June 30th, 2017
Light and shade
My children, where light is, there is also the shadow not far away. It has been always this way on earth. But if you now begin to light dark corners by your light, which you radiate through your prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds, a lot of darkness is transformed into light and thus also lightened. This illumination is also spiritual, though, and many souls staying still in the dark can then go into the light, for My angels provide opportunities especially for them. As said before, this works only, if these souls want to go voluntarily. Amen.
June 29th, 2017
You live and learn
My children, as long as people live, they should be ready to experience something new again and again, or also to learn something new. Who refuses in general to accept the presence by living in an illusory world or even in a dream world, will realize that life goes on, but without him. Very often they get Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Also those people living only in the past or dream of it permanently can get extreme problems thereby. Some of you ask Me from time to time, how you train your memory best. Now, there are different possibilities. Who now knows e.g. all prayers by heart should perhaps now and then formulate own inspirations or ideas afterwards as well. It is also ideal to perform a good memory training as Sudoku, crossword puzzles, the well known children’s game Memory, as well as all kinds of board games, which are not addictive and which are very popular mainly with people at the age of 40 and over, the memory and fitness games via computers or game consoles. Also the mobile all-rounder offers a lot of possibilities. Some of you watch regularly quiz programs in the TV and please their soul through documentations about landscapes, animals or others, which are regularly sent in the TV. Because the blocking in the brain decreases from a certain age on, many elder people suddenly remember their childhood and tell their grandchildren or even great-grandchildren with growing enthusiasm about it, as far as they are open to it. In former times, it was usual that the grandparents or aunts and uncles told the younger children always adventures of times gone by. With this, the old people stayed fit almost ever until their death. They also used to participate in the work as far as possible, and thus they did not feel redundant, as it is today with many people, who are deported to a retirement home by their children, because their family has “no use” for them any more. In the coming time, there will be more extended families once again, where all generations live under one roof, because it will hardly be possible otherwise. So, if you have children or grandchildren, who ask you to make their homework together with them, monitor poems, or e.g. help to learn questions for the driving test, you should gladly agree and help them as far as possible, because then everything is back in the circle of life. Amen.
June 28th, 2017
In greater and in smaller matters - everywhere
My children, in general everything is very simple on earth. Every complicated thing works also simple, and every big is the same as on a small scale. This means that it is in principle quite easy simply to let complicated things go their own course, and to let flow everything, which has to do with energy. I have never placed big and heavy stones on the divine way, but it is simple and precise. Think about it. Amen.
June 27th, 2017
If you do good for the earth
My children, some of you, as e.g. My writing channel here, do voluntarily very much and very often something for the earth. The subject of earth healing has not only fascinated him, but nearly all of My children do more or less earth healing. You know that this is very, very important. But now also a new aspect adds up, and with this I want to address also those children, for whom earth healing had been too difficult or intense up to now. Each of My children can do something good for the earth and thus help to increase the vibration and the positive energy on earth. To motivate now also those children, who did not yet attribute such a great importance to earth healing, I give you a new prayer for it. It is very simple to learn or also to read. “I live on the earth, and I want to help her now to become healthy again, and I send healing energies NOW out from my heart, which is profoundly connected with our FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, so that they flow everywhere, where the earth needs it. When doing so, I hug full of happiness all forms of life being open to it, and I send in the FATHER’S name all healing energies, which I have in the profound connection with the FATHER. So is it, and so be it. Amen. Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen. Amen. Amen.“ If you send this prayer after a profound prayer to Me, it will do a lot of good things. Amen.
June 26th, 2017
Wonderful things
My children, I want to give joy to you with the message that everyday wonderful things happen worldwide, but which, to the chagrin of the people, are not at all mentioned in any newspaper and also not in the other media. Some of you ask Me, why it is so that nearly only negative message are in the headlines. Now, you can command people through fear, and you can let them believe by means of negative headlines that they are small and unimportant. You however, My children true to Me, know that it works only with confidence, and that you perform daily voluntarily and full of love your labour of love, e.g. through the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, good deeds and thoughts, and so on. Thus you do also something great and wonderful every day, because consequently people are endowed with My love, who are receptive for it. Many people get well through the power of the profound prayers, and this is “wonder-full”! Amen.
