at this special time, short before the solar eclipse, are resonances. Therefore it is especially important now not to expose yourselves to these energies in the open too much, and you, My children, should place yourselves always consciously under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Sensitive and delicate people could get physical problems through these strong solar storms. Drink a lot of blessed water, and avoid exposing yourselves to these energies. In the near future, many things will happen on earth, where you should always stay firmly in your faith and pray and send light in the inner peace. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 18th, 2015
Listen to your body
My children, your bodies are sending signals to you. When they are hungry or thirsty, when they want to sleep, and many more hints. Who disregards this information then, or simply ignores it, cuts the optimal connection to the body, and a lot of things can steal in that also can distance those people further and further from Me. Often, these people give way to the temptation, which the dark side has used as a bait, because they want to become famous or successful or something like this. You, My children, are mostly very humble and modest in your hearts, and you try to live in love and peace. This kind of life is what I wish to see from all people, but the temptations and manipulations from the other side are very strong, and nearly nobody, who follows the worldly lusts, can resist them. Always think of it, My children, how important it is to stay in your inner middle and the calmness, and thus being always connected to Me, so that you can do so many good deeds every day. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 17th, 2015
Earth changes
My children, a change on earth happens, and during the solar eclipse in some days, new energies are anchored on earth, and the conscience receives a push. It may be that something on earth will be moved, and it depends from the people’s way of thinking how strong the external effects will be in accordance with the inner, spiritual changes, resp. what happens there, without that the people realize it first in their hearts and bodies, but only on earth. Very often, volcanic eruptions accompany solar eclipses, because the attraction and the pressure are enormous after such an event. The people’s fears play a major role as well. Therefore, stay in the calmness, and send much love energy, healing, and peace in My name through your prayers and light transmissions out into the world – especially during this time – so that balsam flows into the souls of those people, who are receptive for My energies. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 16th, 2015
Inner and outer release
My children, I already told you several times how important it is to let go in general. Feel into yourselves and check what wants to be released there. Most of the people possess too much ballast, and this can be very distracting. Of course the temptation and attraction are very high in your so-called “affluent society” to take again and again something home, though you mostly do not need it at all. However, all those things that enrich your lives from the mental and spiritual view, and which support you also on your spiritual way are definitely recommendable. Furthermore, the tastes and opinions change in the course of the years, and through the further advance on the spiritual path, you let go automatically more worldly things, and you can easily part with them. Look from time to time in your house respectively your apartment, what you still need, and what not. Those of My children, who have initiated charity projects and rescue centers are meant with this only marginally, because there naturally a lot of things is needed, as soon as it will come to it. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 15th, 2015
To visualize
My children, it is very important now that you perform your daily, voluntary prayers and light transmissions in love, security, and joy, and that you also visualize consciously during doing it. Additionally to sending it consciously and specifically out into the world, imagine exactly, how the love energies flow into the hearts of the receptive people and release there wonderful energies in the bodies. Those of you with problems during the visualization can speak it also loud or low, and thus you visualize with words, which has a similar high oscillation. Do not be sad, My children, if you cannot visualize yet. It becomes better every time you try it, until it happens also completely naturally to you and inside you. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 14th, 2015
The worries and troubles of the people
My children, many very worldly oriented people have a lot of worries and troubles in these times. All the negative messages in the worldly media cause steady unrests and fears. Who lives constantly with such worries and fears loses a lot of vitality and joy of life. You, My children, should always try to think positive, and come what will, pray constantly, send light, and do good deeds. Be My lighthouses in the roaring surf and My rescuing anchors for those people, who call for Me and find you as My prolonged arms on earth. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 13th, 2015
Powerful energy
My children, hard times lie ahead of the people, and therefore it is important that you keep your bodies powerful also in times, where everything becomes increasingly scarce. First of all the absolute belief in Me, your FATHER and CREATOR, is the most important thing. Without this strong belief, you cannot fulfil your tasks on earth. You should also further on have absolute confidence in yourselves and your power I gave you, because you are also the creators of your reality. You create the resonance that influences your lives through your own thoughts and deeds. Always remember this, My children! To receive respectively to maintain the powerful energies, you should speak with a strong voice daily the “Calls of Victory”, light transmissions, and wake-up calls, and pray to Me in profound connection. The law of resonance will help you then to do the right things, which are already fixed in your life plan. Eat as healthy as possible, and eat so much uncooked vegetarian food as it is feasible for you. Always pray for My blessing for all your food and drinks, so that you are supplied with vitamins, minerals and trace elements optimally. Drink sufficient blessed water, and the slags and negative things that are still inside you from the times of wrong nutrition and things imposed on you that you have collected during your life will leave the body by and by, and it will be flooded with pure, new energy. Stay in the calmness and the absolute confidence! You are protected and guarded! Amen.
