August 31st, 2017
When people have to leave their home
My children, if it is due to the huge rain masses in the U.S.A., extreme hurricanes, snowstorms, or also the defusing of aircraft bombs of the Second World War: If people have to leave their house resp. their apartment without advance warning, even only temporarily, they are mostly unprepared. Only a few of the worldly oriented people have sufficient supplies to be e.g. able to stay at home during a crisis, or to leave the house on short notice with the most important things. Therefore I tell you once again: It is useful to have sufficient stocks and also fresh water. Furthermore, there is no harm in keeping the most important documents handy, and if necessary also as copied shrink-wrapped documents. Also an emergency backpack is useful, as well as, if you have a car, have it fuelled up regularly, and also a functioning bicycle, as well as an emergency cell phone, survival utensils, and sufficient clothing appropriate to all situations. Also cash should as long as possible be stored at home instead in the bank. If you know people, who suspect nothing about such things and who are affected, you may gladly explain it to them, and mention by the way that even the government advises to stock up, because the worldly oriented people listen more carefully to this than to suggestions from human beings. Mention as well that praying is always the most important thing and that especially in crisis situations, it is a valuable “encourager” and that it sends a great power of endurance. Amen.
August 30th, 2017
Mutual friendly turns
My children, you have asked Me, if it were possible already now that you could live so as it will be absolutely normal in the New Time. Yes, in some areas it is of course possible already now. If you can help each other without looking for financial compensation, when everybody applies his talent, his abilities, and his gifts, it would give absolutely a big boost regarding the earth healing. I give you an example: Most of the people know neighbourhood assistance, and you like to help your neighbour free of charge from time to time, because this is customary for a long time. But if you would offer your service, of course in your leisure time, for the purpose of help in the course of a barter, a lot could happen: On the one hand in the interpersonal togetherness, and on the other hand it would trigger step by step a mental avalanche, which would progress on and on through the rolling movement. Every human being has abilities, but most of them lie idle, because the people do not know which talents are hidden inside them. Therefore I recommend you, My children, that you try in a small compass everything possible what interests you. You will be astonished, what you are able to, if you only dare to start with it. There are several things, which are much in demand based on an hourly rate, and which can also be done by younger people, as e.g.: Mow the lawn, deliver newspapers, sit babies, walk the dogs, and so on, and so on... Try to go into yourselves and then try out in your leisure time several things. I support My children with guidance and resources, if I am asked for it. Amen.
August 29th, 2017
Internal and external care
My children, many people have a soft spot for cars and caress and care them in every detail. They often neglect their own body very much. The car gets the best motor oil existing, and the own body? Does it also get the best oil? Mainly not. I tell you, My children, which is the main reason: It has been instilled and has been drummed into the people from the cradle, as you are saying. If a man attaches great value to his external appearance and also takes care of himself and is properly dressed, he is at once suspect in the eyes of many men. If this concerns a woman, this is mostly accepted without a request. Before now, the man was responsible for hunting and providing food, and the woman for the household and parenting. Well, mainly the elder children have learned this. But through the skilful infiltration of the other side, the women learned to take over male roles and male domains. Through this mixing, a big confusion arose between the people. Before now, there were male professions and female professions. Nowadays everything has become, as said before, so confused that many people do not know their way around any more. The body care, to come back to the issue of this FATHER’S WORD, is an item, which divides the men often into two camps: The men, who wash themselves every day and keep themselves clean, and those, who do it not, resp. only very makeshift. First of all, I want to encourage the men to do also an inner care every day, because especially this effects also that there is a positive change in the external appearance. This applies also to the so called freethinkers and spiritual people, who live their day without planning, and who then often are surprised, if something happens they never have thought of. It is sufficient, if you think in the evening about the next day, or if you make mentally a coarse schedule, how about the day should take place. Notice well: This does not apply to all those working people, who have their fixed schedule for every day. Many of My children true to Me are no longer able to practise a worldly profession as it has been the case in former times, because they cannot bear this kind of life any more, and because they do not do a job only for the filthy lucre, which makes them ill and unhappy. More and more of you, My children, are physically no longer able to drive to their work every morning, to come home then in the afternoon totally exhausted. The more subtle, sensitive, and sensible you become, the more difficult it is for you to earn your money this way. Thereupon, some of you dared to become self-employed, also at the risk to earn significantly less money, but to be happy instead, and first of all, to get quality of life. Based on the motto: “What does it help to earn a lot of money and to struggle all the day, just to become old early, become ill, and then have not enjoyed life anyhow.” This sentence I hear in the profound prayer of one of My children, with the request for forwarding it. My children, the internal care includes of course healthy food, spiritual work, positive thinking, and the knowledge that I am always with you, and that you are always protected and guarded. The external care is important mainly for those children, who think that one minute of “a lick and a promise” is sufficient, and that the odour nuisance through the unwashed body is easy to endure by the fellow human beings. Therefore it should be a healthy mixture of both, to be able afterwards to do the spiritual work voluntarily full of joy. Amen.