June 25th, 2017
Take breaks
My children, if your bodies no longer want to function any more as you would like them to do, time has come at the latest to take a break. Whether it is the daily physical work, which has taken its toll, or an absolutely different reason. Furthermore you know that it is useful to go into yourselves regularly, to go for walks, and to show the body, how important his well-being is, because only when body, mind, and soul are in accordance with each other, the human being is perfectly healthy. The break you take depends on different factors. Often one whole day or a weekend is sufficient. However, people with chronic complaints should prepare specifically first to find the cause, and then to start to convert it. Each disease has its cause, and excessive demands and permanent stress also take effect. Therefore grant yourselves regular breaks, and refuel body, mind, and soul. Do not forget, though, that the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and other good deeds are also part of it, what does you good and flow to the worldly realms, where it is needed. Amen.
June 24th, 2017
Need for action
My children, many things are “put into cold storage”, as one of your proverb says. But often need of action exists, and postponement can have a negative effect, in particular, when deadlines have to be met. Injustices which bother you or are unfair are another kind of need for action. Many of My children let the matter rest and do not get exasperated with it. Now, each child must know it for himself. Of course it is sometimes the simplest way to avoid all disputes and unpleasant things. But you should react in due time, where absolute need for action is mandatory, at crucial deadlines, as e.g. change of residence, occupational change, and so on. If you put such things off, you can absolutely work up a sweat – symbolically said – to achieve his goal after all. Amen.
June 23rd, 2017
Often, things tend to turn out different than imagined
My children, you have a different way of views, acting, and thinking than worldly oriented people, this I have told you already several times. Therefore do not become set on commitments or promises of these people, because they do not know, what a promise resp. a commitment entails from the spiritual point of view. Who promises thoughtlessly resp. carelessly somebody to do something, and if this person is looking forward to it, and then this promise is not fulfilled, thus possibly drags a mountain of resonances behind him. To play with feelings of young people is unfair in itself – but to promise them something, as e.g. an apprenticeship, and then cancel it some weeks later without any reason, is an infamous impudence, which as said before, triggers consequences. Therefore My well-meant advice to all My children true to Me: Do not believe too much promises of people, who are absolutely worldly. Do not be so sad, if something does not work. There are always two possibilities, which could have triggered it: Either it should not be and something better comes towards you, or there are other reasons, which let the situation strand, which you cannot know at the time being. To stay with the subject of apprenticeship, it may absolutely be that you thereby have recognized the true character of your future master, or that it would have been a torture for the apprentice. Also the variant is possible that the job is not the optimal vocation. I want to warn you once again in general to rely on worldly commitments or promises too much! In general, this does not happen between My children true to Me. Your FATHER, who comforts every one of His children, when they are sad. Amen.
June 22nd, 2017
Stay in the calmness during the summer
My children, also this year, summer brings muggy days, and many people have considerable problems. Some of My children as well, and it happens that some of you sleep in the cellar, because it is too warm for them in the house. Only My writing channel here would prefer it even warmer, and he sleeps of course under the roof. As a compromise for his wife Flora, each night the window is open. Everyone as one pleases. Who says now: I could cope with this heat all over the year and looks forward to it eagerly, should actually live e.g. on the Canary Islands. The problem is only that the rest of the family mostly struggles with it. No matter how you must or may endure these hot days or weeks in summer: Stay in your inner middle! Otherwise you suffer as many car drivers, who during a traffic jam at the highway get problems through dehydration or similar things. Lack of water may not be underestimated, My children! Therefore I recommend you also, to take for a longer trip enough drinking water with you, as well a something to eat, spare clothes as e.g. t shirts, short trousers, and what you want to change if necessary, and also fuel up your car, because during a long traffic jam at the highway the fuel resp. diesel can run short. Avoid also excessive speed so that your motor does not overheat, and watch also the so-called wrong “fata morganas”, i.e. reflections on the road, because they can divert, confuse, and also blind. Furthermore you should take care that you are not be blinded by the sun during the morning and also at sunset. It is always useful to have sunglasses at hand. Just now, where the long holidays are coming, traffic jams of many kilometres are preprogrammed. Therefore think carefully about when and how you go on holiday. Many of you know these well-meant advices, but unfortunately they follow them too seldom, and therefore I tell them you once more – upon requests of some of you. Who now absolutely wants to drive a long distance, should stop regularly and also see to it that during these breaks you move around and drink water. As soon as you feel signs of fatigue, you should have a break as soon as possible. If you stay always in the calmness, also a traffic jam in the scorching heat cannot bother you. Amen.
