February 28th, 2017
My children, no matter whether it is the last day of the foolish activities or the worldwide events in general: It is mandatory to persevere! Meanwhile, many of you, My children, refuse to listen to the news in the public media, because they are spiked with misinformation. Most of you get their information from the internet. Many of My children are impatient that the great cleaning up finally starts. But for this, perseverance is mandatory further on. Many of My children ask again and again in the profound prayer, how long they have still to endure this situation on earth. Now, I give you here a good advice, how you can live your life in spite of the often apparent adverse circumstances: First of all, you should not let yourselves be pulled down by the daily destructive messages, and come what may, think positive and hold your physical and mental vibrations high. Initially, this sounds difficult, but it is not. What you set your focus on has presence in your life. Thus: If you align your life to what is important for you, this will have the highest significance. Harmony in the family, balance, daily profound prayers and sending light, joy in your life, and confidence that all important and positive things in your life will happen, and that you will initiate everything. The flow of life comprises also that you live financially balanced without exaggerating it and that you always donate in love to help. This can be an affectionate word, profound prayers, but also monetary donations, if you have plenty of money. Everybody donates according to his abilities. If you live this way, life can be lived happily and in peace – in profound joy and humbleness as well. Amen.
February 27th, 2017
Inner attention
My children, when you pray profoundly for somebody, you also turn to him closely, and through your help, healing can happen within the scope of his life plan. I am very often asked to help people, who are only limited guilty that they are ill. I give you an example, which is mentioned quite often: A child or a teenager falls ill with migraine or e.g. nervous unrest, up to the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. What is mostly the cause? Nowadays, there is an originator, which lurks mostly in the invisible range: It is the radiation of the wireless energy. This can be the mobile all-rounders, photovoltaic systems at the roofs, WLAN in the whole house, plus Bluetooth in the car, and so on. How should a child bear these gigantic amounts of radiation without becoming sick? Now, the child has normally also a mobile all-rounder or even a tablet computer in order not to be harassed at school. Often these children and teenagers watch music videos and more in the internet lying in bed, and often in doing so, they fall asleep, and the equipment radiates the whole night long. Who, please, My children, can withstand such a pathogen radiation permanently? Who should now be blamed? The parents, who expose their child to a dose of radiation, regardless of the consequences, which will make them ill? Or the child itself, who operates his device in spite of different pains continuously and does absolutely not realize that it harms him? You understand the situation. From the karmic point of view, first of all the parents burden themselves, because as a proverb says: “Ignorance does not protect against punishment.” The youngster burdens himself with karma conditionally, but he can be enshrouded and protected through profound prayers. Your task is also at least to inform about the dangers of wireless energy, when you realize that it is used there. You can say of course now: “Beloved FATHER, in every second house this radiation is present.” This is absolutely true, My children, but there are sensitive, sensible children and those, who have “a thicker skin”, as common parlance puts it, and who in the first place endure respectively suppress more radiation than the others. But it is fact that in the long term the inhabitants of houses with high radiation suffer harm permanently. Those of you, My children, who work in a company, where every employee has switched on his mobile all-rounder, also during working hours, and where also the computers work with wireless connection, can ask Me of course for My mantle of protection and thus reduce the radiation, but through the permanent exposure it is so as if you were under water, and I would give you upon request continuously an oxygen breathing equipment, and you had mainly to concentrate to breathe calmly. In this case it is certainly useful to talk to your employer, and perhaps your doctor can attest your electrosensitivity, or you could switch professions. Nowadays, there are companies, where it is watched for electric smog, and where the mobile all-rounders have to be switched off during working hours. Back to the sick children: Recommend their parents to do research, what WLAN is doing to them. At the latest, when they suffer themselves from migraine regularly, they will prick up their ears. And who still does not want to hear will have to feel it at his body. Thus you can give all children and teenagers an inner attention in form of My mantle of protection against radiation through the profound prayer, and it will give them at least relief, because you do not know, which tasks this child has to cope with during his life plan. Amen.
Prayer for children and teenagers concerning radiation protection:
Beloved Father, we pray now profoundly for all children and teenagers in the world, so that within the scope of their life plan they are placed under Your mantle of protection against radiation, and thus receive relief and help. Amen. Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR. So is it and so be it. Amen.