August 28th, 2017
Inspirations during decision problems
My children, there are always situations, where you have problems to make the right decision, from your point of view. In former days it could absolutely happen that – lasting for days and nights – you tossed and turned restlessly, resp. have walked up and down the room, hoping to make the right decision. Who now asks Me this question in the profound prayer will get the according inspirations, which then can be helpful for finding your decision. Mind you: I do not interfere, but if you ask Me for help, I explain the facts from a higher perspective, so that you can decide better, what you want to do in this situation. Amen.
August 27th, 2017
What prayers can effect
My children, there is a wonderful sentence: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.” Do you know this sentence? Now you can imagine, why it so important when you pray together with several people, send light, speak the “Calls of Victory”, and also do the good deeds. The question: “What can I do, when I pray only alone, because there is nobody else with me?” Well, also for this there is an answer, which sounds perhaps too simple for many people, but nevertheless it is so. Let us take the “Calls of Victory” as an example. My writing channel here has recorded them in audio format, so that you can download them or hear them in the internet. If you speak them now together with him, you are no longer alone, and thus I am also among yourselves, resp. in this case together with you two, My child. Of course this applies to all prayers, which you must only play then and at the same time speak them, and it works. I will ask My writing channel here to complete the audio files of all prayers of the FATHERWORDS page, so that you can download them and thus are not alone when praying – as far as you want to select this variant of an aid option. If now many people pray intensely in My name, this effects small up to large miracles. Therefore it helps also that you continue to pray for those forms of life, who are listed below the actual FATHER’S WORD and the files with the spoken prayers and the spoken “Calls of Victory”, which My writing channel here has established at once. Some of you have asked Me for special help, with the plea for healing. Well, if it corresponds to the life plan of the concerned child, healing will be done also within the scope of the possibilities of this child. Sometimes such healings resp. recovery last a while, because also a process of further mental development is involved. Amen.
August 26th, 2017
Big natural disasters
My children, just now, where again an enormous cyclone threatens the American coast, it is obvious how strong the forces of nature are, when they are awakened. Whether these are volcanic eruptions, strong bad weather, cyclones of different kinds, snow storms, or other forces of nature, you should know that some of them are of natural origin, and some not. Especially here you can put in perspective several things which are of unnatural extent with your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good thoughts. But also such announced scenarios, as this hurricane, can be weakened, if a large number of good thoughts are sent worldwide. Here is a prayer, which you can speak, if you want to help to weaken natural disasters. “Beloved FATHER, through the power of my internal energy You gave me when I entered this life, I send now voluntarily from my heart through the prayer, in the profound connection with You, healing and soothing energies to all places on earth, where natural disasters of any kind are imminent or are already approaching. Your will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So is it, and so be it! Amen. Amen. Amen.“ My writing channel here has received this prayer upon his request, and herewith I give it gladly to you, My beloved children, and I am glad, when you use it to help and to do good deeds voluntarily as every day. Amen.
August 25th, 2017
Digestion problems
My children, concerns, problems, and uncertainties can cause digestion problems, constipation, or also diarrhea. As long as this lasts only some days, it is not too bad and dissolves by itself. If these causes cannot be solved, though, the problems in the body can last longer, and then you should go either to an alternative practitioner or to a doctor, or you should first of all try together with Me in the profound prayer to find the reason. These are often things, which boil inside you and now come to light through a trigger. Due to these problems inside the body, also difficulties in sleeping or also inner unrest can occur. Mostly the person finds out by himself, what oppresses him. If the blockade then dissolves, a lot of mental old burdens come out through the bowel movement, and afterwards most of the people feel very much relieved, and often they feel as if it took a load off their mind, resp. they have the feeling as if they had become several years younger. Therefore it is very important to find the reason – also through the profound prayer with Me – and thus very often these problems inside the body lasting for days do not occur at all. Amen.
August 24th, 2017
Souls crowd onto the earth
My children, just now, in the so called end time, more souls than ever crowd onto earth and want to incarnate and take part. If a woman wants to have a baby, the appropriate soul is at once ready for the incarnation. If a man and a woman want a child and if they both are religious and My children, according to voluntary love and assistance for the earth, a highly spiritual soul can incarnate. Some of you, My children, are also spiritually highly developed and do not have spiritual parents. How this fits together, I will explain you now: Immediately after the Second World War and also during the Cuban Missile Crisis, many spiritual and highly spiritual souls had to incarnate on earth in order to prevent a third world war at that time. The same happened also at the end of the previous century. There are exceptions, but in general high spiritual souls need also parents, who are subtle and sensitive as well. This is why some of you have children with restrictions or also so called “disabilities”, which of course are often none. If a child is not able to become an adult, it is often classified as “disabled”, and it is frequently locked up in psychiatry, because nobody can cope with such children. Parents who accept and keep their “handicapped” children in spite of it, have often a very difficult life, and they get spiritual support from Me. These children, who do not want or can not grow up stay very often in a vibration, where they tend their childhood as a king tends his golden treasure. All efforts to make these children become adults by force fail usually. Therefore accept your children, who want to stay children, as they are and try to get at least help from the government as well. Those of you, who want to have a baby now, must anticipate that this child is either a genius in any manner, or that it belongs already to the new generation of the “special children” the other side is afraid of or at least has proper respect. Amen.
