Father’s Word of July 31st, 2015
To show gratitude
My children, when you receive help, show gratitude. This can cover a wide range. In nature, the human being is normally very helpful and is glad, when he can help. Because nowadays this virtue decreases continuingly, helpfulness should be highly appreciated, and a gratitude for it should always be shown. This must be done not always on a financial basis, also barter transactions or simply a “Thank you” coming from the heart can follow. Who helps, receives always also a positive resonance through the law of resonance. The people should also be grateful for the health or the help for the food selection, for advice, and many other important things, because they very often help them along and are useful. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 30th, 2015
5 years vaterworte.de with Godfather’s words
My children, it is very favourable, when you pursue an aim, which does you good and pleases you. Writing down the GODFATHER’S WORDS is done voluntarily and in love to Me, your CREATOR and FATHER in JESUS CHRIST. Who manages to fulfil his tasks daily and does it in love and joy knows what a beautiful thing it is to help themselves and also other people, and to do good deeds. Try to go your way so that you live always in peace in love and joy with the certainty to do good deeds. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 29th, 2015
To set priorities
My children, it is important that you set priorities for yourselves. Things, which keep you from doing spiritual things, should be checked precisely, and then you should act correspondingly. It is important that you centre yourselves and also protect yourselves, when too much worldly energy tries to gain influence on your life. If you e.g. have begun something, complete it, if it is important for you. You also should fulfil obligations concerning promises from your side, if possible. However, pay attention that you do not make carelessly promises or commitments in the future without knowing, whether you can fulfil them. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 28th, 2015
You receive help
My children, it is about time that I tell you, how important it is to ask for help, when you need it urgently. Do not hesitate, and ask for it! I always help you gladly and bring the people together compatibly. Some people have difficulties to accept help, just like asking e.g. the way, when they are underway by car. You know that the time of the lone fighters is over, and that it is reasonable to achieve common objectives. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 27th, 2015
Go your way
My children, many of you have in one way or another some problems with the family, friends, or relatives, because they do not understand or do not want to accept your way of life. Very often, they live totally worldly concerning their attitude, and that makes you often sad or disappointed. But I tell you, My children: It is not important, what other people think about you. It is only important that you go your way, which is consistent and right for you. My children true to Me never have had it easy in life, and since the time 2000 years ago until today, many of you have been insulted for their belief, or even tormented. But within this life, everything will change, and as you know, a transformation is already in progress. But first of all, the wheat must be separated from the chaff. Therefore, let your sweethearts so as they are, and do not try to explain them, how you live. They understand it only, when their point of view is open for it. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 26th, 2015
Cleaning procedure
My children, as you know, there are many possibilities of cleaning for human beings and animals. But also nature cleans itself, and when then once more a storm tide, a violent storm, snow storms, or heat waves arise, this has of course also to do with the cleaning. Therefore it makes sense that you then, as soon as you are able to, send light and pray and send positive energies worldwide. Of course, the process of cleaning is already working, but then only within the scope, which should happen without meddling from the third side. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 25th, 2015
To spread joy
My children, the people are often so sad, and their lives are dreary and desolate. Try to cheer them up, and spread joy and positive energies, wherever it is possible for you. A joyful oscillation is like a bright light beam in a pitch-dark night, and it lights also the mind, the heart, the soul, and the brain. However, try to do it in a way that you are on a mutual wavelength, otherwise usually it does not work. Also smiling and showing joy through your facial expression belongs to it. Ideal places are also, where you can specifically do good deeds – without attracting attention – through gestures and helpful communication. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 24th, 2015
To compensate physical disabilities
My children, just now, when it is very hot and the body looses or sweats out a lot of water, minerals, vitamins, and trace elements through work or movement, you should take care that you compensate its balance again, otherwise physical disabilities could result. The already explained sole is one possibility, but also another, cost-effective alternative is very important: Blessed water with the prayer for completion of all the things the body needs. You see, the divine way is simple and not at all complicated. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 23rd, 2015