February 26th, 2017
My children, who has a pure heart must not hide behind a masquerade. Therefore the other side uses these carnival costumes to seduce these often unaware people, or let them do things in the form of occupations or adhesions, which otherwise would not happen. Especially women, who during these “foolish days” harm their bodies through the abuse of alcohol, regardless of the consequences, can get it through such an action. Although men are more robust and resistant in most cases, they can also get these problems. Therefore I advise against doing such masquerades, and during these “foolish days” try to stay well clear of these events, and first of all place yourselves always profoundly under My mantle of protection. Pray as well profoundly for your children, grandchildren, and relatives, so that they can also be protected – within their life plans. Amen.
February 25th, 2017
Justice and injustice
My children, many of you know it: You are cheated, lied to, or wronged, and you cannot do a lot against it without suing the other person. If this person belongs to the own relationship or friendship, though, this is difficult. Often you have also to pay for the costs in advance to claim the missing money. My children, I want to tell you something: These stories are already as old as life exists. Since the lovely Sadhana had abandoned Me and thought that she could play God herself, these fights on earth exist. Often these people, who have harmed you, are not always the main culprits, but only the prolonged arms of the dark side, which takes advantage of rage, hate, jealousy, anger, financial distress, and many other things to harm the other person, to cheat, lie to, rob him, and so on. Certainly you can go the hard, stony path via the worldly court, but you should consider as well that this way cannot be gone by everybody. Who can forgive now magnanimously and let go as well, and asks Me that the missing money comes back otherwise, will receive it. However, this can last longer. It is only important to forgive and to let go, because the person, who has betrayed you, will experience his resonance. I do not like, when children sue their parents and vice versa. Letting go and forgiving is a great grace and also a gift, which comes on the one hand from a great heart, and gives on the other hand the possibility to the other person to correct his mistake. Amen.
February 24th, 2017
What it means to stay in the inner calmness...
My children, outside storms are raging in some regions, carnival tries once again to rise up, and to hold again many people in their tentacles, who are absolutely uninformed concerning the spiritual laws. The television sets are bigger and bigger, and with them also the wireless connections to different providers, which make the people not only addicted and dependent, but also ill. Even very small children receive already tablet computers as a gift, which do not only work wireless, but make the small children ill and keep them away from their mental values. Be happy, when they cry, because then they still feel the negative energy of the wireless addictive devices. If you, My children, have grandchildren, who have got such a sickening computer as a gift from their often unaware parents, or who even work with the mobile all-rounder regularly, pray for the protection of these little children, so that they are protected and guarded. I know that your talks with your children, relatives, or friends, who think that they do their children or themselves something good, very often fall on deaf ears or on lack of understanding. The main thing is to be “in” and equally modern as the circles of friends or the group of colleagues. You do not want to be considered as outsider and be possibly harassed. The fate awaiting these people will be violent. If you pray now for your sweethearts, friends, and relatives daily in the profound prayer for protection and help, this will happen of course, but only in the scope of what is possible. You cannot interfere with their life plans. You have a good proverb: “He that will not hear must feel.” Just the same will happen to people, who are regardless and want to do only what they like – without regarding the health and wellbeing of their children. The law of resonance is totally fair in this respect, and every human being gets the boomerang back, which he has thrown. Nevertheless it is immensely important that you pray profoundly every day, and especially the “Calls of Victory” have such a high healing power that all My children, who pray them, feel this in a positive way personally. Therefore stay also now, in the foolish days, in your inner calmness, because only this way you have the power to do many good deeds. Amen.
February 23rd, 2017
My children, the word “charity” is so encompassing that I cannot put it here into some words. Because you have again and again questions concerning supply, emergency, rescue centre, and transfer to needy people, I answer them once again short and concisely. Who prepares for bad times, should also always store something for needy people or also as material for bartering. These can be food, clothing, or something else, which will be needed. Who toys with the idea of building a rescue centre can do this also on a small-scale. An empty caravan in the garden e.g. is appropriate as well as the unused empty children’s room. Some have planned rescue centres or have already built them, as e.g. My writing channel, his family and friends. But this works only with donations or other gifts. Except: The initiator has sufficient financial margin. What I want to tell you, do not overreach yourselves, My children! It is very laudable to think also of other people and to help them, but first of all your own security should be ensured. Even if your rescue centre must be reduced due to financial reasons, you should not worry about it. It is important that you have the good will. If I tell you now that in a time still in your near future so much will happen that you can imagine it only with difficulties, many of you would be afraid. But just this is it, what you should avert, respectively transform. You are My prolonged arms on earth, and just now, in the “foolish stronghold”, you should help with your profound prayers to keep the excesses within a limit. Every year, I recommend to make a large detour around these “dark days”, and to protect yourselves especially well. Your home is your fortress, My children. There you are safe! Who must leave the house should always enshroud himself especially well under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Charity can be very well also an affectionate, profound prayer, and if people ask you to pray for them, please do it, and give it to Me for transformation. Amen.
