August, 31st 2016
Get your heads free
My children, at the time being, for many of My children, as well as for some of the worldly oriented people, there is the problem that they cannot relax any more from the worldly events, and that thus they roll around during the nights and sleep very fitfully. My children, I tell you again from the bottom of My heart: Give all your sorrows, problems, and unsolved questions to Me for transformation through the profound prayer. Do not burden yourselves with themes that will give you sleepless nights. Amen.
August, 30th 2016
My children, if you knew, how many positive things have been done worldwide lately, you would be very surprised. One of the effects has been that terrible things could be prevented. However, this does not mean that everything is all right now. The daily profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds help to maintain this amount of energy. Amen.
August, 29th 2016
Without technical aids
My children, I can advise you again and again to do without as far as possible without gimmicks of the electronic kind. Some of you intentionally abstain from the mobile all-rounder. Whether they do it due to medical reasons or whatever reason, it is a good sign. Look at the young people, how they are totally dependent and absolutely remote-controlled, and do not want to live without this gadget any more. Take this toy away from the youngsters, and they absolutely go berserk. But more and more elder adults think it would be especially modern to do the same as the young people. Now, if it must be work-related in the company, it is still to be understood, but your leisure time belongs to you, and you should spend it as stress-free as possible. My writing channel here also waives all electronic devices, which radiate and are unhealthy, consciously. He is a good example for a life without depending on SMS and companions. Try it, My children, and waive consciously for one week the mobile all-rounder. First you will find out, how much you have already made yourselves dependent from it. Learn to think for yourselves, to find some place without a route planner, to be not always accessible, to use an alarm clock which must be wound up, and have not your all-rounder aside your bed, where it disturbs your sleep through the radiation it sends. When you want to take pictures, take your digital camera. Try to see the beautiful things of life the same way as in former times, and not, I repeat NOT to be available always everywhere! Set a good example. Those who are dependent from the modern technology will go mad during times of power failure, or even plunge into heavy depressions. Think of this, My children. No kind of dependency is wanted by Me. Be freethinkers, and try to evolve yourselves independent and free in the voluntary love to Me and to live your lives. Amen.
August, 28th 2016
Be happy
My children, the weather plays also a role, whether a person is happy and satisfied or not. Many factors influence it – private, business, but also spiritual with many people. I tell you: “Regardless of the weather, the conditions in your job, and how it works in the family: It lies in your own hands, whether you are heartily well, and you are satisfied and happy – or not. Nobody can influence you so far that you come out of your innermost – if you are continuously connected with Me through the profound prayer. This and only this is your guarantor, My children!” Of course it is too human to get exasperated or excited with e.g. injustices, but then you should immediately regain the awareness that this is of no use, and that it does more harm than if you are balanced and stay in the calmness. Many soccer fans upset themselves week after week, when “their club” does not play so as they have hoped for. My children, this kind of agitation and dependency has been spread consciously by the other side to distract the people with “bread and circuses”, as already in roman times – from the really important things of life. Understand that you should try first of all to live your life and the life of your beloved ones in harmony, because only then, when you are in your middle and also are happy, you can move things in a big way – through the profound prayers, light transmissions, and good deeds. The “Calls of Victory” are always the “final touch” at the “cream cake of life”, to explain it metaphorical, because through them so immensely much is moved that it would be a great pleasure to you to celebrate them daily, if you could see what thus happens there. You see, whether it is summer, autumn, winter, or spring, it is a matter of attitude. It can be summer the whole year long in the heart and the soul, and it is exactly the same with the other attitudes of life. You decide, what is good, right, and important for yourselves. Amen.
August, 27th 2016
Personal initiative
My children, let us tackle today a crucial point: Whether you build up stocks, look for water springs, shine in your working life – everything requires a certain kind of personal initiative. Besides, in many companies this is not welcomed. But what you do in your leisure time is your decision. Therefore decide wisely and prudently, how you want to proceed now, and consult every decision with your family or relatives, if this is possible. Always get several opinions and suggestions, and decide the matters with your mind in peace. Amen.