June 21st, 2017
Tropical temperatures
My children, during the last days, it was too hot for many people, who had to work physically hard outdoors. The sweat flowed in streams, and the cool drinks, which should serve as supplement, often became lukewarm. The most important is, though, that for this water you drink, when you sweat, you ask for My blessing, so that everything you have lost through sweating will be replenished. Please think also of your plants, which long for the vital water as well. When you are on the way, take abundant water with you and also something nutritious to eat, because if you come e.g. in a traffic jam in the scorching sun, your body can easily get problems, if you have not enough to eat and to drink with you. The thunderstorm, which can occur from time to time, are often a welcomed cooling, but they can also assume torrential dimensions. Here the weather candle helps as a protection. Remember, My children, that you wear a sun hat or a cap, because a sunburn at the head is absolutely unpleasant. Because the temperatures are still rising, you should plan everything well, what you intend to do in your leisure time. Furthermore, today is midsummer and thus the longest day of the year. As usual in the tradition, the so-called midsummer fires are lighted as well. Because nature is very dried out, you should be extremely careful in doing it. I recommend you the following protection prayer: “Beloved FATHER, please take care, together with your huge multitude of angels, that at solstice everything runs peaceful and smooth. Amen. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER, Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” Amen.
June 20th, 2017
Rest and unrest
My children, first of all I want to answer questions you put again and again – especially in warm seasons. Indeed it is difficult for many of My children to fall asleep in midsummer, when due to the heat they cannot cover themselves correctly. I can only advise you to air your rooms thoroughly and if necessary to cover you with a bed cover or a sheet, if it is too warm for you. Who should freeze then during the night can place a thin blanket aside the bed. Now let us come to the other part of this Father’s word. It concerns fear, worries, problems or other things, which hinder you from sleeping during the night or makes you awake again and again. To get the inner calmness it is necessary that before going to sleep, you pray profoundly to Me and then put all your problems into My hands, so that I can transform them together with you during the night. After this, you should let go, though, and not think of it continuously, and you should have enough trust in My help, because otherwise the sleep disturbances return regularly. What can it be that you are so excited and confused that it follows you even into the sleep? The best solution for My children, who have continuous insomnia, is that you first of all find the reasons, and after this solve them with Me in the profound prayer. With short-term problems, My “Call of Victory” “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” helps always. Speak it so often, until you feel better again. The inner calmness during the day and also in the night is balm for the soul. Do not forget this, My children! Amen.
June 19th, 2017
The confidence of My children
My children, I am a loving FATHER, and each of My children true to Me can come to Me with any wish and ask Me for help. Especially in the event of legal disputes – also in the scope of family quarrels or problems of any kind, I help you, where it is possible – in the scope of your life plan. I let you go through different schools of life – not only during this life – so that on the one hand you could gather experiences how it is to be attacked by the other side and in spite to be able to defend yourselves – without the need for violence – and on the other side how you learn again what is possible, if you go the spiritual way persistently and full of love. It has always been the same on earth that you had to fight for your right now and then – since long time. Here we are in the stronghold of the fallen angels, and therefore especially here, it is so immensely important that My children true to Me absolve this labour of love voluntarily. If you are engaged in a case concerning rights and obligations, ask Me for the Divine Justice, and I help gladly. I do not interfere, though, but I lead and guide it in a different way. Therefore be always full of confidence. If you stick to the worldly laws, ask always additionally for My blessing for the whole procedure. It has never been easy on earth for My children true to Me, but in the present time it is absolutely possible to live peacefully and harmonically in accordance with the divine laws, even if the environment rather propagates the opposite. Amen.