February 22nd, 2017
Questions asked by My children
My children: Again a lot of questions have been put, and I will answer the most important ones now briefly. Many of you are worried about the three dark days. During this time, survival is only possible, when you are in protected houses respectively apartments. Let nobody come in, because the people, who are still outside then, will be contaminated. For this time, you need only white, blessed candles, blessed water, and tinned food, because this cannot be contaminated by radiation. If possible, pray during these days round the clock. Let burn blessed candles all the time, alternate with sleeping, and darken everything, because you should not watch what happens outside. Beforehand, you will receive sufficient hints about this dark time, so that you will be prepared. Another question refers to the money, respectively gold and silver: Some of you have no confidence any more in banks or also in safe deposit boxes. This is it, My children: Store everything at home, and distribute it in several secret hiding places. Remember, everything people need for their addictions, is a good means of exchange. I have recommended My writing channel to take all coins out of his purse after going shopping, and to put them into a piggy bank. Thus some money can be collected, which actually is not missed at all. If you collect bank notes, try to collect small notes, if possible those from the old series, because they have no control chips. A third question many of you put again and again is, whether pensions and salaries are safe. Now, this question cannot be affirmed completely, because different variants are possible. It will recover again, though, if you firmly believe in Me and My help. People, who have no confidence and also no belief in Me, will find life absolutely difficult during this time. Amen.
February 21st, 2017
What is important for you?
My children, if you ask worldly-oriented people, mostly standard answers can be heard: A beautiful home, a stylish car, a lot of money, beautiful journeys, and, and, and... Do you recognize this, My children? The true values of a happy life are only marginal and are absolutely overshadowed by the consumer society. You, My children, long also for a nice home, but this must not comply with the modern targets of the public media, but follow the inner heart. A house or an apartment free from radiation and perhaps also with a power place, a little garden and a place, where you can relax the soul – this is the better place than the artificial requirements of an illusory world, which is utopian on the one hand, and on the other hand can be afforded with making a lot of depts. In former times, My children had often a sticker at their car: “Old, but paid.” This sentence is absolutely true. An old, solid house or car, which you live in or drive with love, does the job in harmony with the person, who lives there or drives it. Understand, My children, I want to protect you from the claws of the vain consumer industry. If you, at the beginning of the month, fetch all the money from your bank account, which you do not need for bank transfers, you know exactly, how much money is available for you. Stick to it, and keep well within your financial budget, and you will make ends meet well. Often your children or grandchildren are the problem: They want to take part in the latest trends in order not to be harassed at school, for instance. Many of you give in and buy them a mobile all-rounder. But you should at least warn your children of the risks of the wireless communication, and to raise them in a Christian manner that they use their telephone consciously only, if they really need it. Although many of you have a mobile all-rounder, it is often switched to the so-called airplane mode, which means that the connection to the big masts is switched off. For children and young people it would especially important to practice it as often as possible. Today, My writing channel could inform some of the readers by working meticulously, how you can deactivate WLAN at some routers. Who has concerning questions may gladly contact him. You see, people try to find out respectively to live the things important to them. Therefore pay attention to a healthy nutrition, drink a lot of pure, blessed water, try always to be fair and just, and try to stay in your middle in spite of injustices of different kinds, which is difficult for many of you. You beg Me then often for an immediate Divine Justice. This will happen, but the time depends on different causes. If you have now the possibility to move into the country, you should perhaps consider this offer, if the circumstances are right. In the large cities and also in larger towns with a good infrastructure and a motorway/highway junction nearby, life will become more and more difficult in the future. Amen.