August, 26th 2016
People’s confusion concerning provision
My children, the call of the government, which is actually only a recommendation, has divided the worldly oriented people into two groups: Those who hoard food now, and the others, who do it not, and take all this for exaggerated or absurd. In times of crises, the people should especially watch out for this group. This quite major confusion between the people causes in many families even rivalries or prohibitions. Husbands forbid their wives to hoard food, because they take it for nonsense. Thus, they think it useful to have friends they can rely on, and who additionally have sufficient space for supplies. Amen.
August, 25th 2016
Excessive demands
My children, the events happening daily worldwide and also come into focus of the people through the public media overexert a great many of them. Even for you, My children, this is mostly too much, and you decide in large number not to listen to the public media any more, but to look purposefully in the internet, what interests you. Stay always in the calmness and be sure that I am always with you, and that you receive the protection you need. When all people jump up in panic, stay in the peace, pray profoundly, and then you receive also inspirations concerning the further process. Your FATHER, who is always and at any time responsive and present. Amen.
August, 24th 2016
Only the profound prayer provides the power you need
My children, in these times, the chaff separates from the wheat more and more, and the people either accept Me, or they reject Me. Now, in great danger, this rejection can of course switch completely into an approach or even into total dedication. Wherever you are, whatever you do, enshroud yourselves again and again under My mantle of protection, and be assured that you receive help in these difficult times. Amen.
August, 23rd 2016
Civil unrests
My children, since your government told you that you should stock up your supplies, this is believed and also honestly done by the worldly oriented people. Previously, when My children had warmly recommended this to the worldly oriented people, they had been named as “conspiracy theorists” or as “unworldly”, and so on. Can you see, which power the public media have concerning the worldly oriented people? However, many of you have now become restless internally, because you know that there is no coincidence. Stay calm and make provisions, and think also of your sceptic friends and relatives, who certainly will come to you for begging, as I have told you many times before, when all shops have been closed down, if this would happen soon. Your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and other good deeds can change and achieve a lot. How far, you will experience soon. Stay calm, and recharge your batteries during the night, because sleepless nights steal only your life energy, which you must rebuild again tediously the next day. Trust in My love and in My protection, then you can sleep well. But do not forget to give in advance all sorrows and problems to Me in the profound prayer for transformation. Amen.
August, 22nd 2016
Read between the lines
My children, when you read newspapers or watch the news in TV, you should always be able to read between the lines. However, often the opposite of the truth is quite near the original. Now already the official side pointed out that the people should stock up their supplies. I gave you this advice already long time ago, because it makes sense to have always reserves. Those, who complain loudest or smile pityingly at it, are the first, who go begging to the people. Amen.
August, 21st 2016
Kinds of freedom
My children, freedom is one of your highest assets, and you should defend it. Slaves have no freedom, remember this! You should protect your cash and also fight for it by peaceful means, so that you can keep it. The elimination of cash has been decided a long time ago, but if the people protest against it, everything can be changed again. Today’s problems are mainly young people, to whom one wants to make the implanted chip tasty, and advertise “temptations” to them about the “benefits” of cashless payments. Of course, nobody tells them that they sell their souls thereby. The freedom to buy what you want, and first of all without control, works only through paying with cash. Therefore you should pay your purchases always cash if possible. This applies also to refuelling, going out to lunch, and so on. Also by means of the so-called discount cards of different kinds, your shopping habits are studied in detail and are recorded – also when buying on the internet. Benefit from this time, where you can still do everything with cash and also keep your freedom. If mankind would be chipped, it had lost this freedom and would absolutely depend on the dark side. Think about it, and inform also your relatives and friends. Amen.
August, 20th 2016
Refuse to believe something
My children, many people refuse to believe that they cannot continue their normal daily life as before, and this burdens them very much. Insomnia, lack of appetite, sadness, despair, and many other things come to light in great numbers. Here you can give spiritual support with the following prayer: “Beloved FATHER, together with Your power of love I send now from the bottom of my heart healing energies to all people, who have problems with the situation in this country, and I beg You to provide angels, who work comforting and helping there, where need arises. Thank You, thank You, thank You, beloved FATHER! Thy will is done now! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR. Amen!” In this way, you can do a lot of good deeds and help to alleviate the suffering of many people. Amen.