June 18th, 2017
Protection prayers for car drivers
My children, most of you pray for My protection, before they start with their car. This is very conscientious and laudable, because in this way you can always count on My guardian angels, when you are on the way. Worldly oriented people think nothing of it in general, and they wonder why they have no protection, from their point of view. When you know that friends, relatives, and also colleagues must drive e.g. dangerous routes, you may gladly pray for them. Something, which had been suggested recently, should now enter the next step of realization. When you listen daily to the radio news and the weather, and afterwards the traffic news, again and again the same places are mentioned in the messages, because possibly there are accident black spots. If you prefer, you can include your “home highway”, i.e. the freeway in your vicinity, into your profound prayer, so that also these localities with the black spots have the chance to become free from accidents. Amen.
June 17th, 2017
My children, there are different kinds of incompatibility. Also the way they come about can be very different. Many people bring along incompatibilities from former lives into the actual incarnation, because they could not solve them there. More precisely, the reason for the problem has not yet been recognized. Most of the incompatibilities are based on a certain reason resp. situation. I give you three different examples: The most frequent incompatibility concerns food. This may be an incompatibility or intolerance against milk and protein, but also against spices, certain fruits, or vegetables. For everything, there is an origin. Incompatibilities against clothing or perfumes, smells, etc. are also frequent. The third example is related to experiences, which occur, where the people arrive. This may be radiation from mobile all-rounders, photovoltaic systems, or also whole villages, cities, or even countries. Yes, you hear right, My children! There are people, who cannot cope with certain locations or even countries – these people have something absolutely negative inside their body or at their soul that they get real problems in certain countries. Mostly this is connected with the fact that they have been at least once been killed brutally or at least have been tortured there, in at least one former incarnation. It is just the same with ages: There are e.g. friends and fans of the so-called Middle Ages, but just as many people get the pure horror, when they only hear this word. All this is included under the generic term: incompatibilities. Who now wants to solve his incompatibilities should first of all research inside him, what makes him nervous, burdens him, bothers him, or what he dislikes very much, resp. is really afraid of. I do not mean the fear of nerve-racking fairground rides as roller coasters, ghost trains, or even Bungee Jumping, but real fears, resp. incompatibilities. Now you can try, with Me at your side in the profound prayer, to solve them by working seriously to find the reason and then to go into the forgiveness, with yourselves as well as also with the people resp. forms of life being involved. I offer you the following three prayers, if you want to try it: “I forgive me everything, what I have done to me in this life or in former lives. I let go everything, and ask You, beloved FATHER, to help me during the conversion. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER, Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen.” The same prayer is equally important: “I forgive all forms of life who have done me wrong consciously or unconsciously, and let go everything affectionately. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER, for your help with this. Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen.” For many people, the third prayer is very complicated to be prayed and implemented, because it concerns their ego and their stubborn inner will: “I request all forms of life for forgiveness, and that they forgive me what I have done to them consciously or unconsciously in this life or in former lives, and I ask you for deepest forgiveness. I ask You, beloved FATHER, to support me at all levels in doing so, and to help me that peace can enter my soul. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER, Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen.” When you pray profoundly together with Me these three prayers of letting go, changes in your life will occur – but often also in the lives of the persons concerned. Be patient and do not doubt, because the adherences you often have carried around since incarnations cannot be released so easily. Worldly oriented people have often so many adherences that these prayers of letting go must be prayed for several weeks daily, so that also these people could be free from all adherences and problems. Amen.
June 16th, 2017
Worldly and spiritual families
My children, during all the holidays and celebrations, where you meet the whole worldly family, or at least part of it, it happens very often that it comes to disagreements, discussions from the point of view of the worldly relatives, and accusations from them towards you. Do not take this seriously, My children, because it does not concern you anyway. Continue your life further on in love to Me, and decide according to your heart. Usually, the worldly oriented people do not understand you at all, neither your view of things, nor your ways of acting. They also do not understand why you are not so materially inclined and would not do a job for money. You follow your heart as far as possible, and not every job is a profession. The true profession = vocation satisfies you. In the long run, anything else would make you ill or harm you. Children, who go the spiritual way with Me, come from the spiritual family and understand you, as you understand them. Amen.
