Father’s Word of January 31st, 2015
Winter landscapes
My children, the white of the winter has arrived in many parts of your homeland. Even in flat regions are now affected and have a white blanket of snow. Therefore take care to drive carefully and with anticipation, and better plan some time more for your daily trips. Also to clear the snow and possibly scraping the ice from the cars should be considered generously. However, I want to show you the beauties of the winter, which daily can be admired, marvelled, and also explored then. Each season has not only its justification, but also its very special kind to handle it in harmony. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 30th, 2015
To do everything deliberately
My children, in this fast moving time, you should “step on the brakes” consciously, and do everything slowly and deliberately. Because strength lies in peace especially. Eating hectically is not good for you, and the body also does not like at all, when you are sidetracked during eating. Consider also that the eyes symbolically tolerate more than the stomach. This means: No matter how tempting and delicious it looks, please eat slowly and carefully, and consider that the feeling of satiety occurs only some time later. Therefore those people have an advantage, who eat slowly, because then they feel at once, when the body is full. Also everything else in life should be done cautiously, and in the quietness and strength. Ask Me always for help, and you will experience that your life changes into the positive. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 29th, 2015
Joyful events
My children, many people are sad at the time being, yes, even nearly paralyzed. They are in permanent low vibrations, due to the mass of nearly daily changing events, about which they hear through the public media. But I tell you: Be aware, where you find joyful events, and let this joy flood your heart, your body, and your soul, and then distribute this joy out into the world through the profound prayers and light transmissions. If you ask now, what joyful events are: Now, the smile of somebody, helpfulness, tolerance, common things that please the people, etc. There are joyful events every day. You only have to accept and to discover them. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 28th, 2015
Wish fulfilment
My children, each of you wants to fulfil time and again heart’s desires. Just grant yourselves these things, when they are according to your life. For the soul and the subconscious perceive during the sleep very often things, which still want to be handled or also are unfulfilled wishes, there is a possibility to allow these unfulfilled wishes, when they e.g. serve to become more balanced and consolidated in your whole personality. A journey that had been already long time as a wish may e.g. be fulfilled, if it stays under control. However, the soul is already content with a trip within the own country without an expensive stay abroad. Here the sense of well-being is important, and this is very possible also in the own country. Especially in the coming time, you should not travel too far abroad, because a fast return home could be necessary. Therefore treat yourselves gladly to the fulfilment of your wishes, but also consider the possibility of a fast return home. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 27th, 2015
Good allocation
My children, many of you have already made provisions and still do it. Especially the amount of water cannot be large enough, when the crisis begins. But for the stocking, you should have a good scheme of allocation. On the one side, what you and your family need for yourselves, and on the other side, what you want to give away to others. My children, a good planning is also necessary for your daily life, and how you get along with your monthly budget of money. In the same way, the leisure activities should be considered carefully and made in a way that it pleases you and perhaps also strengthens you and gives you power, and on the other hand that you can do good deeds and that it brings along useful things. You see, My children, everything should be thoughtful and consistent with the heart, the soul, and the rest of the body. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 26th, 2015
Watch your dreams
My children, in your dreams you learn a lot, and also things are prepared that will happen soon. These are always vague messages of the kind that things can come – but that they must not happen. This means: Often there are things or situations, which have not yet been clarified or solved, and in your dreams you then often receive messages, what problem wants to be still solved. But also things that bother you subconsciously, disturb you, or may cause a guilty conscience, surface short before awakening inside you, and they want to be considered. The deep sleep is a phase that should last for some hours, so that you are well rested. During this time, the body recreates, and the soul is travelling. Afterwards, you mostly experience a phase with many dreams that often lasts until awaking. It is useful to write down some catchwords or whole paragraphs, which you still remember in the here and now, My children. When you analyze the dreams then, you feel very often, what you still may let go or handle. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 25th, 2015