August, 19th 2016
The new energy
My children, you sense it on your own body: There is a new burst of energy again, which causes also that you become tired earlier in the evening, and that you run around in the morning partially “like in the wrong film”, because the grounding of the new energy does not happen so fast inside the body. Take always breaks and time-outs, when you feel that the changeover to the new increase of vibrations in your body still takes time. Amen.
August, 18th 2016
Your hands
My children, many of you do it every day: They beg for the blessing of food and drink by holding the hands during the prayer over the food and the drinks. However, the hands can do many more positive things: They feel heat or cold very quickly and are also a good protection. Who now goes the spiritual way more and more intensely feels, how it tingles in their finger tips, and they become warm, when you work spiritually or do good deeds. As well the sensitivity is sensitized more and more through recognizing, feeling, and seizing with the hands. Meanwhile, many of My children can send healing transmissions in My name, only by means of holding the hands over a map or a region, connected to Me in the profound prayer. It happens always only, what is possible within the scope of the people’s life plans. Nevertheless a lot can happen this way, which serves the good. You see, the spiritual functions of the hands are very important, and I mentioned only a small spectrum of it. Amen.
August, 17th 2016
The power of words
My children, I tell you once more: Words have a lot of power – also in the form of multiple repetitions, stoking fears, and negative formulations, as you can hear them daily in the public media. Just like prophecies, warning dreams, and messages concerning negative things are just warnings, which come true only, when mankind does not change, positive words, affirmations, profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds can absolutely deescalate a lot of negative things. You have proved already very often with your profound prayers and good deeds, how a small group of My children could change something negative by their mental assistance. You see, My children, many things have been changed already, and several things can be changed no doubt, with the right awareness and the clear intent to be willing to do it in love and with the knowledge of the healing power of the profound prayer. Amen.
August, 16th 2016
Perspectives and ways of thinking
My children, you know how difficult it is for many of My children to explain their belief to their family. Most of My children true to Me have in their family and relationship some or even all people, who cannot understand your confidence and your spiritual work, or can understand it only partially. My children, you must not explain yourselves! Tell them simply, how it is, and end of it. The second problem many of you have is that your precautions are often condemned as “exaggerated” up to “stupidity” or “conspiracy theories”. But exactly those people will be the first, who will come to you to beg, when they run out of supplies in hard times. You see, it is not easy in these turbulent times, but you may ask Me always and at any time to help – either with words or with deeds. Amen.
May 15th, 2016
Pentecost 2016
My children, you know, what Pentecost really means, and how much My children love it. For the worldly people, who unfortunately are often so far distant from Me, it means a prolonged weekend. Many are sad that in some regions there is continuous rain, and that thus the planned Pentecost excursion turns to be a flop (proverbially “falls into the water”). But also at home, you should use your time to do good deeds. Try to do together with your beloved ones something that delights them. Family activities are always something good, and who is not afraid of water can nevertheless go for a walk on Pentecost. Benefit from the time, My children. Mind you, the rain has been very important in some regions, because the soil has been already very dry there. You see, there are always pros and cons in most cases. Amen.
May 14th, 2016
Positive thinking expels gloomy thoughts
My children, the bad weather in many parts of your homeland has also an influence to your mind. Continuous rain for days is something you absolutely do not like in spring. But who thinks and acts now positively and also lets cheerfulness into his life, will experience that the gloomy and pensive thoughts can be shifted away – into the direction of the spiritual realms, similar as real clouds move and then clear the sky again. It is a difficult time, and many people are worried, how it shall go on. Only who trusts Me and believes in Me unconditionally, will also be protected in the coming times – in the scope of his life plan. This extends also for many of My children, because their profound prayers, light transmissions, „Calls of Victory“, and good deeds are needed so urgently. My children, you can influence your health positively yourselves by praying profoundly continuously for your meals and drinking, and thus give the body, what it needs. The change on earth has begun, and this cycle is unique in this way. Amen.
