Father’s Word of August 31st, 2015
Rocks in the surf
My children, I told you already several times: You are My rocks in the surf, when the need is really great, and you function so to say also as lighthouses, who radiate My love light, so that people seeking help find you. The last day of summer, considered meteorologically, is a slight day of melancholy for many of My children, but also for many worldly-oriented people, because now autumn is just around, and many do not want to miss summer with its ease and cosy warmth. But there is the other fraction as well, who is glad that the quite enormous heat gives way to finally milder, moderate temperatures. Now, it is not so that the cold begins at once, but the weather will become some more moderate. In general, many of My children prepare for a proverbial “hot autumn”! If and how heavy the scenario will happen, depends on different factors. Therefore the profound praying, light transmissions, and the celebrating of the “Calls of Victory”, and the awakening calls are immensely important, and all good deeds are a wonderful action for the earth and as well for its inhabitants. You, My children, will get a lot of work yet, but the exact time is still open, because I have given the free will to all human beings, and thus also some of the prophecies, which are nothing else than warnings, must not necessarily fulfil, but can do very well – even if only partially or in weakened form. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 30th, 2015
On the way and at home
My children, the nice weather attracts again many people out into the open. Those, who stay at home or must stay at home, should do a lot of positive things, the same way as those, who enjoy the nice weather outdoors. This can be the healing of the earth with its different possibilities, the profound prayers, the light transmissions, the “Calls of Victory”, and the awakening calls, and whatever good deeds you can imagine. Whether in the open or in closed rooms: You can do good deeds always and at any time – not important at which place. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 29th, 2015
Energies of the full moon
My children, once again, the energy of the full moon can be felt strongly, and also one to two days before and afterwards. Especially people sensitive to changes in the weather, and also all people, who are particularly sensitive, feel these energies intensively. This can lead so far that therefore the sleep comes off badly. Simply put yourselves profoundly under My mantle of protection, and let everything go, what holds you tight. Thus, you can also sleep well during the full moon period. Watch your dreams during this time – they are often prophetic or contain messages. Just now, where many people are afraid of a war or the many predictions for the near future, it is important to stay in peace and calmness, and to share this energy also with those people, who ask you and expect help. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 28th, 2015
Messages of peace
My children, it is important that you, as My prolonged arms on earth, include also messages of peace in your prayers daily and send them worldwide. It is secondary, how you formulate it. It is only important that you say it positively without negations. You know well: Everything you send from your hearts has a special energy, and thus it is also particularly energetic in its power. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 27th, 2015
To build up strengths
My children, everybody has strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses are often old patterns and remnants from former lives, or even from the childhood of this life. However, weaknesses show also that people cannot do everything, and all people should stand by their weaknesses – and if possible, also transform them. However, some fears, which are linked to the survival instinct, are very important to define a reality for certain situations. You should use your strengths for doing good deeds. The idea of earth healing is very wise and should be used by all people, who dare it, and who want to do it above all. You must feel deeply inside the impulse and wish to do this. It is very useful to support such things, because you, My children, are My prolonged arms on earth, and you have it in your hands to change many things for the good. Indeed, many things have been planned – so to say -, respectively are provided as a resonance. But if many of My children true to Me pray intensely for the peace, the spiritual transformation, and the cleaning on earth, this influences the world affairs. This happens always at first in the subtle realm, and afterwards then step by step also in the material range, which you call matrix. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 26th, 2015
Listen to your body
My children, your bodies send you impulses and signals, e.g. by yawning or becoming tired, when it is time to go to bed. When the stomach growls, it wants something to eat, and when there is a sensation of thirst, it wants to drink something. You know all this, and it works perfectly, when you are within your middle. But stress, distractions of different kinds, and involvement in different activities often displace the needs of the body, and it suffers then. If this happens more often, the body has to react with emergency signals to make the human being understand it. When these distress signals appear, it is often already very critical. Therefore it is important to react regularly to the needs of the body, and to grant it that from the bottom of the heart. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 25th, 2015
The turbulent weather goes on
My children, it is an error to believe that the weather will calm down. The weather turbulences will increase worldwide. This is also a consequence of the transformation the planet earth goes through. Every profoundly spoken prayer, every light transmission, all support services, and also the good deeds you do regularly are part of the stability, which should not be underestimated. Therefore I always say that each one of you, My children, is important, and has also the corresponding tasks. Never forget this! Amen.