February 20th, 2017
Normal or special life?
My children, after the many exertions and escapades, some of you wish finally a normal life on earth, in their little village, in their cosy world. No, this is no sentence from a home country novel, but the thinking of many people. They are tired of being patronized, and that they are told how to grow up their children. They want also to live in quiet and peace without being afraid of being attacked. But there are also children, who await a special life, or who live it already. They feel the change on earth and get out of the hustle and bustle and leave their homeland to dare a new beginning in a foreign country. But there is also the golden middle: A secure home and a bit of courage to live during cold or dangerous times abroad. Why I tell you this now, My children, is because you must decide now. Otherwise, soon you will be more or less manoeuvred into these decisions. But decide without fear, because fear has never been a good companion. Soon the “crazy days” will begin, and I advise you once again, to exercise the utmost caution during February 23rd until 28th, and the safest place will be then the own home. Amen.
February 19th, 2017
Radiation here and there
My children, some of you complained already that they – no matter where they go – find radiation or are confronted with radiation. They have asked Me in the profound prayer for help and for a possibility to make life more worth living. Now, My writing channel here has similar problems, and his whole family shows consideration in his own house. They visit their relatives only seldom, because they cannot stand the radiation there. You, My children, who are this hypersensitive, must accept often big detours, because you cannot go by bus or train, and because you also cannot go together with other people in the car, because there you are everywhere exposed to the radiation of the mobile all-rounders. Additionally there is "bluetooth" in the cars, and more and more devices work wireless. My writing channel told Me just that he finds it very unjust that the telephone- and internet providers switch more and more to WLAN, and even equipment with a normal connection radiate as well, because they can be used also with WLAN. Here your inventiveness is requested, My children! You can partially screen these devices. Nearly all of My children, who suffer from radiation, have also measuring instruments to check, how far they can reduce the radiation. But you have overlooked the most important protection: My mantel of protection. Although the radiation still exists it cannot harm you any more. Also the often mentioned renunciation of sitting for hours in front of the computer is a theme, if the radiation is intense. Some of you go outside with their laptop then, and turn it so that they receive only minimal radiation. As said before, technology is a guru for many people! For My children, though, it is often a trouble or a hard burden. If the radiation disturbs you, use the possibilities to change it. Sometimes also a relocation to another house must take place, where e.g. no or only very restricted wireless reception is possible. You live in a time, My children, where you must adapt or leave in a different way than before now – but just as intensively – and who can tinker has a clear advantage. I could scrape this intense theme here only marginally, and if you have specific questions, which are interesting for the majority, I will answer them accordingly. My children, I told you already that you control your life with your thoughts, deeds, wishes, and everything you are doing. You are solely responsible for your life, and depending on how you want to live, you are also guided and led, and so your environment behaves to you. Additionally, there is also and always the solving of karmic tasks, entanglements, and all things you have procrastinated up to now again and again. You should solve this during this life. This is a well-meant advice, My children. Therefore do not complain, take life in your own hands, and I help you, if you beg Me profoundly. Amen.
February 18th, 2017
You are guided
My children, after the FATHER’S WORD of yesterday, some of you were somehow confused. You must not be unsettled, if you watch out for My signs and hints, which I give you again and again. “You are guided” is today’s headline, and this is it. When you allow to be guided, you will learn, which positive things can happen in your body, and that several “little aches” may vanish in due time. Often also a change of location is necessary, together with a “program to slim”. With this I do not mean weight, but superfluous burdens. A change of location can also open the eyes for abilities, which were derelict until now. Especially the sun often plays a decisive roll there. Consider, My children, how often you ponder and rack your brain. But if then an inspiration of Me is sent to My children, and if you follow this advice, the solution can be very simple. In general, life is only so complicated as the people make it. Amen.
February 17th, 2017
In the coming time...