August 23rd, 2017
Faith can move mountains
My children, many worldly oriented people have not much to do with Me in normal life. When they become ill or a stroke of fate hits them, they sometimes find back to Me. If these people, who believe in a big bang, as if I were not able to create everything, finally find the way to Me and must admit that their complete world view they have built up during their life is only mirage and an absolute illusion, they often can only moan unrestrainedly, or mope. Most of the people are confronted already in their childhood and later on at school with the big tissue of lies, which science calls the truth. But you, My children, know that there is only one truth, and this you experience only in the close connection with Me, your CREATOR in JESUS CHRIST. My children know very well that the true belief can move mountains in the full sense of the word, because they have experienced small, bigger, and sometimes also big miracles very closely. Amen.
August 22nd, 2017
Show more consideration for each other
My children, more and more of you become sensitive and electro sensitive. Therefore it is very difficult for some of you to visit specific buildings or establishments, because there are intense radiations of various kinds. Especially in professions, where all employees have switched on their “mobile all-rounder”, an electro sensible person can get extreme problems, and thus he can neither work nor stay there for a longer period, but worldly oriented people cannot understand this at all or at least only little. There should be really a possibility to establish working places, where these extremely sensible people could work, and where any kind of radiation is switched off. This is absolutely possible, but it costs a lot of money. Many electro sensible people can work only from home, and this often under difficult conditions. If the majority of the worldly oriented people would know, what harm they do to their health only by using their “mobile all-rounder” daily, certainly many of them would ponder sincerely about it. But due to the fact that the main part of mankind does not believe in reincarnation, mainly the younger people do not think about whether they eat healthy or not, resp. whether something radiates or is otherwise unhealthy, as long as it is modern, they are in the middle of the actual trend, try to swim with the masses at all costs, and never ever get negative attention or are even harassed. You, My children, make them often look into the mirror of aberration, when you confront them with things, which they definitely do not want to hear or see. Therefore more and more the wheat is sorted from the chaff concerning the familiar meetings in the large clan. But do not be sad, because everybody can choose which way he wants to go: With Me or without Me. Therefore I am very glad, when I see daily, how you brave the temptations of the other side and do not succumb to the material desires, as it is very often the case with the worldly oriented people. But I do not give up on any soul, and if only the tiniest spark is in those people, I help at once through the law of resonance, if this help is accepted voluntarily. Amen.
August 21st, 2017
Bread and circuses
My children, as soon as the new playing time in the football Bundesliga has begun, for the worldly oriented people the world is ideal again. Already in the Roman age, politics had been done by means of merriments and entertainment of the masses. The German language is very precise concerning this. The word entertainment (=Unterhaltung, i.e. “process of keeping somebody down”) means that the people are held below by means of information or amusement. I recommend you to watch the TV programmes as little as possible. Especially those programs, which finance themselves through regular ads are not so good for spiritual people, because during each advertisement, a lot of subconscious messages are transmitted. The only means what helps is to switch it off, to change programs, or to install a disk of light, which filters everything negative and lets only the positive things pass. For this, you must only activate your imagination, My children. Imagine the subtle disk, and it will occur, if you believe it firmly. I recommended My children true to Me already often to avoid any kind of mass meetings due to several reasons. For some of you it is still quite hard, but by and by you will feel, why I gave you this advice. Amen.
August 20th, 2017
Convenience or freedom
My children, many people want to have both: convenience and freedom. Well, in the city convenience prevails, and if you live in the country, you have more freedom. Some of you ask Me always for help to find an appropriate residential property in the country. You can buy a lot of former farmyards or similar estates in Germany. Who has now no or only little money can possibly rent them very cheep resp. buy them on annuity basis. You must only be ready to leave your homeland if necessary and live elsewhere. To take up the example just mentioned, it would be ideal to find a farmyard, which has its own water spring and is situated so that you are far away from the next big city, but that you have in spite shopping facilities in a catchment area of about 10 kilometres. You can also live together with several like-minded people on a farm resp. property, if the mutual “chemistry” is ok, and if nobody shows off as the overpowering leader – but fortunately this does not happen between you, My children. Well, many people would not like to miss the convenience of the large city, because it has absolutely its attraction mainly to worldly oriented people to go shopping and to work on foot, and also to send their children to school in the vicinity. But they do not consider that in the big cities it is very noisy, often also dangerous, and first of all absolutely contaminated by radiation. Therefore for many of you, My children, it is a heart’s desire to live in the country, and to bear the inconvenience you have when living in a rural region. Amen.