May 13th, 2016
Do not be superstitious
My children, once again it is Friday 13th, which worries many people worldwide. But I tell you: Superstition is unnecessary, when you pray deeply and profoundly, rely upon My love and My protection, and think positively. Nevertheless I want to ask you to pray today a lot and also send light and do many good deeds, because this day is very critical for unstable people, and the other side prefers to take advantage of this. Amen.
May 12th, 2016
The Ice Saints send a foretaste
My children, for the time being, it is over with the warm days. Therefore also the farmers have worked on their fields in piece-work and have spread out the liquid manure, before the heavy rain begins. Punctual this year again the short time of the Ice Saints happens, just to let it become warmer again after Pentecost. Your prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory” and awakening calls, as well as your good deeds, can of course moderate a weather scenario. Amen.
May 11th, 2016
A lot is moving
My children, in the near future, a lot will happen on earth – many things are on the move. At all, a lot of people react surprisingly positive, after they have awakened from their “Sleeping Beauty Deep Sleep”. The “wolf in sheepskin” cannot disguise itself any longer, the German shepherd dogs have discovered him, and the large mass of sheep begins to bleat and thus begin to awake slowly collectively. At first, everything has begun in the spiritual realm as pioneer, and now it penetrates step by step also into the worldly realm. Therefore it is also so immensely important that you continue to do every day so many good deeds, and that you help to clean and to transform the earth. Amen.
May 10th, 2016
Quiet days
My children, the weather still means it mainly well with you, and you should use this to move in the fresh air or to work in the garden. However, some of you use the nice weather to read in the sun or in the shadow, to meditate, send light, pray profoundly, to celebrate the “Calls of Victory” and the awakening calls, or to do good deeds in general. These wonderful tasks can be done by most of you outside in the fine weather easier than inside the house. Take advantage of the quiet days, My children. Amen.
May 9th, 2016
With fresh power
My children, today brings in addition to the sunshine also a lot of power, energy, and power of endurance for all people, who believe in it. Interestingly, many people have not yet their full power on Monday, because they were lazing around during the Sunday. But who has made good use mentally also of the Sunday knows, how important it is on the one hand to have a creative time-out from the worldly work, which on the other hand can be used spiritually. Amen.
May 8th, 2016
Mother’s Day 2016
My children, most people cherish their mothers, because it was she, who has born them. The connection between mother and child is often very deep, and on Mother’s Day, which is celebrated every second Sunday of May, you should remember your mother, whether she is with you or not. We send all mothers on earth the energy of peace, so that a jolt will go through all countries of the earth. Amen.
May 7th, 2016
The direct way into My FATHER’S HEART
My children, please take care that you do not let yourselves be infiltrated by gurus or esoteric groups, because these do not work on My behalf. There is only one direct way into My FAHTER’S HEART, and this is the profound prayer to Me in deep humility, and the voluntary will to do something good. In the so-called esoteric direction, a lot is told about “light and love”, but this is not My “FATHER’S LIGHT”, but something, which shall keep you from your direct way and your direct connection with Me. Do not listen to any masters, or how they want to name themselves anyway. My children, whom I instruct, have only one aim: To do good deeds in My name – in continuous connection with Me! All My children true to Me have a special protection, and this applies also to the coming time! If some of you should be relocated, they will receive in the run-up already the impulse to move. Some of you are already looking for a new home. I lead and guide you, My children, if you allow it. Also watch your dreams and messages! Each of you has an important task in the present time and also in future, which fits his / hers temperament. Nobody will be overstrained by Me. Always remember, My children: You do everything voluntarily and in love to Me, to yourselves, and to all forms of life you want to help. Amen.