My children, many people see the current work as a challenge, because the money is running out at all fronts. But also many other circumstances ensure that there is always something to do, which challenges you. But I tell you, My children: Do not worry too much! You are guided and protected, if you have complete confidence, and many things, which seemed to be strange at first sight, are comprehensible only afterwards. Therefore accept your challenges, but with the knowledge that I help you, and that you will make the best of it, when you steadily stay firmly established in the faith and in the confidence. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 22nd, 2015
Mugginess and coldness
My children, the one suffers from the mugginess, the other from the coldness. In some regions, there is a “summer of the century”, in the others it is much too cold and dreary. The rain comes off badly nearly everywhere, and when it comes then, it is mostly a severe weather or a heavy scenario. You feel, My children, that these extreme phenomena belong also to the transformation and purification. Within the next days, the weather will slightly normalize again, and also the people, who suffer from the heat of the night, will be able to sleep better again. When the people do not get enough sleep through the high, muggy temperatures, they are listless and regularly tired during the day. When then the renewed mugginess adds up to it, they can only reach a fraction of their physical performance. If this happens for days or weeks, it really saps one’s energy. Especially therefore, the salt sole is so immensely important, because the electrolyte balance must always be refilled. Be joyful and full of good thoughts and perspectives in spite, because My children are always the pioneers and My prolonged arms on earth – in joy and with the certainty to do good deeds voluntarily. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 21st, 2015
Memory training
My children, it is very important and also useful, when you train your memory regularly and thus keep fit. Due to the fast moving time and the intense impressions, which daily hail down to each human being, it is often quite difficult to associate, what happened on which day. Therefore, you should note key points or write dairies. Also Sudoku puzzles or crossword puzzles are a good variant. Some of My children like to watch quiz shows and solve these brainteasers. However, it is important that you afterwards switch off the television set purposefully, and that it does not run in the background as sort of permanent background sound. This is very often the case among elderly people. Enjoy thinking about questions and try to train your memory. It will improve again by and by, if no serious defect exists yet. Additionally, the right supply of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements is also an important factor, as well as the conscious nutrition and the peaceful coexistence. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 20th, 2015
Pure salt
My children, beside the pure, blessed water, which you should drink daily, pure, natural salt is extremely important. The significance is the purity of the “white gold”, as it has been called in former times! It contains everything the body needs – but only in the pure form. You should pay attention to the fact that salt from the own homeland is better compatible than salt from the other side of the world. Who says now that he has pure Himalaya salt can use it of course also to flavour and as salt water. However, when it is used up, you should try to get domestic salt as far as possible. Such a sole you can daily put into a glass of not too cold water with a spoon from wood or plastics, because a spoonful sole dissolved in water is the ideal start into the new day. Think about it. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 19th, 2015
What keeps you young
My children, there are so many kinds, with which you can stay young – internally and externally. First of all, live the love to all forms of life, expel all negative thoughts from your thinking, and enjoy the things you like. Often, youthful memories come back to you, when you hear a certain melody or see or read something, what brings them back to you. Enjoy them, but do let them gain the upper hand. Memories of the past can be very pleasant, but in spite, you should not lose sight of the “here and now”. Many of you make a very clever mixture of the former times with the actual world situation. Thus, you can better cope with the worldly situation. During summer time, most of the people feel psychologically better than during winter, because the sun is shining more often, and you know well that the sun energy has healing power. Let everything in your heart, which keeps you young and does you good, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 18th, 2015
Illusionistic things
My children, I want to remember you once more that the most on earth, which is presented to you partially in brilliant, partially in dilettantish amateur action is only done to perform the game of “bread and circuses”, which already has worked in the ancient city of Rome to entertain and distract the masses. The human being cannot only be distracted from the important things and events on earth by simple diverting, but also be specifically guided into other directions. This goes even so far that the people spend more time on the diversion than with the real life. Be it large sports events or things that are built up artificially and are presented as seemingly essential. Because the people do not want to make a fool of themselves, they have to be able to talk about it, and thus they watch these scenarios of diversion obediently without realizing, what happens to them. These are only