Father’s Word of August 24th, 2015
To take precautions
My children, summer still appears from its nice side for a while, but in spite in some weeks, autumn and then winter are just around the corner. You certainly know the proverb: “After a hot summer follows a cold winter.” Now, this is partially correct, and also your points of view and ways of thinking contribute to how intensive the weather will be. You should make provisions of all kinds, because winter brings not only cold weather, but also other things that can be extreme for human beings and animals. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 23rd, 2015
Cleaning of the sleeping place
My children, people spend a major part of their day sleeping. But they often do not remember to establish an optimum sleeping place. Regular cleaning inside, below, and on the bed belong to it, as well as an energetic cleansing and the protection from earth rays, water veins, and other interfering factors. If you take to heart all this regularly and buy every five to seven years a new mattress, nothing is opposed to a peaceful, restful sleep. Before falling asleep, give Me through the profound prayer everything for transformation, what burdens you, and then the body can regenerate and refill energetically, and the soul can travel and follow its determination there. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 22nd, 2015
Play acting
My children, a main part of the things presented daily in the public media or is printed in the newspapers is a huge stage play, and the politicians and other actors are often only performers, who have to play a role. You know well that you are now in the so-called end time, and you know as well that it will really get rough. Trust your heart and the messages, which you receive from Me or My channels. Feel into them, what fits you and how you should behave. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 21st, 2015
Worldwide signs
My children, the worldwide signs that are shown, when you go through the world with your eyes open, signalize that the other side plans several things for the late summer resp. autumn. But planning and realization are two different pairs of shoes, as you say. Do not allow to be frightened or irritated. Your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls, and good deeds are what you do voluntarily every day, and you should preserve the joy about it inside you and use it steadily. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 20th, 2015
My children, you know that there are forms of life, who are so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye. Whether these are mites or other beings who complicate your lives – they should be kept in check. Therefore a regular cleaning with hot water vapour is recommended, and also an inner purification of the body. For this, you can select between different variants. It is useful to treat regularly your apartment, your work, your car, your clothing, and of course also your body with this, because afterwards you feel nearly like newly born. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 19th, 2015
Increase your energy
My children, merely through the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls, and the knowledge, which good deeds you can do, you increase already your energies. The proverb “Knowledge is power!” is applicable also in this case, because you have absolutely the knowledge about increasing the life energies, and therefore you can increase them also in times of crisis and dangerous situations. Everywhere, where bacilli and centres of infection are lurking to infect people, who have fears or low oscillations, you stay in the calmness and know how you can keep your energies high. A wonderful gift from Me to you, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 18th, 2015
Further improvements
My children, I told you already that you received also additional abilities by the higher oscillations. Now you can be still more creative and learn a lot of good things by trying it. If you e.g. connect yourselves with a plant, you can subtly feel the positive energies it radiates merely by touching it, and your body receives automatically the oscillations it needs. The same applies to trees. However, you can use this knowledge furthermore by transmitting these oscillations of the trees or plants to other regions. This can be established by the profound prayer and the power of imagination. Simply imagine how e.g. the positive energies of a birch tree do a region good, which just now needs this information. This sounds difficult for a moment, but you will feel intuitively by and by, what e.g. this region needs. Start it and try it, My children. It gives pleasure to help and to do good deeds. Nature is overjoyed, when it receives help. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 17th, 2015
Physical cleanings
My children, for many people, they will appear only later, but for you they are already imminent now: The physical cleanings. How strong or weak they will be depends also from how far your bodies assimilate the New Energies and integrate them there. It may be that your eating habits will change and you will have less appetite, because a part of your nutritional energy you need will income mentally. Therefore pay attention to your body and listen to it, what it signalizes to you. If heavy cleanings occur, let them happen, and do not fight against them. Your body knows exactly, what does him good, and what not. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 16th, 2015
Sunday views