My children, your European financial system hangs on a silken thread. The breakdown cannot be averted any more. It is only a matter of time. Here your prayers come into play: There are alternatives as a new Deutsche Mark, and possibly also regional or federal state specific currencies. If and how they are introduced depends a lot on the children, who pray daily. You should do it profoundly, and in particular you should clear out all obstructive things from your house respectively your apartment. Separate from all gurus, attachments as statues of Buddha or Krishna, worship of masters, and so on. There is only one true GOD, and I do not want to see you worship entities, which rob you of your vitality, energy, and time. This is a well-meant and serious advice from Me! There is only one direct way into My FATHER’S HEART, and this way is profound without adhesions! Everything responds to the events on earth. The conditions of the dark side and of the people, who pay homage to it, are much more serious than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha. But everything comes to light and will be revealed, because where the light is shining, no darkness can persist. Clear your saving accounts, and invest the money in useful things. Who says now: Can I still invest money in food as supplies or in survival techniques, I tell him yes. But also the mutual help between you siblings is very important. Who helps here can also do many good deeds. Move if possible out of the large cities into the country, and be ready for a time, which can be abstinent – especially, though, for those people, who do not believe, or follow rigidly their old patterns. The brainwash happens daily in the public media, and who understands, realizes very fast, what he can change. Some of you, My children, want to emigrate or at least spend some months in warmer regions. This should be considered carefully, but it is feasible, if also worldly help is available. There are regions on earth, which are relatively safe. Who says now: “FATHER, I do not have enough money to move to other regions”, I tell him: If it is your desire and also your family’s desire, you will receive help, if you really let go and ask Me in the profound prayer for rapid assistance. You see, My children, the coming time will be very difficult, and you are well-advised to pray a lot everyday, and first of all to let everything go, to dispose of everything superfluous, but at the same time to stock your supplies, or to equip with the right things for a relocation or a journey, and in particular to make a reasonable planning. I help all children, who ask Me profoundly, and it will come as it shall come within your life plan. For some of My children, their life plan has already changed and also prolonged already, because they have got new tasks now, or will get them. Amen.
February 16th, 2017
My children, often you have not the same ideas or opinions, if you must or may decide something. But it is rather pointless to argue, as well as a demonstration of power. It is advisable then, that all parties explain their opinions, reasons, and ideas, and explain them so as they think it is all right. If you do not reach a decision, though, you can pray profoundly and ask Me to help you with the decision-making. Watch your dreams then, and what happens to you during the following days. Amen.
February 15th, 2017
I guide and lead you
My children, many people have a bad feeling about the negative things of different kinds what they may expect. Fear of war, civil war, and similar scenarios circulate around the internet in largest amounts. Now, partially this concern is legitimate, though. But I tell you: Who lets himself guide and lead by Me will be guarded and protected from difficult or bad situations. There will be hard times, though, but how strong and intense they will be for the individual, depends on different factors: There is the firm belief in Me and My helping angels, who are on duty continuously, further on also the personal housing situation is substantial. If possible, avoid large cities and urban agglomerations, My children. Further on I have given you sufficient hints concerning food provisions, water storage, and survival techniques. Should one of My children live so unfavourable that it would be endangered in case of a military conflict, I will send multiple warnings of many different kinds, until this child realizes them. But now and then it happens that children ignore also the most significant warnings and hints, and thus their further life at this place can become very, very difficult – to say the least. I am always warning many times, and nearly all of My children understand this warning. In most cases, a lot can be avoided through My preparatory help. Therefore pay attention also to the subtleties in your life, My children. There is no coincidence! Amen.
February 14th, 2017
Valentine’s Day 2017
My children, this day splits the feelings and minds of the people. Some reject it completely, because in their eyes it is pure moneymaking, and the others love it, because they can give their beloved ones a treat. Interestingly most of My children true to Me refuse this ritual as well, because they can give pleasure every day. I have told you already often that dependencies and rituals hinder the people from developing their mind further on. Of course you may present in love something to your beloved ones, but do not fix it at the ritual “Valentine’s Day”, but simply give something to them, when you feel the inner impulse. My children mostly stay well clear of everything, which has been made artificially to manipulate the people. Who lives a simple life and does not collect superfluous stuff around him finds it easier to arrange his life – without having to pay attention to fame, glory, power, and to many other things, which make absolutely dependent. Who is successful in the so-called “show business”, needs success, because the other side delivers it. If the success fades or even stops, often depressions, burn out syndrome, nervous breakdown, suicide, up to dementia will follow. You see, who lives simple and modest, can look straight in the mirror every morning and recognizes himself so as he has been created. The sweet women have been instructed by Me as well that they should live without makeup and additional frippery, because a woman is beautiful as a female being in herself – by her natural kind and charisma. Everything else is only a facade, which will crumble one day. Amen.