June 15th, 2017
Corpus Christi 2017
My children, I have told you already often how important it is that you pray daily, send light, and daily celebrate the “Calls of victory”, at least partially. Some of you escape on Corpus Christi Day quite early to a remote idyll, because they cannot do anything with the whole “razzmatazz”, which people perform around Me – including costume fashion and traditional music. Yes, you carry Me in your hearts, and I am always there for you – not only on single religious holidays in the year. Think about it. Amen.
June 14th, 2017
My children, I am asked from time to time, how much space resp. premises you need for life. Now, this question can be answered quite easily: As much space as you want and as you can afford. Certainly there is no general answer. My writing channel here e.g. is an artist and author and needs some space merely for his atelier. Who lives e.g. alone, can get along with 30 to 50 square meters, while a four-person-family needs more space in general. But I want to change to the rural idyllic life, because the rent for a whole house in the country is about the same you pay in many large cities for a small apartment. Who wants to have additionally a garden and a garage will certainly live better in the country. But let us talk about the second part of the subject: How should the rooms be used, if you go the spiritual way? Of course, also here there is no general answer. Many of My children true to Me have furnished their homes quite plain and simple. Without too much ballast and distracting accessories as e.g. decorative pieces in abundance, and first of all, most of you have it exceptionally colourful – as you nearly never find it with worldly-oriented people. Many of you attach importance to a certain degree of tidiness without being fastidious. Concerning the children’s rooms, many of you are very sad, because your children behave totally different than you would like it. But of course you can intervene deliberatively or also decisively, if the children otherwise would “dance upon your nose” to use this proverb. In fact: The rooms should be individually designed in a way that the people living there feel good and can communicate affectionately with each other. Amen.
June 13th, 2017
My children, many of you use this word very often, but only some people know, what it really means. You as My children true to Me know that there is the law of cause and effect. Everything you think, do, and speak triggers a resonance. In former times, the law of resonance has worked slower, but in your fast moving time it reacts faster and faster – sometimes within seconds. Who asks Me now for the divine justice, will experience it – but sometimes differently than he had thought or planned. Of course, this is due to the life plan of the person, but also to the events, which happen in general. All people are more or less connected with each other. Therefore it is also a gigantic masterpiece of My angels, who take care of the people, to manage this huge logistics and also to command it, though I do not like this word. It is a huge challenge, and even the world’s best computer could provide nowhere near one percent of this performance. You know that I am just and that I always see everything from a higher perspective and therefore often help, where it first seems as if this help would be illogical or unfair this way. Though, afterwards the person realizes that it had been for his benefit. As said before: Who asks Me for divine justice, will receive it – even if it possibly happens in another way than you have hoped for. But of course it can also go just as you have desired. But in this case your and the foreign energies fit exactly into your life plan. Amen.
June 12th, 2017
The body gets what it needs
My children, some days, you are constantly tired, feel like having extremely aching muscles, or there is pain or other indispositions throughout the whole body, as increased diarrhea or urinate regularly. This is no disease, but only a cleaning resp. repair, because the body gets always, what it needs just then – if, yes if, the person allows it. If he works against the body’s mode of action, it accumulates inside the body, and the consequence can be a so-called “disease”. Who says now: “But I cannot afford to stay at home, when I feel bad”, I answer: Who listens to his body, will always get what he needs. Some of My children true to Me often sleep at every free opportunity – or: If they are bored. For this, they are often scolded, but one should better find out, where this sudden weariness comes from. Sleep does not equal sleep, My children, you know this. Deep sleep can heal – but shallow sleep during the day makes still more tired. Therefore it is so important that you really sleep deeply and soundly, so that your body can regenerate. Days where you feel as if you had “fought a lion” are days, where the body signals: Please take things somewhat easier, otherwise soon something worse will happen. Therefore: Watch the warnings of your body, and treat yourselves to some leisure hours, where you relax and pamper your body. Amen.