My children, who now is friend or enemy in the world affairs is mostly very confusing, because the public media send only those news that are requested by the other side. To avoid confusions you should look deeply into the eyes of the human beings. Who is honest can withstand the gaze, because you look directly into the soul through the eyes. Just do not try to understand, what happens on earth at the time being. I or My prolonged arms will inform you always in due time about the most important facts, and the confidence into My love is your strongest protection. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 24th, 2015
My children, on earth, a lot is in a sorry state, and especially in Europe many things run in the way the other side has provoked. Try to stay always in your middle and not to decide something hastily, before you have thought it through with all your senses. A lot of things seem to be very unfair at first sight, but also consider that the public media report the most things not truthfully. There is a justice, and also alone the law of resonance will ensure the compensation here. Nevertheless, sometimes it lasts a certain time, because within the complete structure of all things that happen on earth, it is a huge logistic masterstroke, to speak in your modern language, to coordinate and arrange everything in the way it is possible. Your wishes, dreams, and hopes come true now already much faster than e.g. in former lives. The earth goes through a difficult phase just now, and within this year, a lot will still happen. Who is always connected with Me, has also the possibility to stay in the calmness and serenity that is necessary to master everything in the view of peace. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 23rd, 2015
He who seeks finds
My children, many of you have been already very hungry for knowledge as little children and wanted to learn from their parents or relatives, what exists outside the earth. You felt very well that the theories you heard at school could not be right. Many of you knew from their childhood on that reincarnation is self-evident, and felt like an outsider or black sheep in their family. Many of My children true to Me are not only in this life different from others. It has always been difficult to live and teach on this planet, which has been stuck so deeply in the darkness, though it is really a bright jewel. Here the formerly fallen children have met, and they try now to catch a ray of hope that helps them to turn around. Now, My children, most of you, who have always been devoted to Me voluntarily have incarnated voluntarily here on earth to send this planet and its inhabitants light and insight, so that a rethinking and quitting of old patterns and adherences can happen. Certainly you have picked up the one or the other adherence, but most of you know, where you come from, and what your mission is. Therefore do not instruct, but only answer, when you are asked, and send as often as possible My love light through your profound prayers and also through the light transmissions out into the world, so that each of them achieve their results. As constant dropping wears the stone, your prayers have the same effect as well. A soon as the critical point has been reached, the resonances will begin to roll like an avalanche, and then there will be a huge awakening on earth. Therefore have patience and endurance, because in this time it is also crowned with visual success. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 22nd, 2015
Balanced diet
My children, it is important that you have a balanced diet as often as possible. Many of you do this often, but not often enough. Who eats e.g. too many carbohydrates suffers sometimes from flatulence, bloating, or also overweight. With a balanced diet, if possible vegan, you can give your body what it needs. Prefer local products, because your body can process and digest them better. In the subtle way, your bodies realize very well, whether the food has been grown biological or not, and also, whether it has been modified genetically. Beg again and again every day for My blessing for your food and your drinks, and you will experience that you feel good, respectively better. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 21st, 2015
Help from inside to outside
My children, you would like to help and try as hard as possible. But you have forgotten sometimes to clear up first inside yourselves, and after this to help outside. It is particularly difficult to help wholeheartedly, when you have to eliminate your own disorder inside you. Often these are negligibilities from your point of view, i.e. things that seem to have no value, but they still lie around and cause congestions or detours in your body. Compare it with your computers and superfluous programs or files you had intended do delete since long time, but neglected it out of laziness. Yes, you heard Me right: Laziness. This is it, what many people have, when they could clear up the mess and clean out, where it should be done. What you call “lack of will power”, i.e. the effort to do something that is unpleasant or disturbing. Begin inside yourselves, and you will experience, how fast several things accumulate there that want to be released. As soon as this has been completed, you can deal with the outside. However, do not put pressure on yourselves, but do everything calmly step by step. You will experience that as soon as you have begun, each following step will be easier. Your FATHER, who knows how difficult it is for you to part with old patterns and adherences, because at any time, I can empathize with you completely and also walk in your shoes symbolically. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 20th, 2015