February 13th, 2017
Happy moments
My children, every day there are so many negative headlines, therefore I want to encourage you to set your focus to the happy moments of all kinds. This may be in your life, your family, or also if you hear about it or even witness it. Take yourselves into a positive vibration by being pleased with small details, laugh regularly, and understand the value of a joy. Each laughter from the heart chases away at once all negative energies within a larger radius around you, and at the same time it increases your own energy. This means in other words: If you are ill or exhausted, your own source of energy, besides the profound prayer with Me, is your own laughter, your own joy, and your positive thinking! Why do you think does the other side try to keep the people away from the true joy and the heartfelt laughter? Thus: Relish the joy, treat yourselves also to small things or other items, which please your heart. But I want also to say something about your hobbies: Many of My children discarded or gave up their hobbies they used to have in their childhood or also in their adulthood, because they thought that these hobbies were kind of an addiction and would keep them away from the spiritual way. Now, of course this is partly right, if a hobby turns to become an addiction. But there are also very nice hobbies, which firstly do not become addictive and secondly delight the heart. I like to name you some examples: Go for a walk, enjoy the sun in the summer, do some moderate sports, keep the body moderately fit, solve crossword puzzles or other mental exercises to train and keep fit your brain, read books, make music or also listen to it moderately, and so on. You see, there are a lot of hobbies you can enjoy without satisfying an addiction. Benefit from your own happy moments, because they give you power, joy, and the certainty that in spite of the daily negative headlines there is every day something to be glad about. Also self-made places for meditation or places of power are locations of silence, tranquillity and thus your own energy filling station. Amen.
February 12th, 2017
A good day for sending healing of any kind
My children, this Sunday is very well-suited for profound prayers for healing, regeneration, and also for the disengagement from adhesions, burdens, and for becoming free from all negative things. Give them to Me in the profound prayer, and ask Me for transformation, solution, and release of these things. Today is also a good day to pray profoundly for the worldwide peace, and also that the leaders of your countries are guided in their actions correctly by the assistance of the angels. At the time being, there is a certain fight between the bright, good side and the rebellion of the dark side. Therefore your prayers can help also to tip the scales. Amen.
February 11th, 2017
What is good for you, My children
Today, at this fateful day, My children, I want to make you happy with positive things. During the past 500 years, again and again it has been worked meticulously, experimented, and tried a lot by Paracelsus and his successors in order to help people. Especially those people, who had been so to say “incurable”, received gratefully this symbolical “Final Straw” and often recovered in spite of all adverse conditions. What do I want to tell you, My children? I want to encourage you, to read and collect especially old, antiquarian books without overdoing it, and then also to use this old knowledge. I your country you cannot buy a lot of those medicines or plants, which are described there, any more. In this case, ask Me for My help, and I will radiate you this desired vibration into your healing water. But consider that this is only for healing respectively for prophylaxis. You see, knowledge is kind of a mighty instrument, if it is used for the good of humanity. If you do not find old records any more – also not in the internet – ask Me in the direct prayer, and who prays and begs profoundly enough will receive help in the scope of his life plan. Amen.
February 10th, 2017
My children, all of you have been equipped with a kind of prevision and sensitivity by birth. Depending on your mental development you use it or not. Most of the worldly-oriented people let leave them lying fallow, and thus they do not really feel, which gentle breeze of change and transformation takes place on earth. As once again a serious case has been swept under the table, and also in Fukushima high doses of radioactive material have been measured, a lot of things are wrong on earth. To protect yourselves, you need three things: Your good intuition, strong confidence in Me and My protection through the profound prayer, and of course a certain amount of self-confidence accompanied by some shrewdness and a portion of organizational talent – in the ideal case. You can only guess how many people have thus survived the two major wars. Never give up, have always CONFIDENCE IN GOD, and let yourselves guide and lead correctly by My guardian angels – these are skills you have learned or still will learn in the near future. Amen.