My children, Sunday is for many families the day for joint activities, or at least the possibility to be together. This was absolutely usual also in former times. Faithful Christians often go to church in the morning, and many worldly oriented men visit pubs or football matches, to name only two of the most known hobbies of the men. It is not reprehensible to have hobbies, but many people have already pushed Me very far away from themselves, and they only remember Me, when they are in trouble or need help. Even then, many people deal only with their mobile all-rounder, and they do not remember their real values. I want to name some examples, what you can do on Sundays. Now, sleeping late, which many of you also celebrate, can be combined with a prayer, a light transmission, and the „Calls of Victory“. Mostly, this lasts less time than you spend under the shower. This means: On Sunday, there is enough time for it. The love light, which I gave to you, is a further factor that wants to be maintained. Send it in My name around the world, and it will always reach the right place. Who wants to pray can do this always and any time, and he needs no special place for it. However, when you meet in My name and do good deeds, this energy is amplified. Unfortunately, this is not the case during most of the church services, because many people do not pray any more from their pure hearts, but often repeat texts or prayers they had memorized, and also the Holy Rosary is mostly recited in parrot-fashion – without heart and soul. But I want that My children pray consciously and also send light consciously, because everything else, which is done half-heartedly or without love, has no effect. I wish you a creative Sunday. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 15th, 2015
Control of your body
My children, it is important that you live in accordance with your body and your organs and that you communicate with them. This means: You feel then at once, when something is not ok. You learn to respond to its needs, and through the continuously incoming increase of oscillation into your total being also to assimilate it faster and to integrate it into your daily life. Thus you can focus better on your mental tasks due to your well functioning organism. Many of the so-called “diseases” are actually only resonances to fears, sorrows, problems, or also imposed or copied behaviour. When you now in case of problems or diseases listen into yourselves consciously, you will learn that there is always a reason or a trigger, which causes theses resonances. Fears for instance let break down your immune system and your inhibition threshold against diseases, which thus can intrude into your body. However, if you know this, it is easy for you to increase your oscillations internally through targeted wordings and ways of thinking, and thus stay free from these burdens. It is important, My children, that you have always absolute FAITH IN GOD and the knowledge about My healing power. Every sickness and every problem has also a reason and a cause as a trigger. If you recognize them, you can transform them, and through forgiving and letting go also to give them away for transformation through the profound prayer. Do not always expect wonders, because diseases have also not come overnight and need in the most cases some time for their complete disentanglement. It is important that you know that you are very well connected to each organ and body part, and that you can also communicate with them. For this, you need only the power of imagination and the absolute knowledge that you can establish it with willpower in love. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 14th, 2015
Power of imagination
My children, the fantasy many people possess is a major factor to do positive things on earth. Many of you have done good deeds once and again also in dreams. But such a dream is often considered carelessly only as a dream. In reality, there happens much more. This is the same with your fantasy images and mental travels. Everything is possible, and therefore it should be treated with caution! Ensure that you pray and send light, before you begin a mental journey in your dreams. When awake, for many people an imaginative journey is possible, and often people indulge mentally at different locations, which they found especially nice, interesting, mystical, or otherwise appealing. Sometimes their desire results also from things they have read or seen in a film. Also here, caution is mandatory! But if you use your power of imagination for the good cause, a lot of positive things can be initiated. With the pure power of imagination, negative things can be resolved and transformed into the positive. I think especially of the intentional contamination and poisoning of the nature by chemical trails in the sky. You see that the border between dream, imagination, and your so-called reality is not too strong, and who is able to think, question, and deepen mentally like a child again, feels no borders any more. With this in mind, I want to make you receptive to pay attention consciously to everything, what comes across you, and mainly, what you receive inside yourselves, transmit, and also the resonances, which happen around you. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 13th, 2015
Travel into the distance or stay at home?
My children, the topic of today’s GODFATHER’S WORD concerns to some of you. Longings and dreams drive the people out into the world. Often this is due to reminiscences of former incarnations, or also the thrill of the new and unknown. However, some of you use their travels also very reasonably in respect to earth healing and thus positive influences. “To combine the practical with the useful” is such a sentence you know. Now, it is actually right that you can combine and supplement a lot of things reasonably with each other. I support such projects, and I am glad, when My children want to do good deeds at several locations. At the same time, I am of course also connected with all children, who do their spiritual work at home, by whatever reasons. Each child should do it according to his inner motivation and be happy with it. Thus it is ensured that joy and harmony always flow into the daily spiritual work, which is so much needed on earth. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 12th, 2015
Everything is changing
My children, already since long time everything is changing, and the people awake now more and more and understand that they cannot continue their former lives any more the way they did before. However, the change affects not only the earth, but also your solar system. Also there, a serious transformation takes place. Who always believes in Me and trusts Me, and who lets himself guide by Me, is always protected and guarded within the scope of his own life plan – not important where he is. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 11th, 2015
It is about time ...