Small groups
My children, I told you already several times that living as a lone fighter and hermit is not appropriate in the present time. Join together in small groups – for the first, it can e.g. also be through the internet – and try to find thus an agreement, what you could best do. Many readers of these GODFATHER’S WORDS are such a small group as well, where the designation “small group” is relative. It is important that you act in concert all together, and that you do voluntarily as many good deeds as possible every day. Also help one another, and let nobody of this group down, because that is bad manners for My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 19th, 2015
Refuse to see
My children, many people refuse and do not want to see, what really takes place resp. happens on earth. They symbolically wear rose-coloured spectacles, which show them an ideal world, and they believe that they thus will be spared. But people, who do not want to see and hear, will be confronted very hard with the reality one day. You, My children, may act enlightening here very cautiously, but only, if you are asked for it. What do you think would happen on earth, if the ideal world view would break down “at a stroke”. Especially therefore it is still so difficult that the new energy can be anchored stronger, because many people stick too much to the old patterns and procedures. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 18th, 2015
My children, every human being is sensitive by birth in his own way. Few people have preserved these subtleties to adulthood. But now a point has been reached, where many of you and also part of the worldly people feel more and more, realize, and open themselves for the spiritual world and its vibrations. However, at the same time you feel also the negative things on earth that are artificial. Not everything that seems to bring prosperity is really good. A lot of mobile radio masts and other pathogen things are now felt by you much more intensely, and also the own stress inside the house or e.g. at your job you realize as unpleasant and burdensome. Part now from all things that make you sick, My children. I give you this advice. You will feel, how the perceptions and sensitive influences in your life will increase, and that you have to protect yourselves more and more from negative energies. However, be glad that you feel it – as kind of an advance warning. Thus you can prevent worse and prepare accordingly, or also prevent. The radiation on earth has reached a critical point. Please do not take this lightly, as you say. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 17th, 2015
To build up confidence
My children, many worldly oriented people, who refuse the spiritual way totally, have often or nearly no confidence in what you tell them about the spiritual world. Remember that you should talk about it only, when you are asked for it. Often it leads in special situations to embarrassing situations, when you e.g. are invited and do not want to refuse for the sake of peace and quiet, for there exists a radiation you cannot cope with, or themes will be discussed that would drive you and your attitude into a corner. Unfortunately, very often the other side is the driving force against you that supports the worldly oriented people. Try to find compromises, or do not follow the invitation, if it is incompatible with your conscience and / or your health. You know, My children, that My closest confidants on earth often have had a difficult up to a very hard life, because they had remained faithful to their belief, also against all temptations of the other side. If now, as it happens to some of you, My children, such heavy barriers are put in your way, you have sometimes to make decisions that are not compliant with the understanding of your relatives and friends. Your FATHER who is glad, when His children are firmly established in the belief and the confidence, and that they do not succumb to any temptations. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 16th, 2015
Detoxification of the body
My children, when you pray for a detoxification of your body, you should reckon that this will happen. This means: Malodorous things will leave your body and make room for pure energies and for the new increase of vibration. A detoxification of the body should always be accompanied by a lot of pure, blessed water, which you should drink sufficiently distributed over the day. There are many kinds of purification, but the mental one through the profound prayer is the most powerful cleaning. Please also begin to break old habits that are bad for you, as consuming e.g. a cup of coffee in the morning, black tea, or also food that makes your body acidic instead of alkaline. Alone a change to alkaline food, together with the blessed water, helps to detoxify and clean the body. Begin always very softly, and as soon as you feel that it becomes too hard for you, stop it for the moment, and only continue, when you have the feeling that you want to go on with it. A very simple possibility to start the cleaning is to begin at first only with blessed, energized water, which you should drink about half an hour before your meals. Thus, firstly your appetite is less, and secondly the body is able to establish already the preparation for the cleaning. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 15th, 2015
Capabilities of the water