June 11th, 2017
Be careful at all levels
My children, you must always reckon that other people are not as considerate as you imagine. Thanks to the intervention of your guardian angels, you are very often protected against an accident, and sometimes it is absolutely wafer-thin. Now we come to a very important aspect of attentiveness: Your thoughts and also your wording. What you think and say has a big influence on the events in and around you. Also what you hear on the radio, resp. which CD or which lecture you listen. Topics dealing with uncovering of the manipulations of the other side are no good subject to listen during driving your car – as well as e.g. brutal thrillers as audio book. There is a great risk of accident! The reason is quite simple: The other side feels it and does not want that it is heard or distributed. Here now an absolute attention and My protection are necessary. Who wants to protect himself best – before and during a car trip – should pray profoundly, and e.g. celebrate the “Calls of Victory” during driving. Then fantastic and wonderful things happen. It can be that the sky brightens suddenly, and that all the chemical “soup”, which presents everything grey-on-gray resp. white-on-white, must give way. This is only one aspect of what profound prayers of different kinds can cause. Though, you should keep your hands permanently at the steering wheel, the eyes open, and the awareness may not be reduced. The next important situation, where you should be careful, is the conversation between friends, relatives, or e.g. colleagues. Do not chat too much about yourselves, what you know about, what you are able to, or how you live. It can become a big disadvantage for you, if you tell others things, which they do not understand or do not want to understand. You see, My children, it is important to protects yourselves always, no matter whether you are under way with the car, the train, the airplane, or only on foot. Amen.
June 10th, 2017
Deacidification of the body
My children, you yourselves are responsible for your body. It lies in your own hands, whether you feel good or not. Who deacidifies his body completely and eats mainly alkaline, will learn, how the little and partially also big ‘little aches’ and ailments must go away, because they can only exist in an acid environment. Who manages to keep his body permanently in the alkaline level can thus change everything in and at his body to the positive. Therefore you are, as said in one of your proverbs, at the controls of your own luck. Think about it and act accordingly. If you have heartburn or stomach pain, you act as well and take e.g. sodium bicarbonate. It is always important to keep the body pure and clean – inside and outside. Amen.
June 9th, 2017
Remember your personal skills
My children, each of you has got skills or talents from Me. Depending on the previous life, these were expanded or stayed motionless. Therefore remember your skills, and fetch them out symbolically and try to work with them. Many of you are very sensitive and feel already at the first view of somebody his attitude. If you want to test, whether a person you talk to is benevolent to you, look deep in his eyes – without fluttering your eyelashes. If he can stand up to it, he has nothing at his souls, which should be hidden. The subject ‘soul’ is something mystic for many people. You, My children, know that you are so to speak only the soul, and that you have united with your body for this actual life. Worldly oriented people see this very often absolutely differently. All of you have got from Me the ability to see the aura. It often lies only fallow. You can wonderful practice in nature, e.g. with trees. Another skill of all My children is that you cannot lie. If something like this would happen to you, you at once have a guilty conscience. Therefore it is so immensely important that you always stay with the truth. Therefore many of My children have problems with their relatives, because those cannot bear to hear the unvarnished truth from you. Therefore, due to humanitarian reasons and out of reverence, many of you tell the truth only partially – without lying, in order not to affront your relatives. An absolute shock for the worldly oriented “hunter gatherers” is, when their children are not only very spiritual, but break the fixed rules, which are normal in worldly families, as e.g. eating meat. Many of you avoid also perennial rituals as e.g. certain family celebrations, because they do not like to have to justify themselves again and again, or have to explain, why just they have e.g. no mobile all-rounder, why they are electro sensitive, drink no alcohol, and so on. You see, it happens very often that only one or maximal two children of a larger family go the spiritual way consciously, and that they do not have this worldly view of the things as it would be normal for the rest of the clan. Should you discover skills in you, which are still new to you, do yourself the favour not to broadcast it loud, but only talk to those people, who understand you, or who go also the spiritual way with Me at their side. Amen.