illusions, which distract consciously from the real, important world affairs. The other side knows that it would have no power any more within a very short time, if the people would understand this system. So-called “stars” are created and also promoted consciously. In this process, the youngsters are playing a significant role! They need “stars” to adore and worship them... The same applies to the nearly obsessive pressure, which is imposed on them, when they do not wear branded or designer clothes, and have to follow always the latest trends. Without this, they would be mocked or ignored. You however, My children, have a strong self-confidence and very muscular arms, because the steady swimming against the current needs power. But you receive these energies from Me through the profound prayer. Therefore your blessed work is so immensely important, and every day people awake and realize that it had been only a hamster wheel, in which they have run so many years voluntarily. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 17th, 2015
Temperature differences
My children, on earth, increasing temperature differences are measured. In former times, temperatures higher than 35 degrees centigrade occurred seldom in your latitudes. Also tornados and thunderstorms increase, as well as droughts and flooding. Should you live in such a region, it would be advisable to take precautions, and to guard against it accordingly. Who has already experienced a big flooding, e.g. by a river, which had burst its banks, as it has happened in your region during the past years, should learn from this situation and take appropriate provisions and precautions, or he should move to another, safer region. There are definitely regions, which are endangered. However, it is also risky to emigrate to a country, which has totally different life circumstances and climatic conditions. Thus consider carefully, whether you want to do such steps, and which consequences it would entail. In the country you live, there are mostly many beautiful regions, which you should investigate best beforehand carefully – by car, by walking, by train, or also through internet researches, before you move there. What I want to say with this is that there are many places on earth, which are very appropriate to live there, but which should require a certain previous knowledge. During the next years, temperature differences will take place intensified, and fluctuations as in this year can happen more often. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 16th, 2015
Joy in the appropriate work
My children, most of the people are totally lethargic in their way of thinking and acting, when they have to do every day the same procedures. There is no joy any more. However, who does the right work coming from the heart feels how much joy he has during working. This concerns all existing kinds of work. Whether the human being, who lives vegan, invents new delicacies in the kitchen, or the hobby gardener tries interesting creativity techniques in the garden … Everybody according to his own ability and his instinct. The main thing is that you have fun and joy, and that the work causes an inner satisfaction, which in return then leads to being strengthened and strong, thus you can do the mental work in voluntary joy. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 15th, 2015
To have the inner strength for letting go
My children, many people cannot do otherwise but doing good deeds, and they often have even remorse that this would not be enough. I want to tell you something in general: It is a pleasure, when you try to do good deeds. But there is no obligation! It should only be done, if you really want it! To have a bad conscious although a good deed has been done is due to the fact that there is still some burden on the soul, which causes this reaction. My children, who does something good must not have a guilty conscience, I have mentioned this already several times. Often these people had been locked up in monasteries and had to do things, which had not been intended in My great plan of love and redemption. Also vows and oaths, which have not yet been redeemed, very often bind the soul to these promises from previous incarnations. Also a former nun can have problems to have babies now in this life, because the old solemn promise of that time to stay childless still works subconsciously. And thus there are many old patterns, promises, oaths, and so on, which have influence on your present life, and which partially are still effective. My children, when you now give all these things to Me in the profound prayer for transformation, I release everything, and you are free from these relics. This you may also tell all those people, who ask you about it, respectively ask you for your help. It is time to let go the old adherences and impositions to live that life, which suits you voluntarily in love and joy. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 14th, 2015
My children, at the time being, a lot of fear is generated by the media, and this scaremongering leads to make many people insecure. It is fact that there are difficult circumstances in Europe and in some parts of the world, but it is planned consciously that panic is stirred up at once. You, My children, possess the great gift to connect yourselves with Me in the inner calmness, and then to decide, what you should do. However, this gift from Me to you, My children is not uncommon. Everybody can earn this, when he is ready to rethink his life, to revise old patterns, views, and opinions, and to give them then to Me for transformation. As I told you, this must happen of the own free will, and it must come really from the bottom of their hearts. Every day, a whole lot of things are reported in the public media, and a normal human being cannot cope with this flood of information anymore, because it overstrains often his personal view of things. Do not switch on television, radio, and internet for only one day, and you will realize, how much it calms you. Anyway, the internet should be used only for certain things. Reading of the GODFATHER’S WORDS belongs to them – and also the knowledge that you are always protected and guarded – not important where you are. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 13th, 2015