August 19th, 2017
When thunderstorms are announced...
My children, when the news announce that a lot of water can pour down so that even a warning is issued to swim or enter some rivers, as in this case the river Isar, you should at once prick up your ears and activate and also light your weather candle on the one hand, and on the other hand also place extensively the mental weather candles above the concerned regions. Perhaps this sounds difficult, but it is quite simple. My writing channel here has placed a lot of prayers below the FATHER’S WORDS, which include also a prayer for weather candles. You need only a lot of FAITH IN GOD, and then you look at one of the many weather sites in the internet, which are updated regularly and also show in detail, where storms are building resp. approaching. You hold your hand over this region and ask Me to moderate the weather within the scope that is allowed. You will find that these prayers, together with a mental weather candle, which you light mentally for this region, can avert a lot of damage. As said before: You do not interfere with the life plans of the people, if you ask only for moderation within the scope of the admissible range. Before beginning the profound prayers in preparation for the transmission of the FATHER’S WORD of today, My writing channel here has lit the mental weather candle with the request for moderation of the storm within the scope of the admissible range also for the region, where he and his family live, and within a very short time, the heavy rain became a normal steady rain. Amen.
August 18th, 2017
Physical pains
My children, because many of you have the one or other “little aches” regularly, and some of you also have permanent pain, I want to tell you something about it. First of all, you should distinguish chronic pain and short term pain. Who has brought into the actual life from his past life and partially even earlier lives not dissolved adhesions, burdens, diseases, etc. suffers from them partially also in this life. With many people, these adhesions dissolve until their puberty. If they should last longer, you should watch them closely. Children blind from birth e.g. have brought a heavy karma and want to dissolve it this way. Some of them succeed also in learning to see. But during their whole life the experience of “seeing without using the eyes” stays a partial aspect of their senses, and also of their view and their way of thinking. I have been asked several times about extremely difficult diseases, as e.g. fibromyalgia or also different kinds of cancer in the early age. Well, both “diseases”, if I want to call them so, have one common fact: In most cases they have been brought from past lives. Who is now affected by it, cannot eat all things he or she would like to eat. I would go even further and tell you: For cleaning the body, it is not enough to do pure forgiving work through the prayers, because this trigger is located much, much deeper. Who is from now on ready to face his chronic “disease”, begins always with himself. Accepting the own person, being able to love himself and also passing on this love without judgement should be the first step: Forgiveness on all levels and asking for forgiveness from other people, whom you have harmed. Then a detoxification of the body follows, together with a change of the food. For the detoxification, absolutely nothing from animals may come into the body. If possible, it is ideal to eat raw food especially tuned for tolerability. Joy, laughing, peace in the heart and the possibility to do voluntarily good deeds is the daily companion. After the detoxification, many want to go back to their old nutrition, at least partially, but mostly their body strikes then. The body feels very well, what does it good and what not. But there are also so-called “atonement souls”, who voluntarily took on liability for many hurdles, problems, and “diseases” for the service of humanity or to help themselves or other specific people. Therefore you cannot say in general that each “disease” has developed as a result of this or that reason. Pain in limbs which occurs short-term has mostly something to do with an issue, which just comes to the surface and wants to be solved. That includes also the unloved toothache. If the teeth are throbbing and the dentist does not find any reason, in most cases the trigger has been a mental conflict. Also perennial toothache, which sometimes stays for hours, wants to inform the human being: “Hello, I am here, and I want that you solve the problems now, which still are pending.” If you should not know, which or who the reason is, you can begin to search for the reason systematically step by step. Begin with the work of forgiveness, and then you will find, how the pain is changing or disappears for good. Often women, who always refused to have babies and also have often been a nun in their past lives and thus shirked responsibility to bring new life on earth, have heavy menstrual problems and also extremely strong menstrual bleeding. There are so many kinds of pain that I can only touch this topic here in short. It is important to stay calm and to analyze, when, how, and where the pain occurs, and what you have thought or done shortly before. There is always a trigger. Amen.