June 8th, 2017
If water shortage prevails
My children, most of the people drink a lot during the day – but usually too little pure water. Often they drink poisons as coffee and black tea – in fact in quantities, which harm the body and let it age faster. Normally, the quantity of caffeine should be compensated and replaced by the double amount of water. But tell this the worldly oriented people. They look at you as if you would talk nonsense. As the young people depend on their mobile all-rounders and are addicted to a large extent, the same thing happens to the worldly oriented people with caffeine. They are addicted to it, and they know it! Many of them can only perform well, when they have got a proper dose of caffeine. Permanently, any kind of caffeine is harmful for the body. Who had been addicted to caffeine and then has moved to pure, possibly blessed water, will experience how the body detoxifies step by step, and new, sheer unusual heavy joie de vivre flows into the body, and it therefore also can perform the same way as before with a proper dose of caffeine. But through pure water distributed over the day in corresponding quantities, the body can remove all poisons and deposits step by step. Interestingly, there are further aids, which you often disregard totally. As you know, water has a memory. Thus you can through the profound prayer inform the body by drinking sufficient blessed water, that you receive a warning, if you have drunk too little of the delicious drink. Of course you can drink water just before going to sleep, if you are thirsty, because the body needs it. Never forget, My children, that an eight hours sleep is in general also kind of fast. Therefore: If your body signals lack of water, you should compensate it as fast as possible and drink the desired amount. It is the best possibility to insalivate it sip by sip, and who says during every sip “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” performs additionally a healing- and cleaning process for his body. Who permanently drinks too little water must be aware that the body fetches the necessary water from other regions of the body. This leads to shortages, diseases, states of exhaustion, up to a break down or worse. Who thinks to be able to drink only other drinks, based on the motto: “This contains also water”, is wrong, because the body is then occupied by a large process to filter out the water, and it takes a great amount of energy, substance, and also vital energy. Therefore: Who drinks pure water, is always on the safe side, and he grants his body something good. Salt, i.e. pure, natural salt, dissolved in warm water, plays its part to keep the body’s electrolysis going and to protect the body. Especially now in the beginning summer time, sweating can lead to a significant lack. Therefore ask always for My blessing, and that I give you everything necessary into the water, when you are e.g. on the way, and your electrolysis household would suffer, because you do not get the necessary vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Ask Me for help, and I send it to you. Amen.
June 7th, 2017
Implementation of inspirations and ideas
My children, if you have questions, do not be surprised, if the answers come to you in different ways – whether in dreams, conversations, messages, or otherwise. Who asks receives also answers – but not always in the way he / she has had hoped for. If now clear visions, inspirations, or also ideas come to you, it may absolutely have been your own creativity that has helped you, but in most cases, such thoughts come from the spiritual realms. Who now realizes these ideas and inspirations and will not be dissuaded from doing it, will often be astonished, how much potential can be gained through it. So do not become discouraged, if you have specific ideas and inspirations concerning something, and dare to do it. It must not be perfect, because as is well known, “no master fell just from heaven”, as one of your proverbs says. Amen.
June 6th, 2017
Water from bottles
My children, it becomes more and more important to drink pure water, and please use glass for it if possible – either bottles or glasses. Ceramics can also be used, but it should be dejammed intensively. In plastic of various makes, very often plasticisers are present. Some of you use brown bottles, where e.g. healing water had been contained, and they fill it now with tap water for drinking. This is advisable, if before or during filling it, you pray for My blessing for it. Who says in doing so “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” gets automatically the water dejammed, charged, and blessed. Many of you drink the water directly from the water tap. Normally there can be no objection to it at your latitudes, if, as said before, it has been blessed by Me. Amen.