My children, every day you hear about new intrigues in Europe and partially also on other continents. Now, a lot of it is theatrical pomposity, because the strings are pulled by the other
side. In spite of this, also here and then something unusual can happen, because these people have also now and then contact with their subconscious, and via this then to their soul, and
finally also to their heart. Thus, sometimes unusual decisions can be explained. It is important for you – whatever just happens – that you stay in your inner middle, keep calm, and that
you also can live from the supplies, which you should have stored meanwhile wisely. Even if it will still last some time, My children, the prices are rising normally, and thus you have
stockpiled at a reasonable price. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 12th, 2015
Risky things
My children, the people are more and more kept away from the true reality, and the other side tries to discourage them from their mental development through more and more dangerous and
risky “bread and circuses” competitions. It must be more and more dangerous and adrenaline surging, which gives them the thrilling kick. As if life would be boring and dull, the addiction
to the ultimate ecstasy is for many people the total challenge per se. But also the many worldly people, who watch full of excitement these “bread and circuses” challenges live or in
television, are kept away from their mental development by this means. Try to understand these people and why they need these upsetting adventures, and then tell them, when you start a
conversation, that the body also needs rest phases. When you pray then profoundly and also send light, you can perhaps help some people understand that these marginal experiences are not
the real life. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 11th,
My children, everybody has needed help once, and when this was present then, there was a great joy. Now, often friends help each other, and in return, they receive a resonance. In which
way this takes place is often quite different. It is only important that you help, when your friends need help. Sometimes also a new friendship results from a help to apparently
strangers. My children, you are also often friends with each other, and you try to help each other mutually. Be sure that every good deed is accompanied also by a positive resonance. It
is important that you help each other, because only this way, you can build up a mental bulwark against the other side. Giving aid in a distress is a virtue, which I taught My children.
Father’s Word of July 10th, 2015
The direct way
My children, many people on earth are searching for a mental or spiritual maturity, and some of them also for enlightenment. Now, all of you have already experienced the enlightenment,
because it tells you that there is only one direct way on earth. The profound connection with Me in your heart through the profound prayer. Avoid dead-end-streets, aberrations, and also
entanglements of any kind. These are often placed by the other side, respectively skillfully arranged with apparent temptations of marvelous kinds. Do not go these ways, My children, this
I advise you! The direct way gone with Me is not always the most comfortable one, because also the old patterns and adhesions want to be recognized and let go. But at the end, you will be
happy! The New Earth is for some of My children true to Me a worthwhile goal, and also the way to it will be exciting and intensive. If I would already now pull the blanket away, and all
people could recognize, which aberrations they have gone and still are going, the chaos on earth would be perfect. Therefore it will still last some time, during which many people will
awake and recognize, which is the true way. For this reason, it is so immensely important to do further on daily good deeds, and to anchor My love light on earth. This voluntary service
can only be done so full of joy by people, who are united with Me inwardly, and know, which helpful things they can achieve with this. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 9th, 2015
Motion is everywhere
My children, at the time being, there is nearly no standstill on earth – nearly everything is in motion! The people move, but also animals and ideas, inspirations, and of course many of
My children, who do daily voluntarily so many good deeds! You could say, of course it is midsummer and thus a travel period. Yes, this is also true, but I did not mean it so. Mental
motion causes again and again changes, because standstill is nothing for My children true to Me. You want that it goes on, and that the aim, the New Earth, comes more and more within the
range of vision. But this still will last some time, My children, I have told you this already several times. I am delighted, when you in spite of it do every day at least one good deed –
and if it were only profound prayers and light transmissions. Also those children, who are physically weak or ill, can formulate the prayers and light transmissions also in their mind.