Father’s Word of March 12th, 2015
Confidence in your own power of healing
My children, you know that you have or had many diseases or aches only, because you attracted them by your resonance. However, some so-called diseases are also resonances from former lives, which you call karma. Now, many of these so-called diseases happen also due to unknowingness, fear, or carelessness. Each of these so-called diseases has a relation in the spiritual realm. The best-known example is the head cold, where you are fed up with something, in German you say literally “you have the nose full of something”. Like this, there are explanations for all diseases. Hypochondriacs or people, who are very anxious and often also overcautious, pull the diseases literally into their lives. But I tell you: Primarily, trust yourselves that your body is capable of regulating most things for itself. This needs of course also the absolute confidence in the capabilities of self-healing and regeneration of the body. However, you should also give your body all things, what it needs for it: Fresh, blessed water, all important vitamins, minerals, and fresh, healthy food, which if possible has not been cooked. Ponder about, why you catch a cold or other diseases, which tie you to the bed for some days? Your body needs urgently a time-out, and while you allow it, you have plenty of time to think about the situation that led you into it, and at the same time you allow your body leisure and peace for regeneration. Understand that there is a reason for everything. Change your lives and your habits, and you will experience that there often will be a healing and transformation within shortest time. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 11th, 2015
Prayers for peace
My children, it is still the most important that you pray profoundly every day, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and also integrate the wake-up calls into your prayers. Peace is one of the highest goods, and it is desirable to live in peace. Many people know this, but they do not know how they can help to contribute to increasing the positive energy on earth. The thinking processes and action processes in the people’s heads must change first, and this works only through the awakening from the sleep of fogging. It is to say that many people run symbolically around with a mentally foggy head, and of course they do not realize it. Like the immersion into cold water makes a clear head, the wake-up calls can achieve a similar effect in the subtle realm. Formulate also with your own words prayers for peace and love, and you will experience that something will change also in your lives. Pay attention specifically to the people, who will come into your lives then, and please do not be surprised, when they ask you for help and for your opinion. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 10th, 2015
A good protection
My children, there are days you can manage more difficultly than others. The same is applicable for situations and events. March has always been a very unusual month. Especially during these days, where spring wants to come, and winter has not yet totally said goodbye, the soul world is often not yet ready for spring, and also the change of the climate has taken place only partially. Please take care well, and enshroud yourselves always under My mantle of protection, but also enjoy the already a bit warming power of the sunrays, because they can delight heart, soul, and body. Your prayers, My children, are now very important, because there is a very thin air – politically – on earth. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 9th, 2015
The process of transformation
My children, many people have recognized already that a process of transformation takes place on earth. However, nobody of you knows how it works. Certain things will fulfil, but in between there is enough margin for you, My children, to change some things for the better through your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, good deeds, and further on of course the wakening calls. What did I mean with this? Now, it is so that everything is in a transformation and change. Not only on earth, but also in the universe. Also your neighbour planets change accordingly, and thus also their forms of life. Theoretically, a very strong energy of prayers from a community of My children could trigger changes for the better also beyond the earth. What I want to say with this is that you have an influence on the world affairs daily through your good deeds. A single prayer, together with a strong power of visualization can e.g. change the weather positively, if it had been influenced by the other side before. Rely on your abilities and your profound prayers, and you will experience, whatsoever is feasible. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 8th, 2015
Movement does good
My children, now, where spring is almost there, you should move more, and also take advantage of the weather. Movement is always good, because sitting too long lets the bodies become lazy. Who is able to do it, should make walks and movements in the fresh air. For this, woods and meadows are appropriate, to enjoy the nature there, and to celebrate prayers and “Calls of Victory”. If you have the opportunity, watch the animals and plants in spring, when everything begins to green and blossom – a benefit for body, mind, and soul. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 7th, 2015
Worldwide peace efforts