June 5th, 2017
Emotional roller coaster
My children, during Pentecost, many of My children true to Me go through an emotional roller coaster, because very often family meetings take place, and many of you, who have a very rare contact to the worldly oriented relatives, feel then the big difference between their belief and the ways of seeing and thinking of the worldly oriented relatives. Often, My children avoid discussions, but when they are asked and the questions come from the heart, they gladly answer. Also the subject mobile communications is often a tedious issue during large family meetings. Some of you therefore avoid celebrations indoors, but summer parties with the families, which take place outdoors, are accepted. I understand this, My children, and I know that you let yourselves guide correctly, how you may behave in general. Who listens now to the inner impulse feels exactly, what does him good and what not. Amen.
June 4th, 2017
Pentecost 2017
My children, every year, Pentecost takes place at the 50th day after Easter Sunday. All My children true to Me have already received the Holy Spirit and work together with him in a wonderful way through the worldwide light transmissions. Today, I want to talk about another issue, though, which is very important at the time being. Just today and tomorrow at Pentecost it is particularly important to pray for the global peace. Some of you, My children, include the prayer for the world peace in their daily light transmissions anyway. All other children may follow this example gladly. And because you ask again and again how the related prayer should be, I give you guidance for such a prayer as an example. Who prefers can pray the same way, as My writing cannel and his family do it. “Beloved FATHER, we ask You now, within the scope of our free will, that the vibration ‘global peace’ is sent now out into the world to all human beings, animals, and plants being receptive to it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER! Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!“ I am pleased, when every day more and more people do good deeds voluntarily through an inner motivation – in any manner whatsoever. Amen.
June 3rd, 2017
Morning hour
My children, I am asked every now and then, if it is important to get up early in the morning, or not. Now, in the morning, the body has the highest potential, which it uses throughout the whole day and partially also processes. I told you once that all My children true to Me may sleep, when and how they want, if they do mental work at different times. The deep sleep phase is relative, and time is flexible, as is well known. Thus for many people a short deep sleep is sufficient, perhaps only for some minutes, which We extend then so long, until the human being is well-rested. Most of the time, anyway processing and other things are to be seen or experienced in the dreams. Who likes to go to bed early in the evening and wants to watch the sunrise very early at about 5 o’clock may do this gladly. The night workers between My children true to Me sleep correspondingly longer and receive the same energy as the early risers, if they have done just as well. Concerning pure worldly oriented people, it is certainly useful to get up earlier and not to sleep half the day. I recommend you, My children, that you find your own personal rhythm, and that you of course show consideration for your family. Amen.
June 2nd, 2017
If something troubles your stomach...
My children, you become more and more sensitive, and everything including chaos, confusion, and stress can upset your stomach easily. Then the juices in your body do not work any more as usual, which can cause heavy belly ailments, extreme stomach pains, or also single up to multiple diarrhoea, which indicates that you should not expose yourself so much to this situation again. If you say now: “I have prayed previously and asked for Your protection”, I tell you: Indeed, you asked for protection, but if you get excited, feel disgusted, or work yourself up into something, the protection has become full of holes. Try to solve such situations in a different way. If you have to be busy with cleaning up or clearing out – because then My children are especially prone to stomach problems – pray and ask that this situation can be solved for you in a different way. In general, I would like you to take to heart that you avoid as far as possible everything, which harms you or does you not good, resp. find another way to settle it. I gladly help you with all your little aches always, when you ask Me for it. Amen.
June 1st, 2017
Who asks correctly receives the right answers
My children, many worldly oriented people complain again and again in the prayer that their question, their wish, or their problem had not been answered by Me. This is not true, My children! Everybody receives, suitable to his life plan or his tasks, the appropriate answers and resonances! Those of you, who pray profoundly and ask for help or care, receive an answer very soon. My writing channel e.g. received many answers today and will try to realize them. The Father’s word yesterday had been dedicated to him only partially, though, because also other children have to solve such problems. Please remember, My children: If something depresses or burdens you, apply to Me affectionately in the profound prayer, but also to your friends, acquaintances, and relatives, because also these people receive then the appropriate messages from Me to relay them to you. This happens often during the night, but also during the day or seemingly ‘by chance’ and it always fits perfectly. It is important that you listen carefully and pay close attention, but also write down keywords or notes, if the issue should be new to you or too extensive to memorize every detail by heart. Amen.