My children, as you know, water has a memory. You can also communicate over long distances with water, and it adapts the oscillations of its surrounding. If you were invited anywhere and receive water to drink, simply say in your mind: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR” and the water will be purified and energetically loaded. You can also communicate with the water and tell it everything you want. It can e.g. become strongly alkaline in order to detoxify and to clean the body, or it can absorb all those minerals you just need, to name only two examples. Besides the air to breathe, water is the most important elixir of life on earth, and you can also influence the water in the human body positively through your prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”. You should now and then thank your inner organs, your bones, your blood, and also the water inside you for the good work that they all do together with the soul and the spiritual heart. Respect the water, and try as often as possible to purify and to energize it. This works worldwide also with mental power. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 14th, 2015
Sleep problems
My children, many people have sleep problems at the time being. First, they cannot fall asleep, and they wake up too early or feel whacked and do not want to get up. Why is that? Now, on the one side the continuous winds and storms are responsible, but on the other side also the situation in the world. Many people are unsettled and have fears and sorrows, which they turn over in their minds during the night, and therefore they miss the inner quietness to relax and fall asleep. An end of the storms is not in sight yet, and also the “April weather phenomenon” in January is of course physically strenuous for human beings, animals, and nature. Help can only come from keeping the inner balance, praying profoundly, and also gladly celebrating the “Calls of Victory” lying in bed, and you will experience, how the body, the mind, the heart, and the soul become calmer, and that you can sleep then peacefully to wake up refreshed in the next morning. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 13th, 2015
Balance at all levels
My children, it is important for you that you do everything consciously and strive for balance at all levels. Of course, this also includes a balanced daily nutrition, for which you always may ask for My blessing, blessed water, but also conscious acting and thinking – as well as the daily light transmissions and prayers. These are only recommendations from My side to you, My children. But be aware, just now in a time, where the food is nearly everywhere sprayed and treated, conscious nutrition and the conscious handling of it are essentially necessary. Especially the consciousness and the profound connection with Me sends this food then cleaning, transformation, healing, and all the other positive aspects your body needs. The same is valid for My mantle of protection under which you should place yourselves regularly through the profound prayer. There are always means and possibilities of cleaning and healing – if you believe in it. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 12th, 2015
Make decisions
My children, very often you are faced with situations, where you must decide what to do. Often the body together with the mind decide very fast, while the heart needs longer. Now, it always makes sense to include all factors that can be decisive. Take your time for important things, as the proverb says: “I first want to sleep on it for a night”, because during the night you receive helps and inspirations for your decisions. If you need a solution spontaneously, go for some minutes into the profound prayer, and I help you with the solution offering you the best for you. Of course, you must decide for yourselves. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 11th, 2015
Intellectual games
My children, many people create scenarios in their heads now, how it should continue on earth, resp. which bad things may still happen. This, My children, is very dangerous, because also thoughts can come true very well. If e.g. people place their theses or opinions in the internet, and many other people read them and even believe them, these energies have a lot of power to develop. Exactly for this reason, you should control your thoughts, and if some should slip you away once that are outside your vibrations of love, send at once “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR” after them and thus neutralize them. Your daily light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and prayers have partially also the purpose and function of cleaning and neutralizing things on earth to prevent something worse. At the same time, also a part of these wonderful energies you send daily is used to increase the oscillations of the earth. You see, My children, how important your daily, voluntary tasks are. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 10th, 2015
Secret wishes