May 6th, 2016
The warming power of the sun
My children, finally it becomes warmer again, many of you will say. Indeed, a boost of warm air comes, which you should use. Wrap yourselves well under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer, enjoy the sun light, and refill your vitamin D storage. After the long winter, the body longs for the warmth of the sun and for vitamin D. Also those of you, who try to avoid the sunshine, because they are afraid of sunburn, should nevertheless go into the open. Short, intense walks and also staying in the shadow are very good for the body. Amen.
May 5th, 2016
Ascension 2016
My children, the worldly people have only one theme today: Father’s Day! Beer, celebrating, barbecue and anything the worldly fathers like... Some of you, dear fathers, can hardly avoid such a scenario, when you have children, to celebrate this day similar to the Mother’s Day, because the children are programmed already in the Kindergarten and at school, how important this day is for their dad, respectively the Mother’s Day for their mom. Most of the worldly-oriented people forget the true value of the Ascension Day. Thus it is a pleasure to Me, how profoundly you send light, pray, and do many good things nevertheless, My children. Amen.
May 4th, 2016
Integrate joy and harmony into life
My children, who enjoys life and shows this, does not only help himself but also his environment, which is thus illuminated. Laughing, joy, harmony, satisfaction, and much more help the body to stay healthy, resp. to become healthy, because a strong immune system can only arise or be maintained, when you have high vibrations. Therefore let go all distress, sadness, and also the world-weariness into the light lovingly through the profound prayer, and turn towards the nice, positive things of life, which please you. Even the singing of the birds in the early morning e.g. has healing frequencies... Think about it. Amen.
May 3rd, 2016
What friendship means
My children, many of you will know this sentence: “Friends you can choose, relatives not.” Now, at first sight this is often true – seen from the worldly aspect. But who knows the law of resonance, knows certainly, what I mean: Often the people are together in their nearest surroundings – concerning relationship or neighbourhood and so on – in this life with those people, who have been their greatest rivals in previous lives. If therefore your children or grandchildren quarrel continuously or fight rival battles, you can remember once again this FATHER’S WORD. But what does friendship really mean? Now, you help each other and are also ready to do things, which you would fulfil for other people only very grumpily. Friendships are not limited to one incarnation, but they last very often hundreds of years. Who can say of himself that he/she has friends for life has done everything right in this regard. My children, it is important that you have friends you can rely on, because friendship is beyond price. Amen.
May 2nd, 2016
Do your body something good
My children, many people have hobbies, also many of you, My children true to Me. It is absolutely so that worldwide many people give themselves a treat – for their hobbies. But for their bodies? Men buy precious, high-quality motor oil, but for their salad in the kitchen they use cheap cooking oil. This does not fit, My dear children! The body and its welfare should always prevail over hobbies and other activities. When I tell you now that coconut oil is one of the best things for your body you can give it, what do you say then? Well, I know that many of you know the advantages of coconut oil, but that they do not want to pay the relatively high price per kilogram – but the expensive costs for fuel or diesel, there nobody cares for the money... My children, I recommend you to give your body all the things it needs to “run” perfectly, to use the men’s language corresponding to the cars, because this they understand very well. Women are mainly different in their way of thinking and acting. They emphasize to eat healthy food. If the people knew that they can keep their life healthy by their positive way of thinking, and that any kind of destructive thinking ages them, many people would rethink. When you enjoy your hobbies and nice things, all those elements are generated inside your body, which can keep it young and healthy – but only, when it is supported by healthy and intense nutrition – additionally to blessed water. Think about this! Amen.
May 1st, 2016
Peace of May
My children, meanwhile there are many things you can do on May 1st. I recommend you also in this year to walk in the open nature, as far as weather permitting. Look closely to nature and watch, how everything grows and thrives. As it happens in nature it should also be for the human being! He should, as long as he lives, strive for doing the best for himself, his family, the environment, and also for the rest on earth. This sounds now perhaps for some of you a little bit too difficult to fulfil. But I tell you, My children: It is very easy: Be simply yourselves, profoundly connected with Me through the daily prayers, and everything else follows then automatically. Have confidence in My love, My help, and My protection I send you, when you are connected to Me continuously. When you tell this your children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives in simple words, there will be a huge step forward on earth. Amen.