My children, in an age, where everything is networked through the internet with everything, of course also positive ideas can be distributed fast. Thus for some time peace groups as well as prayer circles in the private as well as partially in the public space arise, who pray worldwide for peace and the end of all acts of war. For many people, this may be only like a drop in the ocean. But I tell you, My children: This is much, much more than most of the people can imagine! Consider that every positive thought can establish a lot, and that the power of belief can reach an intention, which is nearly unimaginable in the eyes of worldly people. Therefore, continue daily to do your good deeds you do in many ways, so that in the spiritual realms a cheering, gladness, and rejoice will happen. Think always of it, My children: Only what comes from the heart and the souls with joy, love, and enthusiasm has the power, which can convert and change everything. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 6th, 2015
My children, many people dream of freedom, and that they can do or leave anything, what they want. Only exceedingly few fulfil their dream. You however, My children, have another form of freedom: The freedom to do in love everything what is good, through the profound prayer, the light transmissions, the “Calls of Victory”, the wakening calls, and all good deeds of your personal kind. You have the freedom to style your leisure time in a way you like it – in the scope of your life plan. If the people would live this kind of freedom only to some extent, their whole perspective of things would take a different course. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 5th, 2015
The look into the mirror
My children, everybody who is honest to himself and to others, can look into the mirror with a clear conscience. Unfortunately, this is not applicable for the followers of the other side, and also the free will I gave you is often not respected. But if you beg Me in the profound prayer for protection and justice, it will happen in the scope of your life plan. If certain things of the world affairs make you sad, because you see or feel that apparently no justice takes place, so give Me in the prayer your sadness and also the concern, which triggered it, for the transformation. Often My children think that nothing happens, because apparently nothing happens within the visual scope. But on the subtle level a lot happens, and you know that it can last a certain time, until it shows in the physical level. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 4th, 2015
Mixed emotions
My children, many people on earth have mixed emotions just now concerning the world situation. Indeed, it is still on knife’s edge, and therefore it is so important that you, My children, daily work for peace further on, and that you also do so many good deeds in voluntary joy and profound love. The people who awake mostly understand very fast the existing contexts. It is similar to a dream from which you awake and recognize the situation around you again. Unfortunately, many people shut their eyes to the truth, for they do not want to burst their rose-colored, self-created, desired image. You may give them the needle for it symbolically, but they definitely must stick it into it themselves. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 3rd, 2015
Freak weather in March
My children, some of you have it realized already: The extraordinary freak weather that happens just now in March. Some have already thought about the typical April weather, but interchanging rain, sun, sleet, snow, and thunderstorms are really uncommon. Now, the reason has different factors: On the one hand of course the influence on the weather from the other side – against the free will of mankind – and on the other hand also the thoughts and spoken words of the people worldwide. Thus, one part of the change and phenomenon of the weather is man-made – solely through their thoughts and deeds. If now only one third of these worldly oriented people would have one hour daily positive thoughts, a quantum leap would happen on earth. You see, My children, by means of your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and wake-up calls you manage to motivate more and more people, so that they begin to wake up and participate energetically in the positive events. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 2nd, 2015
Sprightly and merry
My children, many worldly people think that they become old and lose their power, as soon as they become retired persons. However, you, My children, do not think so for the most part. You know that you can be sprightly and merry at any age. If you have physical deficiencies, it is still possible mentally. Consider that nearly everything what you feel and how you act depends from four aspects: Soul, heart, mind, and willpower. When you can synchronize them, a lot of things are possible. Your belief and your confidence in My CREATIVE POWER and LOVE are the basis for your confidence in yourselves and the conscious transmission of the daily messages out of your own free will. Some of My children do not have yet enough self-confidence into their abilities, and they are still a bit uncertain. Some of them even believe that they are less worth than others of My children. This is of course not so! I love all My children in the same way, and also their abilities are of equal value in My eyes. Therefore do not have sorrow or even fright that anything could not be right, what you are doing in love. Each child is just the way it is. Continue to work in love in your way, and you will experience that you will grow in your profound connection with Me. Amen.
Father’s Word of March 1st, 2015
Worldwide wake-up calls
My children, still many people are worldwide sleeping in a sleep similar to the “Sleeping Beauty's castle”, but already soon this can change, because you should amplify your light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and profound prayers by one special energy: The worldwide wake-up call! With this, I mean no influence or even pressure, but a support for all those people who are ready to follow this wake-up call, and to awake. Thus, they receive a possibility to recognize the relations and to put questions, which are answered by the law of resonance, because people will appear in their lives, who will help them to awake. Amen.