My children, many worldly oriented people have secret wishes especially in times like these. But also many of you long now for a warm place in the sun, the sounds of the sea, or also for other locations, where it is less uncomfortable as just in your region and in many other places on earth. A change always happens with violent effects. Whether these are religious, political, or world-economical problems that are turned over in the minds – it is never simple. This planet earth has seen already many crisis-scenarios, as well as also the destruction of whole cultures. However, what now lies ahead has never happened before, My children. You will have to stay patient in order not to lose your inner middle, and to be able to continue to send voluntarily and with joy My love light out into the world, so that is flows there, where it is needed. Everything changes now faster and faster, and there is no day without headlines and news that are anything but calming. Nevertheless, your own focus is your inner middle, and there you can find the calmness that you need to carry out all your tasks and to recharge your batteries daily. Who will have to move in restless times, will be informed in time and will be guided and led by Me. Far journeys abroad should be considered carefully, and it is advisable to have there a safe haven as well. Many of My children travel a lot and enjoy it. However, go into the meditation prior to each journey, and pray from the bottom of your heart to Me, and then you will learn, what and where it is good for you. The location you give the rating “homeland” should be your main place of abode, when you look for peace and inner calmness. This place must not necessarily be a house or an apartment, but it can also be movable. The heart and the connection with Me is your anchor, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 9th, 2015
Turbulent times
My children, at the time being, turbulent things happen on earth. It snows in hot countries, and it is mild in the winter time like in spring. Wind and storms build up and become heavy storms, and of course you may now pray profoundly, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and light your candles for protection and weather to create an opposite pole to the turbulences. Most of the worldly people say mostly during all weather activities: “You just cannot do anything.” You may deliberately assist educationally here, and tell them that each prayer spoken from the bottom of the heart brings help. You see, your tasks are distributed in quite a manifold way. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 8th, 2015
Please try to keep calm
My children, during the next time, the other side will try to separate you from your friends, families, and relatives. You know that you as “differently mined people” deviate from the standard. You eat consciously, drink pure, blessed water, avoid things that harm you, try to renounce animal food, and live in conformance with Me in your hearts. These facts are anyway hard to understand for many members of your family or other acquaintances. But now you inform these people additionally, what will come soon, resp. lies just around the corner. Therefore, the other side tries to drive a wedge between you and your family respectively your friends. Let yourselves not drag down, and wrap all these people especially in My light of protection, and there will come also other times again, because when the misery is great, these people remember at the latest, what you had told them, and certainly also, how important stocks are. Perhaps they will appear suddenly at your door to participate in your supplies, because they had not taken your words seriously. Be never resentful, forgive them from the bottom of your hearts, and also share your precious food voluntarily with them, but with the correct wording, that you do not intend to stay without supplies for yourselves. Practice charity, but do not forget yourselves and your dearest, whom you have to feed as well. Therefore it is important that you again and again send light through the profound prayers during situations of quarrel, and that you calm it down through the love from the heart that I send you continuously. It is no easy time you live in, My children, but it is an important time on earth. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 7th, 2015
Miraculous transformations
My children, in these days, miraculous transformations take place in many people. So to say from Saul to Paul they recognize that the previous way has misled them, and that only the way into My FATHER’S HOUSE is the direct one. Many worldly oriented people see no more purpose in all their belongings and their being, and when they begin to pray then and contact Me profoundly, I lead them according to their wishes. I respect every free will, and you, My children, should always do this as well, when you want to help or are called for help. On New Year’s Day, a rethinking has begun, and you will experience it yourselves certainly soon that people, who had often pushed Me aside, suddenly let Me participate in their life. The subtle energy of the increase of vibrations has reached a level, where the resonances are felt slowly but surely. Of course it can also happen that people who reject it strongly become even more aggressive and stubborn. But you, My children know this all, also from the practical daily life. Therefore, you should listen to all people without prejudices, when they ask you for it. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 6th, 2015
My children, today is the 6th of January, and the celebration of Epiphany is today. However, most of the people do not know its background. Additionally, today the twelve days of mischievous jokes of the dark side are over, you know them better as “Raunächte”. In the next time, you will need a lot of endurance, so that you can handle everything that will approach you. Fears decrease your energies drastically, and thus you are prone to diseases of different kinds. As soon as you begin to feel ill, take a day off and try to rebuild your energies. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 5th, 2015