February 9th, 2017
Avoidance of diseases
My children, everywhere the so-called “wave of influenza” is rampant. This winter, in nearly every family people were infected. How can you protect yourselves? This question I heard often from you during your profound prayers. Now, it is relatively simple to protect yourselves: First of all, you should leave your house only, when you are under My mantle of protection. If in the public transport people cough or sneeze, it is your primary duty not to feel disgusted and to keep your vibrations high. The same applies to offices, super markets, and so on. If you have enshrouded yourselves well, but then in spite feel disgust, which brings your oscillation down so that the bacillus can jump over, it is absolutely necessary to ask Me to increase your oscillation, or that you do it yourself. Say: “Vibration high!” so often, until your vibration and energy are high again. Of course, you can also say alternatively “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!”, until this happens. You see, it is not complicated, but it depends on your concentration. The next item cannot always be avoided in the job – in private very well, though: Avoid WLAN, microwaves, mobile all-rounders, and all techniques, which make you ill and can weaken you. My writing channel here forbids all people who want to enter his house to keep their mobile all-rounder switched an. Everything emitting radiation has to be kept outside – ideally in the car. Therefore most of the relatives visit him only occasionally. Remember your domiciliary right, My children! You may determine who has to take off his shoes, how the visit to the toilet has to be done, and how mobile all-rounders have to be handled. If you say now: “I am living in a rented flat, and my neighbour has WLAN, uses the microwave oven regularly, as well as other things, which let me become ill...”, I advise you: Look for a new home, or cover your walls with radiation protection measures. Those of you, who live in a little house in the country, have an advantage, indeed. But also people living in the city can receive help: Either you move into the country and take care that you have no transmitter masts in your direct vicinity, or you join together and found sort of a “spiritual flat-sharing community”. I help you and send you people, which fit together. It is only important that you make the first move, because only who risks something will win. This is one of your old proverbs. And it is so, My children! Many of you complain that they get no or not enough help, but they are too afraid or too concerned to take the initiative. As a rule, nothing works without initiative. Therefore sit down and try to find out, what is the best for you. Then pray profoundly to Me and take the concerning initiative. You will receive help then. I know that life is very difficult for electro sensible people, as e.g. My writing channel and his wife, but for this they had received this house, where it is bearable – except during extreme cold weather. In bad times, this simple life ensures much better to survive than in the city, or if the people are used to too much luxury in all its variants. Try to dissociate yourselves from all addictions, and to live as simple as possible. You will thank Me for this one day! Amen.
February 8th, 2017
Collective energies
My children, after the profound praying, many of you feel a pleasant, inner joy, and a power which they cannot express in words. These energies you collect then inside you, are a main part of which you do through the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds, because they come back to you like a boomerang, and on the other hand, you have the possibility to manifest - and thus also to anchor on earth - your positive thoughts of a new, pure earth full of love and harmony, where all people live in peace in harmony. You see, every day you can allow your imagination full bent, and thus you can imagine full of joy your ideal world in the future, as you would like it. Worldly realists dismiss it as simple-minded, naive thoughts of simpletons. If these people knew, what has been happening on earth already simply through the power of imagination, they would remain silent according their false statements. Amen.
February 7th, 2017
The old values
My children, what in former times had been self-evident and absolutely normal in every family will come back: The old virtues and values! Extended families will develop again, the members help each other within the family and kinship, when they have realized that this is the best way to survive. Especially in the country, where there is still more living space, this can be realized. Instead of sending the older family members into a retirement home, as soon as they are no longer physically or mentally fit, they are provided within the family as it was normal before now. This will come again, and retirement homes will be a thing of the past. If you think that this is a fiction, I tell you that this kind of extended family is very far forward in the planning – together with the spiritual family, which you call “patchwork family”. If there should be in fact a great awakening of the worldly “sleeping sheep” after all, a small modification is possible, though. The younger people should not hinge too much on the mobile all-rounders or the games consoles, because in the coming time, the fall from the rosy sky down to the hard ground of reality will be very painful. As said before, My children: A lot can be changed! Try hard, and you will see and experience the benefits of your work. Amen.