Yes, even the “Calls of Victory” work as well, when they are formulated silently in your mind. Therefore, in fact everybody has the possibility to do good deeds daily or at least
regularly – if he or she really wants it. Think about it! Amen.
Father’s Word of July 8th, 2015
Resonances of nature
My children, the ups and downs in nature always entail their resonances. Just now and also part of the preceding day, heavy thunderstorms with heavy rain, big hailstones, and from time to
time also small tornados were rioting. If you observe, hear, or see something like this, try immediately to pray profoundly and to send light, because then the forces of nature diminish
quite a bit, and you can do good deeds this way. Now, the recent extreme heat lets of course blaze up also the other excesses of summer. Therefore, leave your house always only after the
profound prayer and after putting yourselves under My mantle of protection – this recommendation I give to you. Also in many other countries immense resonances of nature are raging in
answer to that, what mankind harms the planet earth, and also due to the part, which comes from the other side. The forces of nature will still increase, until the people recognize, what
they impose on nature. My children, who are connected profoundly to Me, receive an advance warning and a protection. Therefore it is so important that you pray consciously and profoundly
daily in love, and that you also do again and again good deeds, in your way, and where and when you want to do it. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 7th, 2015
My children, at the time being, many people suffer from fatigue. Now, this can have different reasons: Health problems, bodily problems, problems due to the weather, but also mental and
physical reasons. What I want to say with this is that one cannot simply apply one standard to all, but one has to look specifically in the particular case. When you or somebody from your
family or friends suffer from it, the person concerned should try at first to analyze, what is wrong in the own life. Mostly, the reason is quickly discovered, but the solution and
realization mostly last quite a time, because the human being may resolve his inner blockades first. Here you can stand by his side helpfully and recommend the profound prayer to Me –
however by conviction and the faith that help is granted, when beforehand there is a transformation and letting go. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 6th, 2015
Faith and confidence
My children, when you listen deeply inside you, you feel, whom you can believe and trust. During the profound prayer, you are connected with Me, and this love and warmth is unique. You trust your sweethearts as well, and also your own inner knowledge. However, what is presented in the public media day by day has nothing to do with being able to believe and to trust in it, because the other side controls it and dictates, what happens. Also the daily intrigues, power struggles, regularly changing accusations, and whatever happens else, is only stage play, through which people easily can see, when they go through their lives with an open mind. Do not let you force into the fears, My children, but live your lives. Of course certain precautions are always good, because there can be changes relatively fast by the turning of the political roundabout. Be aware of it and look out for omens, which always appear. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 5th, 2015
Helpers on earth
My children, worldwide there are people, who stand up for the good, and who are connected with each other through the prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls, and good deeds. Also in the fauna and flora, there are many helpers, who are often quite unknown. This is relatively popular about whales and dolphins, but many people do not know that trees help to clean the atmosphere. It would be nice, if a global network of good deeds would develop through your prayers and light transmission – on a voluntary basis. When you ask for it in the prayer, also these things are better linked to each other, and thus the people, who begin to awake, can receive help to go their new way. Be also always ready to answer the peoples’ questions, when you are asked for it. But please pay attention not to overstrain them, and ask again and again, whether they really have understood it. It is particularly not easy to learn within a short time so much spiritual input. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 4th, 2015
Be creative, My children