Pay attention to yourselves
My children, especially this unsteady time with its fast changes and the increase of vibrations can cause problems with your body and your health. Protect yourselves well, and if you realize that something comes to you, try to accept in in love, and at the same time try to find out, what stresses your body so much that it wants to take some time out. Additionally, be especially alert on all your ways, and put yourselves again and again under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Your FATHER who is always and everywhere with you, if you allow it. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 4th, 2015
Influence from outside
My children, everything is subject to the law of resonance – also the universe. Things that happen on earth have influence on your neighbour planets and also on the sun. Again, a sun storm has hit the earth, and this will continue in the near future. The effects can be indisposition, psychological problems, headache, sleeplessness, and many other physical symptoms. If you feel something like that, go into your middle at once, and then put yourselves at once under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. If you feel these problems at your neighbours or your dearest, you may of course pray for their protection as well. Another side-effect may be also the failure of power supply, depending from where and how strong these energy impacts are. So be alert and on guard, and pray for protection, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 3rd, 2015
My children, especially the children and young people of mankind are tempted nearly daily. This happens through the increasingly sophisticated technology, e.g. mobile digital all-rounders, which can provide mobile phone and internet services and additionally also take pictures, store music, and make available many other applications. Many parents are not interested in the fact that these mobile devices are extremely harmful especially for children. The kids and young people nag and urge them so long, until they get such a device as well, so that they are not ignored or even insulted at school. Furthermore, the electronics market provides nearly only cordless devices now. All these cordless equipments radiate electric smog, and depending on the use and how you carry it near your body, they can cause extreme health problems up to severe diseases. You, My children, mainly are aware of this problem, and you use this technology carefully. Avoid all cordless devices of any kind wherever possible, and use telephones and computers with cable connections if possible. Your health will benefit from it! You will become more and more sensible, and soon many of My children will feel it already in many shops and rooms, how harmful this electric smog and its many hundred effects in its tow are. Do not take this topic lightly, and explain your children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives, which dangerous equipment they carry with them. Do not allow them to make calls with it in your apartments, houses, or cars, and tell them to switch it off completely, because it harms your health, and that is your will that there, where you stay – within your own four walls – this is forbidden. Thus, a rethinking in the heads of mankind can happen. However, who will hot hear must feel how harmful this energy is. Avoid also places that have a strong radiation, and try to live, where no disturbing transmitter masts and similar devices exist. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 2nd, 2015
My children, many people have good intentions for the New Year. Part of My children true to Me have these intentions as well. Now, it is always a really good idea to plan to do something, but mostly the people cannot stick to it, in case the intentions have come from a spontaneous idea. Intentions that mature inwardly and externally, and then are performed with willpower, the inner heart, the soul, and the whole body have much more potential to be maintained. Therefore I recommend to you, My children, to make changes in small steps, and to check once and again, whether these changes do you good, and how you feel then considered as a whole. With this, it is guaranteed that you succeed and continue in full and with joy. Amen.
Father’s Word of January 1st, 2015
New Year 2015
My children, a new year comes towards you, and many people have fixed ideas of it. On the one hand, they are afraid of a crisis, a crash of the system, or even worse. On the other hand, they hope for peace, tranquillity, and a carefree life. Now, there will come a bit of everything, and your prayers contribute to how intensive and severe the negative scenario will happen. There are a lot of prophecies about this end time, but no exact date. But this has also something to do with the circumstance that everything is alterable and changeable. It is fact that the transformation will come! It is also predetermined that there will also be a last flare-up of the other side. However, the when and the intensity are changeable and can be influenced through intensive prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”, just to name the three most important aids. Therefore, you, My children, should live every day free of fear in the certainty that you are protected and guarded, and that you can come every day under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Amen.