August 17th, 2017
Practice improvised meals
My children, you ask Me again and again, which supplies you should have for bad times. Well, My writing channel here has it explained in detail already very often. I want to alert you again in this context, though, how important it is that you have mainly food at home, which you like, that you do not buy resp. store something you got for free or have bought cheap – and where you must eat this in bad times with disgust, because nothing else is left. Have you already prepared an improvised meal out of rests, as your grandparents and partially also your parents have done it? If not, it is about time to practice it. Often just this technique has filled the stomach with delicious food in crisis areas. Of course you can eat from your large stock of canned food of the same kind every day, but at some point your stomach and the rest of your body long for some variety. I have just asked My writing channel here to finish his commenced cookbook about meals out of rests and wonderful vegan crisis cooking recipes. Those of you, who have made a camping holiday at least once, know what it means to improvise and to warm a meal often with only a small camping gas cooker. But if this should be the technique you must use for a longer period, it would be advisable to try certain tricks and techniques, to improvise and to tinker, so that you are not helpless in case of emergency. Furthermore you should always know where everything is positioned at home, because a power supply failure of more than 24 hours triggers already a chaos in cities. I do not want to scare you, My children, but you should be prepared. Amen.
August 16th, 2017
My children, many of you are sensitive and delicate. Therefore they are open for everything that happens around you. But some of the worldwide very sensitive people do not want to have it, because it restricts their way of life. They want to live “normally” as their fellow human beings. It bothers them that they get a headache due to radiations, and that they can use their “mobile all-rounder” only from time to time, because they get a headache and discomfort through it as well. Worldly doctors can help them only with great difficulties, and thus they often become dependent on medicines. But it is very simple to help these people, My children. Because they are not ready to live their extreme sensitivity they reject My irradiations and thus have to suffer. If these highly sensitive people would accept that they differ from the majority of the masses of the people, this would already be the first step of recognition. Just the same, many, many of My children true to Me are sensitive and delicate, and some of them even extremely concerning the compatibility of radiation. Due to the extreme vibrations of today, My writing channel here must dictate this FATHER’S WORD and let his son write them down. Though all kinds of radiation are deactivated, there are days, where My extremely electro sensible children cannot come near to a computer even for some minutes, because they cannot bear any minimal radiation during these days. Of course they cannot go shopping at those days anyway. But if this concerns you as well, My children, you should not be sad or struggle with yourselves, but see yourselves as harbinger, who can warn the people around you, if something is wrong. Therefore I give you the advice again to put yourselves repeatedly under My protective coat at days, which are especially extreme or high vibrating, because each time, when you are out from your middle, the protection should be renewed. Midsummer is coming to an end in some regions of the earth, and many people want to enjoy the sun extensively. But please take care to enshroud yourselves through the profound prayer, before you leave your house. That applies even if you go “only” into the garden. Amen.
August 15th, 2017
Mary’s Assumption Day 2017
My children, today in many parts of Bavaria and Saarland the Assumption Day is celebrated. In most parts of Germany, today is a working day. Nevertheless, many Catholics and spiritual people think of Mary today. Who has the day off, due to the holiday or e.g. the annual leave, should try to do good deeds during the mainly beautiful weather. Many of you, My children, know the possibility to do good deeds today and to do a lot for the salvation of the people on earth. Especially at specials days it is useful to do a major contribution to the dark on earth. Who likes to do it, can light a peace candle from midnight on, which you have loaded in advance in the profound prayer with Me, possibly in white, because white has the highest energies, in a safe, protected housing. Each of those peace candles contributes to doing today a lot of good deeds on earth. Amen.
August 14th, 2017
My children, many people have daily intuitions, but they let elapse them carelessly. Very often, they get these intuitions either in the dream, when falling asleep, or also during the so-called snoozing during awakening, if this happens stress-free without alarm clock and without disturbing sounds. If you now ask: “I always sleep with the window open and cannot awake undisturbed. What shall I do?” Well, My children, then you should either change your sleeping place or your place of residence, or you should keep the window closed, if you do not want to be awakened too hard in the morning. Indeed, mostly it is much quieter in the country than in a big city, and therefore also My recommendation is justifiable to consider carefully, where you want to live long-term. How should you deal with your intuitions, My children? Well, this is quite simple: If these intuitions come increased, this is a sign that you should listen to them, because these intuitions come for your protection or for your improvement concerning you personally resp. your family. Extreme warnings come usually several days in a row! For instance not to leave the house at a certain day, not to use a certain highway, or also to take another airplane. Warnings of life-threatening events come cumulative and increased, My children! Hints and intuitions concerning the job, though, are sent very directly and also hedged, i.e. in a dream or in the “snoozing periods”, resp. through hints from third parties, or also through messages in TV or internet. I always try to reach My children! Mostly they check it anyhow in a number of ways and react accordingly. But if the intuitions should not succeed and it e.g. should come to a severe accident, My high angels intervene personally sometimes and rescue you, if your life plan has not yet been completed. But you receive intuitions in daily life also in the real consciousness. You have for instance suddenly the idea to drive to a certain discounter and to shop there, because money is tight, and because just then there are many reduced foods or special offers. Therefore listen to your intuitions and those of your family, and you will find that regularly wonderful things will happen. Amen.