In times like these you should become creative and try to develop the best for you and for your body. Verify, which food you still can tolerate, and you should abstain from all other food, or produce it vegan yourselves. Some of you have become real inventors and have thus found a way to eat healthy, and additionally to save money, because their own creations are less expensive in their preparation than purchased products. I recommend you to convert your bodies step by step to the vegan way of life, if you have not done it yet, and to avoid animal products, because they are increasingly genetically modified. While shopping, therefore pay always attention to the list of ingredients, which is often printed very small and in Latin language. Catch up on the facts and learn to distinguish, what does you good and what not. You become more and more sensitive, My children, and soon you will be able to find out just by touching the food, whether it is right for you, or whether you better should avoid it. Even organic food is sometimes sprayed and treated, and many of you do the following before eating it: Sufficient, abundant washing and the crossing out of the bar code, which the other side has implemented to make the people ill and dependent. Before each meal, beg for My blessing for food and drinks, and are in a peaceful vibration during eating. Experiment with different delicacies of vegan kind and find out, what tastes you well and does you good. These suggestions from Me are a thought-provoking impulse and at the same time a motivation to be creative, and in doing so to stay in the joy and happiness. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 3rd, 2015
Something for the health
My children, people are not really motivated to do physical work, when it is hot outside and they sweat. But especially sweating is good for the body, because slags, poisons, and other things get out and thus help the body to release them. However, it is important to drink enough water, and that also the electrolyte balance is built up again. Treat yourselves to some breaks during the day, and let the sun cuddle your body and let it receive the pure vitality. Be glad, My children, that the sun shines, because without her all life on earth would be doomed. So do not complain, when it is hot, but adapt yourselves and make the best of it. Consider the heat as sauna sessions free of charge – only with the advantage that you can stop it anytime, when you want it. Try to see each season with the eyes of love and delight, and to enjoy it, and then you will find out that each season has its attraction and charm. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 2nd, 2015
The calming force
My children, in every human being a special force exists. In the hearts, there is the connection to Me, which you can always use, when you pray profoundly, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, or do good deeds from the bottom of your hearts. This calming force is your pole of energy, which you can use, and should receive power from it. Most of the people do not know anything about it any more, when they become “grown up” with everything they have. The children and partially also those still in the puberty know this inner power, which resides inside them. But it is interesting that they often abandon all pragmatic rules to keep up with other people, in order to be not the “eccentric”, the one who thinks and acts differently, and who could attract attention. Thus he floats well-behaved with the current and does not question anything, as long as he feels well. Only during a crisis or in difficult situations they remember Me, and that there had been something different inside them, which gave them power and confidence. However, those people, who nurse and nurture their inner child, like you name it, did not lose their focus, and they had maintained their inner connection to Me, and they use this calming force for regeneration, motivation, and many other positive things. Therefore teach the people, when they ask you, and tell them about the calming force, which results through the heart in the profound connection to Me. Amen.
Father’s Word of July 1st, 2015
Envy and jealousy
My children, I find it a pity, when My children are at odds with one another, respectively when envy and jealousy are between them. Theoretically, still more children could receive the GODFATHER’S WORDS, if they would behave and live accordingly, and if they were also ready to write down this form of My transmissions. Every one of My children, who work as channels, receives the messages, which are individually adapted to his life, his consciousness, and his maturity level. This is also voluntary, and there is no obligation. Whether the messages can be read like these here in the internet depends from different aspects. In those days, this channel received the inner impulse to write down the GODFATHER’S WORDS and to share them with you. Some of My children e.g. note their own transmissions only for themselves and do not distribute them. Because I gave you a free will, every receiver of those messages decides this for himself. Nobody of you is perfect and omniscient, and therefore there should be no quarrels between My children, because all of you strive for the highest possible spiritual level, and you try it depending on your own possibilities. It is important that all children worldwide, who carry Me voluntarily at the first place in their hearts connected in love, want to do good deeds and to help this planet earth to become more luminous through their hearts and their inner attitude. Therefore, send all light workers or children of light, depending on how you call them, the message of peace from your hearts, so that a huge energy beam full of love and light floods through this earth and thus gives her the help she needs to receive another boost for the transformation and to change into the New Earth. Amen.