My children, it is about time that many people awake, and this process lets happen a bigger awakening on earth. Many things change thereby, and the environmental awareness in the heads of the people starts also there, where up to now indifference and selfishness prevailed. The solidarity between like-minded people will increase, and you, My children, will also be more firmly connected to each other. On the one hand in the belief, and on the other hand also in the certainty to do good deeds in a group, as an amplification of the previous daily single actions. The months of August and September will have much to offer concerning this issue. Simultaneously, the other side tries to carry out its projects. It depends a lot from you and your intense work, how far the other side can realize its plans. Never doubt your power and the possibility to do good deeds in your way. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 10th, 2015
To manage extremes
My children, at present, the weather extremes cause problems to many people. During the night, they cannot sleep due to the sultriness, and then, with open windows, they are rudely woken up in the early morning by the commuter traffic. Because this concerns also some of you, I mention this issue once again. Others in turn love the heat and cannot get enough of is. You see: Extremes – and this only within the group of My children. Further extremes will approach you in autumn, when the storms increase, and also the weather in winter will be very extreme and varying. It makes sense to ensure that you have sufficient material for heating, because in some weeks, the prices will be different. Also the adaptation to the fast pace of the everyday life, the news and events, and the time, which elapses faster and faster, are things that are not only a theme for My children true to Me, but also for the worldly oriented people. Therefore you should always try to stay in your inner middle, and approach extreme situations calmly and considerately, and then stay cool to do the right thing from your point of view. I help you in doing so, and I also send again and again Guardian Angels to support your angels known to you, when difficult situations or problems occur. This happens often within a split second, as you say in a proverb. Who thinks now that these problems and situations of all kinds could increase alarmingly, simply imagines that he stands on a platform high above the earth, and that all worldly problems become smaller and smaller, and that under My mantle of protection the security becomes stronger and stronger, and that all fears and sorrows are in reality only illusions and wrongly lived parameters. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 9th, 2015
Niches of freedom
My children, it is very important that you can retreat again and again, and that you have places, where you can regenerate and regain power. This can be in your own apartment resp. the own house, but e.g. also in the garden, the woods, underway in the camper or also at the camping site, in the weekend house, mobile on your way in the wilderness, in a cave, in a grotto, or at many other places. I listed only some of the places, which are preferred by you, My children. Treat yourselves also consciously to your time outs, because in this hectic and fast moving world, the soul, the heart, and the body need time outs. Your FATHER, who is with you everywhere, and always accompanies and protects you. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 8th, 2015
The quiet of the woods
My children, since all times, the people know that the energy of the woods does them good. Unfortunately, by greed for profit and other negative reasons, once and again huge areas of woods are chopped down, and mostly not reforested. Thus partially deserts, infertile regions, and areas resulted. Also the climate with the weather is changing, when too much wood is chopped down. I want to motivate you to anchor the quiet of the woods inside you. This works through walks, but also by viewing such pictures or films. Also painted pictures of trees or woods can manage this inner peace. Let this calmness affect you, and you feel then this power inside you, which connects itself with all your cells and helps the soul, the heart, and the rest of the body to fill up with new strength inside and outside. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 7th, 2015
How much sleep is sufficient?
My children, this question cannot be answered exactly, because it depends on different circumstances: On the one hand, how deeply you sleep, how loud the noise is around you (inside your house, or in the street, e.g. through cars or trucks), and whether you can sleep late or not. Of course, also radiations of any kind play a role, as well as the whole physical, mental, and health condition of the body. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 6th, 2015
In nature
My children, to stay in nature can be either a true jewel or also a nightmare – depending on the point of view, and above all concerning to the location. In many parts of the world, trees are grubbed out, and they are not reforested again. Therefore, you may regularly plant trees – in reality and mentally. When I say mentally, it is possible to imagine by the power of your mind, how the earth blossoms and flourishes through the power of the thoughts, and everything grows in bright, profound oscillation. Also at your home, the possibility exists to let something grow energetically on a small scale. It may be e.g. on your balcony, a raised-bed, or also only in plant pots of different kinds. When you supply the irrigation water with My blessing, everything receives more power and also the energy of My blessing, which then is delivered to the nature or to the place, where the plants are situated. Try to implement yourselves in this way. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 5th, 2015
Live without constraints