August 13th, 2017
Strength lies in peace
My children, in this hectic time it is important that you take, as far as possible, short or also longer breaks of creative power. Go into yourselves and try not to think thereby. Who now goes at this stage into the profound prayer with Me has much better possibilities to establish this inner connection. Messages, hints, and also clear visions or ideas can now flow, My children. I told you already often, how important a location or a small place resp. corner for the retreat is, which you like and where you have some peace. Some of My children use in case of need also the toilet room to have peace from the family. Who finds no peace at home, can go into the forest to relax there. Also natural sounds from CD via headset can help to relax. But remember, My children, that your mind and your subconscious always build mnemonics and thus can create references between something you hear and the present time. This way, e.g. the noise of a waterfall can very well trigger emotions or something similar. The same applies e.g. to certain songs you heard in certain situations, and which revive this situation immediately, as soon as you hear them. Therefore a neutral wood with its different noises is often better than domestic sounds. Amen.
August 12th, 2017
Exam nerves
My children, more people than you can imagine are afraid of certain things. With this, I do not mean fear of darkness or the most frequent fears of spiders, mice, or rats. What I mean are fears, which many people cannot understand. The most frequent fear for a short period is the so-called exam nerves. Be it at school, the apprenticeship, the driving test, or also during the study, to name only some well known exam nerves. What can you do, if you or somebody of your family or your friends or acquaintances is concerned? Well, first of all, this person should try to accept and love himself just as he is. This is very hard for many people, because e.g. through the ads in TV or internet there are certain guidelines, which most of the people want to follow in order not to be mobbed or otherwise avoided. If this concerns the appropriate hairstyle, clothing, or also a trendy mobile all-rounder – fellow human beings, colleagues, or schoolmates can be really mean, if you do not adapt – even it is absolutely not your own conviction. But who can accept and love himself – with all his flaws – as he is, manages easier to build up self-confidence. Of course diligence belongs to it, because without learning it is mostly very hard to pass an examination. Let us today address ourselves to an example concerning many young people: The driving test, including the preceding theory and practice. Who begins this ordeal lasting several months already intimidated by the family, relatives, or the close environment, will certainly not manage to pass the exams successfully within short time. If your child or grandchild is now in this process, motivate and help him to succeed through encouragement. Too much criticism is wrong here. You can also apply very well the proverb, which I use from time to time: “No master fell just from heaven.”, because who overrides arrogantly the own children and is crowing, should take a good look at himself. You can help your children, relatives, friends, and acquaintances very well, if they are extremely shy, nervous, or restrained as soon as an exam comes up, when you build them up morally and mentally, bolster them up, and support them through the profound prayer. The following prayer is useful, when the person with exam nerves prays it and builds up confidence: “I love myself so as I am, and I know that I will pass my imminent examination, because I have learned sufficiently, and because I can complete the test within me as haven of peace. I know that all my guardian angels accompany me, and that I have confidence in the help of JESUS CHRIST. Amen. Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen. Amen. Amen.“ Speak this prayer, if you have exam nerves, and if you speak it for other people, change it as follows: „I pray for ....., that he/she gets help with the imminent examination, because he/she has learnt sufficiently and can complete the test within himself/herself as haven of peace. I know that all his/her guardian angels are there, and that also help comes from JESUS CHRIST. Amen. Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen. Amen. Amen.“ Through this prayer, My children, you can help those people very much, who have these exam nerves, but first of all you should talk detailed to them about it. Amen.
August 11th, 2017
The harvest
My children, as also in the preceding years, there are seasonal problems due to the weather, amongst others also during the harvest. In many regions, the fruit has literally fallen into the water or has been damaged by hail. If the various farmers and planters would only know, how simple it is to pray for the protection, salvation, and blessing for themselves, the own family, and the cultivation areas. If the harvest is bad related to the yield, the prices will rise. Who is as self-sufficient as possible in this respect has a great advantage against those people, who must buy everything expensive and even cannot be sure, whether it has been grown biologically. Because not everything is organic, where ‘bio’ is on the cover. Therefore pray also for the farmers that the harvest can at least be saved partially in those regions, which have suffered this year due to the weather. Amen.
August 10th, 2017
Where there is a will there is a way
My children, there is another proverb, which many of My children true to Me should memorize: “Patience is a virtue”, together with the knowledge that there is always a solution for everything. As is well known, up to now, “no master fell just from heaven”, and therefore you should, if you cannot repair something yourself, ask Me for help, so that I guide you so that you get help of the worldly kind. I give you an example: Should your roof be leaking and you cannot repair it yourself, ask Me for help in the profound prayer, and you will get worldly help. I chose this example deliberately, because My writing channel here has this problem in his new house. It is dripping in, if it rains heavily and the wind comes from an unfavourable direction. You see that I gladly help My children in terms of messages. If e.g. your car should fail, it may be absolutely that you did not treat is as well as it deserved. Who says now, a car is only a dead piece of material, is highly wrong! The people, who maintain and treat their car affectionately – and ideally give it a name, build a subtle connection to it and should sever it also in accordance with the car, if it is sold. To find the appropriate successor car, you should send detailed information in the profound prayer, and you will be guided accordingly. You see, also concerning things, which seem to be unbelievable for the worldly oriented people, subtle connections and also a worldly togetherness are important. Never forget: Your souls decide within a split second, whether you find your vis-à-vis likeable or not, and also, if there are already resonances, in any form whatsoever, from former lives. Therefore, do not “throw in the towel” at once, if there are setbacks now and then, but know that it is possible through the will power to achieve everything within the own life plan. Amen.