February 6th, 2017
My children, you are changing, and together with you also your points of view, and many more. One person changes e.g. the name by marriage, another one his point of view about life. Everything is in motion! Who is gridlocked in his way of thinking and acting, though, will have big problems during the next time. Fixes, stubborn, and old-fashioned opinions and views are outdated. This can lead to major separations between relatives and between the immediate family, because who does not accept your way of living and thinking about spiritual things will move further and further away from you. Do not wonder and grieve, My children, if in the near future there will be bigger and bigger discrepancies between your worldly-oriented relatives and you, and if you often do not understand at all, why one or another relative or also neighbour behaves like this. Even friendships can break, which had lasted from the cradle. The reason is very simple: You continue to develop spiritually, you are flexible, and hold together within your group, family, or circle of friends and defy the adverse conditions happening in the world through your confidence, your belief, and the certainty that I lead and guide you! In the bad times, I will need you as My light houses, which, in spite of the heavy surf, guide My lambs through the roaring sea of the dangerous times. I know, a lot is avoidable through the many profound prayers and light transmissions, but it is nearly impossible to avoid everything – if not the main part of the worldly-oriented people awake finally and say NO to war, and refuse to take part. Regarding this, I use to warn you always earlier than necessary, so that you as My prolonged arms on earth can already now erase affectionately a thought in the heads of many ignorant people, by means of the knowledge, how important prayers and good deeds are, but that on the other hand there is also the possibility to switch on the sharp mind and thus to look behind the scenes of the puppeteers, who are anyway also only actors. This is a difficult time, absolutely, but nonetheless you have the unique opportunity to achieve something great now, and you can do it through your strong will and the certainty that I bolster you always up through the profound prayer, the light transmissions, the “Calls of Victory”, and all the other good deeds. Amen.
February 5th, 2017
Try to achieve an agreement
My children, many of you live in partnerships, and often partners have different desires. Be it the TV program in the evening, the music to be heard, different wished concerning the food, and so on. I want to encourage you that you get together with the whole family, and that everybody speaks about his wishes. Try then to find a consensus and to stick to it, so that everybody gives in once, and that thus nobody is disadvantaged. The same applies to flat-sharing communities or also for bigger spiritual projects. I know, the more people live together, all the more difficult it becomes to please everybody. If each of My children shows consideration for the others of the family or the community, it can work very well – in a small circle, as well as in the whole village – or even to a still larger extent. Amen.
February 4th, 2017
Go for a walk
My children, it is interesting that many worldly oriented people go for a walk only in dry weather and daylight – except of dog owners. Spiritual people behave absolutely differently, though: Many of My children leave the house also in the evening, during the night, or also with an umbrella at rain weather. Why is this so different? Now, My children true to Me know very well, how important walks in the fresh air are, and especially in the evening, when e.g. the moon is shining, many of these children benefit from it to feel these vibrations. However, I must say that this happened up to now mostly in very rural areas. This is not the case in big cities. But the main part of My children avoid big cities, and they anyway do not want to live there. My children feel mainly attracted by the countryside, and they want to live in accordance with nature. Just a few of My children are afraid of the dark and avoid it. The main part knows, though, that if you are enshrouded under My mantle of protection – through the profound prayer – you are always guarded and protected within the scope of your life plan. Amen.
February 3rd, 2017
Benefit from these days
My children, the following three days, including Saturday, the temperatures should be in the positive range in the most regions, and the days should be energetically filled by you with profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds in general. Especially the boost you got through the high energies during Mary’s Candlemas, and which you used already, should continue until Saturday evening. If you succeed, you will feel how a further boost goes through your bodies, and on the other side helps Earth so immensely. Amen.
February 2nd, 2017
Mary’s Candlemas 2017
My children, with the present day, which as every year amplifies the light and starts the new light vibration, and which is on the other hand a good day to do good deeds also through the profound prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”, you can do a lot for peace on earth. Today, Mother Mary is the patron saint for all good deeds on earth, and she is glad together with all children, who do so many good deeds today. Amen.
February 1st, 2017
Winterly “surprises”
My children, now, with the milder positive temperatures, many water pipes defrost again, and several people experience a wet surprise, when they do not take care. Also in the house of My writing channel, the pipes ore open again to a large extent, and due to the good hearing of My children, a larger water damage could be averted, and the main water pipe could be shut off. Please pay attention everywhere in the houses of yours, your friends, relatives, and also neighbours that there are no bad surprises concerning this matter. Water pipes can also burst, therefore the people should also look for damp walls. Some people, who spend winter in warmer regions, should possibly prepare for wet surprises, if they did not empty all pipes completely in advance. I always recommend, if you are away for a longer time, that at least once a week somebody looks if everything is ok in the apartment or the house. Amen.