My children, it is very important for you to live without constraints. Many of you have already found their vocation and live so as they like it – in the optimum harmony with their belief and the good deeds they do voluntarily every day. Who lives without constraints has of course also more quality of life – from the spiritual point of view. In the narrowness of the big cities, where the juggernaut rules, spiritual work is considerably harder than in the rural idyll. Some of you have asked once and again, where the optimum place to live is. Now, this depends from many things: Temperature, well-being feeling, characteristics, wishes, and many more. My children live the way they have chosen. Of course, the south of Germany is very popular, and the regions of the Allgäu and the Lake Constance are a great attraction. But also the rest of Germany has many beautiful sites you can find and explore. The same applies to every country, where the readers of the GODFATHER’S WORDS live. You yourselves select your place of “well-being feeling”, respectively let guide yourselves there. It is important that you remove the constraints and the pressure from your life, so that also the inner peace and the calmness can be achieved. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 4th, 2015
You have it in your hand
My children, you yourselves have it your hand, how your life proceeds, respectively will go on in future. You alone are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Do not push off the responsibility, and do not always try to find somebody to blame, if something goes wrong. You know the sentence: “Learn from mistakes and thus gain experiences.” That is exactly, what many people handle too superficially: They become excited, struggle sometimes also with themselves, but mostly they try to find somebody else being the culprit for their misery. Stand to yourselves, and be so honest that you yourselves see, what has been wrong or unfavourable. My children, these sentences have not been explicitly addressed to you, but to all people. I know that the main part of you tries commendably to grow mentally internally and externally, and to leave these worldly “little aches” behind. Because everything causes a resonance, you should simply learn from the mistakes, also analyze and accept them, to transform them then into love through the profound prayer. Also say Thank You to your mishaps or accidents that they have opened your eyes, which transformable things are still present. As I told you: You, My children, have it mainly in your own hands, how your life proceeds. If you e.g. want to live a quiet, peaceful, stress-free life, this is often combined with having less money than people, who are addicted to their career on their road to success in their daily hectic rush. It is the occupational hazard of those people that they become ill earlier, and also age faster. Some of you, My children, are true masters in the art of living and get through life with a minimum of expenditure. Thereby, they do good deeds daily, and thus the resonance gives them all what they need. However, this life also often attracts envious persons, who grudge them their way of living, because they do not dare it themselves, for the comfort and the “good looking” do not allow even to think about leading a simple life. Who rejects the commerce will learn that a simple life – without yielding to the worldly dictates – offers much more joy and clarity in the spiritual thinking. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 3rd, 2015
My children, you know the proverb: “Friends you can choose, relatives not.” Seen superficially, this sentence contains a lot of truth at first glance. But if you look more carefully and also understand the spiritual regularities, there is very well something true in the family structure, which should be considered more closely. Through the law of resonance, very often family members are brought together in one life, who were mutually very hostile, and thus, as siblings, may learn to get along with each other. It is not said for nothing that siblings are fighting like “dog and cat”. The social cohesion may be lived, and previously it has to be learnt, because this is often necessary to manage severe or also medium crisis and problems. Therefore try to provoke no quarrel, and to settle a dispute, if it arises. But if family members are so much against you or your mental attitude, let them in peace, and try through the prayer to send them positive energies. Discussions and lengthy discussions do mostly not help here, because very often, these people have deadlocked views and preconceived opinions. Also your way of thinking and acting concerning healthy food, healthy life, and most of all the avoidance of radiation of any kind lets many of you become an outsider in the family or the relatives, and to receive the so-called “bad card”. This is the synonym for something negative or generally said for the outsider. Many of My children true to Me have already very often been stigmatised, but they knew very well that fashion and views are always only phenomena, which come and go, but the true, profound belief in Me, your FATHER and CREATOR in JESUS CHRIST stays and thus binds and connects you also on the spiritual level to each other. Unfortunately, once and again also your children cannot cope with your ways of life, and who does not possess and carry around a mobile all-rounder is rated as antiquated. Yes, you are even blamed to be careless, when you do not have such a device, which receives and sends permanently radiation hazardous to health, because without it, you are out of reach in your car or wherever you just stay. Think back to your childhood or that of your parents. Life was simpler and mostly also happier without this fast pace and the dependence from disease causing radiation of any kind. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 2nd, 2015
Send daily energies of peace
My children, many of you send regularly energies of peace on earth. Now a situation has been reached, where the energies of peace have to be sent daily from the subtle point of view, because what just happens there on earth needs a lot of light and in the first place peace. Of course, many people are nearly unconvincable, and their way of thinking and acting is only difficult to change, but in spite, the daily transmission of peace is at first like a drop that hits a stone. But as is well known, constant dropping wears the stone, and here it is the affectionate persistence, which operates then. Amen.
Father’s Word of August 1st, 2015
To stay in calmness
My children, during the turbulent holiday time, hustle and bustle and stress reign over the daily life. But you should stay in the calmness and use situations and moments, which are hectic or in which you e.g. got stuck in a traffic jam, to pray, send light, or do other good deeds. The inner calmness is the driving force, which leads and guides you then, and in the connection with Me, you will be always guided safely and soundly. Amen.