August 9th, 2017
Questions concerning an emergency
My children, again and again detailed questions come from you related to a possible emergency – be it a civil war or something worse. Well, My children, I have forewarned you long ago that the other side plans something like that, but I have told you also again and again that due to your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds, you are a bulwark, which offers resistance voluntarily and affectionately within the community. I have told you also again and again that it is useful to have your emergency backpack ready, and that you should also have sufficient food and enough drinking water, if an emergency should occur. In the alternative media, this subject is currently dealt with, but nobody knows something precise. As said before, it is useful to move preferably now from the big cities out to the country, if it is possible, because often one event is sufficient to trigger an internal catastrophe in a city or something worse. I lead and guide My children true to Me always so that they are forewarned in time, if they keep their ears and eyes open. Of course, I repeat these forewarnings also several times, if some of you cannot or does not want to understand them. In case of emergency, there are some variants: You can barricade yourself in the apartment / house and wait, leave the city at the initial sign on foot or with a means of transport, and thirdly look in advance for a location, which is relatively safe, and go there, or try to get there in case of emergency. Everybody can do what he wants. The number of those, who emigrate now due to their fear of a war, must also not be underestimated. But who is firm in his trust in Me and My helping angels allocated to you will be warned in due time and has then still the opportunity to act. Amen.
August 8th, 2017
The heat leaches many people
My children, in the heat of the summer, many people feel faint, weak, tired, and simply drained. This is because they behave quite unfavourably in the blazing heat. It is good to allow the body a certain amount of sun energy at the time, but “roast and fry” certainly not. Furthermore most of the people sweat significantly more in the heat as if they were in the sauna, and they do not refill the loss of minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and what else they have exuded at all or only insufficiently. If the body has built up a shortage, it draws on the rests, where it can get them. The consequences are dullness, being exhausted, but also a cold can develop, if you let sink your endogenous vibrations too low. If this concerns you or your family members, you can e.g. ask Me for My blessing for food and drink, so that everything you need in this moment is led into your body e.g. through the water, which you should drink in small sips. Each season has its own pitfalls, and you should also consciously adapt your body appropriately. Avoid malnutrition and drink abundantly blessed water, and you feel good according to your vibrations. Amen.
August 7th, 2017
Help by praying together for others
My children, the time is coming, where you are asked to pray also for friends, relatives, or partially for totally unknown people, because they are unable to keep their own vibrations so high by themselves that they stay free from distress, misery, and diseases of many kinds. But you should also support joyfully and voluntarily those people, who are now ill and ask you to pray for them, because this helps not only them, but does you also good. If you are asked via e-mail to pray together for others, this will certainly be a matter close to the heart of most of you to do this. My writing channel here will gladly open a heading for people, who urgently need mental and also physical help through the profound prayer. I am glad, if lively participation happens there. Amen.
August 6th, 2017
Healthy food
My children, not just since the actual egg scandal more and more vegetarians decide to waive eggs completely, and many of them will also go the way to vegan nutrition. My children, nowadays it is immensely important that you eat consciously and healthy. Who has the possibility to grow his own food should do it – even if it is only herbs or some tomatoes. The snail plague increases every year, and you must be imaginative, if you want to get rid of them – without killing them. My writing channel here had the idea to build a raised bed and has placed it so that snails cannot reach it, but the sun instead. It has been installed in a specially designed “light greenhouse”. Who has less space can plant tomato plants also at sunny house walls and not only water them daily, but give also My blessing spoken in My name into the water. Of course, this applies for everything you eat and drink. Food intake has of course also something to do with consciousness and mental development. Therefore more and more of My children are now vegans and partially also vegan Raw Fooders. You must decide for yourselves what you can tolerate best. Amen.
August 5th, 2017
If you need help
My children, often many people need help urgently, but they do not know where to get it from. For instance the TÜV acceptance for the old car is due, and after the test a repair is necessary, which this person cannot afford, because this car workshop, where also the TÜV acceptance test had been made, has horrendous hourly rates. How should this person find now a low-cost repair shop? A second example: A job seeker looks for work and is lucky to have found a job. But his problem is that he lives in the country and must begin already at five o’clock in the morning, and that no bus goes so early, because it is too far away for using the bicycle, and he has no car. Do you understand the “vicious circle” that exists in your society? But there is a solution: Who prays to Me now in the profound prayer deeply and profoundly, will receive solutions and help. You must only pay close attention and do the first step. But often this first step is for many people a sheer insurmountable obstacle, because they do not dare it. They are too much afraid to fail, and therefore they refrain from it and struggle or are angry. Partially about the environment, partially about politics, but also about Me or themselves. Who is only struggling must not be wondering, when his resonances are similarly adverse. Like attracts like. You know this proverb, My children, and it is absolutely so in life. You also avoid instinctively as far as possible people in your environment, who would not do you good. But if your partner or somebody of your relatives or friends is cynical or also struggling, you endure it mostly tacitly. But through this you do this person no favour, because his destructive way pulls down mostly also the other people in his environment. Who surrounds himself with cheerful, friendly and always helpful people cannot do anything after a short while than becoming so himself, when he has to do with these people regularly. You are responsible for your own fate. Everything you do has a resonance and will also have an effect. Let us come back to the two examples: The person, whose car must be repaired in order to pass the TÜV acceptance test can agree with the price, pay perhaps in instalments, or try to find somebody, who can do it cheaper. Regarding the second example, the job seeker can explain at once at the job centre his problems with far distances, or he can find an agreement with his new boss that he e.g. can get later working hours. With this, the job seeker should be flexible and able to improvise. The proverb “Life is no bed of roses” applies to most people. But who is ready to listen into himself and checks once again exactly which skills he has, will be surprised that there are many jobs, which are fun or which please you, and where you can do good deeds as well with some imagination. Amen.
August 4th, 2017
The sleep
My children, some of you have asked Me in the profound prayer, why they sleep so badly and therefore very little, when it is sticky in the summer. Well, this is because your body is used to certain temperatures. Even those of you who heat their sleeping room in winter experience a different kind of warmth in summer, though. But there is also the contrary: Many people become tired quickly, when it is very warm. Thus, if you can sleep only badly during the night due to the sultriness, you can perhaps find another sleeping place, which is cooler. Sometimes you must improvise or bear it. Many obtain the sleep in intervals during the day, which the body needs. Amen.
August 3rd, 2017
Relics and cleaning
My children, if you pull yourself together and clear out, sort, and dispose everything, which you know from the worldly point of view as relics, it can be that your body shows different reactions. As your body reacts to food it cannot cope with, it reacts to the disposal of worldly relics. Therefore do not be confused, if you get suddenly stomach ache, diarrhea, or other unpleasant things. Unless you are consciously wrapped under My protective coat for each part you let go only reluctantly. Otherwise there will be a resonance concerning your relics and your own vibrations. But if you have cleaned up and disposed everything, you will feel that symbolically this took a load off your mind, as you say proverbially. The effort to begin with the cleaning and disposal is the first obstacle for many people. When you have begun, it goes on – even if the stomach or the bowel revolts from time to time. Cleaning of all kinds is important, My children! Also keeping your garden clean, often in connection with mowing the lawn or cutting trees, shrubs, and so on is important and helps you also to clean your body. Amen.
August 2nd, 2017
Extreme weather
My children, recently, it has been very intense due to the violent storms, which hit some regions of your country as well. You know that part of the weather is changed by the other side. Your belief in My healing power and My divine justice give you the power to change the weather again through the profound prayer. Who now asks in the profound prayer that the weather over his house returns to normal again, and who lights additionally the blessed weather candle will find that a change to the positive becomes evident. You may also pray for all parts of the earth, when you hear that there violent weather of any kind happens. Within the scope of the life plans of the affected people, it will be helped then, where it is allowed. Amen.
August 1st, 2017
Energies of August
My children, because now in South Germany the school holidays have begun as well, mainly the pupils are glad about nice weather. This is anchored in the peoples’ heads. But in reality, most of the people long for nice weather during the summer holidays. Some of them flee directly into sunny countries, in order to come back absolutely suntanned, and many people, who cannot afford this, stay in their own country or even at home for good. August is strongly associated with the midsummer sun, and is therefore also for many of you a glimmer of hope for nice weather. Because for many people midsummer is over from September on, many people tremble and hope that it will be really hot during the next four weeks. Now we come to the spiritual part of this FATHER’S WORD: In general it is said that the summer slump brings a lot of boredom from the political point of view. But just here, My children, is your chance to do a lot of good deeds in August. Pray also for the many people being now in those many traffic jams, and who nearly cannot breathe due to the heat, let alone have sufficient water with them. Also the highways, which I have mentioned already for several times, should be put in your focus, because if you connect yourselves in the prayer with the highways and send healing energies there, it will improve there step by step, and less accidents will occur. Also the railway network and the airplanes are a factor, which is neglected easily. You can send also there healing and peaceful energies. You see, also in midsummer there is a lot to do for My children, additionally to the daily good deeds – what you do as usual affectionately and voluntarily. Amen.