Father’s Word of April 30th, 2015
Light and shadow
My children, today it is the so-called Walpurgis Night, and this is an important feast day of the other side. Therefore, send a lot of light into all dark corners, so that the shadow beings can be detected, because where is light, no shadow can persist. Nonsense, folly, and superstition – all this is celebrated in the night of April 30th to May 1st, and it will strive for its climax in the time from midnight until one o’clock in the morning. Especially then it is important to send light, profound prayers, and wonderful, positive affirmations, which help the earth and its inhabitants. I am always with you – day and night. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 29th, 2015
Energetic Cleansing
My children, April draws to its end, and with May, a fresh wind comes up to you – symbolically. In May, the woods and the flowers are blossoming – but also the pollen fly. Should you have problems with this, it is mostly an old pattern, adherence, or also karma, which causes the allergies as resonances. Beg profoundly for help, and look, what is shown to you. Either in a dream, a vision, or through other people, or also simply in your daily life. For nearly all people, an energetic cleansing is very important once and again, because you assimilate so many spiritual and also subtle things, which you then should let go again – just as you empty and clean a vacuum cleaner. Many things you assimilate happen unconsciously and sometimes also out of pure good nature. Therefore: The month of May wants to be lived and received joyfully, and the best way to do this is being freshly cleaned – inside and outside. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 28th, 2015
Further weather turbulences
My children, once again, the worldly oriented people will say: “April does what it likes!” Now, this is not quite right. The weather shoes you very well the fight between light and darkness, and the impacts. Large hailstones, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall – but also extreme drought and summer temperatures... You do not have very often such a mixture at your latitude, and therefore it so important that you also pray for justice in the weather, and that you celebrate consciously the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls, and your good deeds with delight every day. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 27th, 2015
The old routine
My children, many people learn about positive things, are also enthusiastic for a short time, but then they return into their old routine, this means: Into their old habits and patterns. You now ask yourselves perhaps, why is it so? Now, the human being is a “creature of habit”, this means, he loves the simple way and uses that, what he has been told and “drummed in”, respectively what had been suggested e.g. by the public media. Additionally it is said again and again: “It is bad manners, you have to do in that way ...” and so on. Also the so-called “lack of will power” is the strongest blockade for the changes, because it is inert and lazy and only changes, when you keep it going persistently and consequently. Therefore, it is quite difficult for worldly people to quit the old patterns and perspectives, and to dare to try something totally new. Only through radical events, which change the life incisively, the worldly oriented human being is ready to accept a transformation or a change at once. However, I want to tell you the pleasant news that through your tireless good work and deeds, daily many people awake, und as the well known experience with the hundredth monkey, the scale will tip over within a certain time, and then a huge awakening can take place. It depends on various factors, whether this will take its time still some weeks, months, or years. People are relatively good-natured, as long as they still can live in their beautiful ideal small world their seemingly settled life, as they are used to. But if radical changes happen, they will not put up with that and offer resistance. Of course, the other side knows this as well, and therefore it tries to take away step by step more and more of their power and independence, until they realize that their rights have been cut back so far that countermeasures are nearly no more possible. You, My children, may act educationally and speak about the dangers, if the people are open for it. They try to take away the cash money from you, and you should do something against it through the profound prayer and the peaceful protest. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 26th, 2015
My children, the word loyalty quite often occurs already in the childhood, when children or young people take a vow or an oath. But with this, they do themselves nothing good. All oaths, vows, solemn promises, curses, maledictions, and whatever else exists, remain beyond the earthly life and will then send also in the next life their resonances. Therefore memorize the following, My children: The right way is to live and feel loyalty from the heart, without rituals. But all kinds of rituals drag always a certain “rat’s tail” behind, as you say. Therefore, you should consciously solve all kinds of rituals, and send them to Me in the profound prayer for transformation, so that you are released from these adherences, which make your life hard needlessly. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 25th, 2015
Mental journeys
My children, many of you would like to travel to other countries or other planets, but at the time being, this is very difficult, by financial and on the other hand technical reasons. There, often your thoughts come into play. What if? You can reach any location in the universe by mental journeys, and these places you long for, you often know from your dreams and visions. The reason, why many of My children true to Me are attracted longingly to other planets, is that they have been already there and have stored them as a positive memory in their soul. The same applies also to earthly places and countries. If you feel especially attracted by a country or a location, you have already been there. Everything you refuse meticulously, and where you absolutely do not want to go, you know as well - although probably for negative reasons. My children, treat yourselves to your mental journeys to foreign countries, continents, or planets, if you like it and if it pleases you. Afterwards you can wonderfully do spiritual work and light transmissions with fresh strength. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 24th, 2015
Sense of well-being
My children, who wants to be content and happy, should also feel well. This begins with designing your home and your environment in a way you like it – of course in agreement with the other family members. Who feels well and is happy, can add these vibrations also into the light transmissions, which spread out into the world. My children, you should pay attention to do again and again things you like, and which give also moments and impressions of wellness to your heart, your soul, and your body in general. This may be a romantic walk during the sunset, or whatever pleases you. If the body, the soul, and the heart come to rest and feel well, the human being can do a lot of good deeds. You, My children, are very versatile in creating oases of well-being, and you enjoy them as well, because only strengthened, you can do your worldly and spiritual work well. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 23rd, 2015
Do not be careless
My children, the sun is already shining as intensely as in a weak summer, and a sunburn can happen easily. Therefore put yourselves always under My mantle of protection first, and afterwards enjoy the sun – in moderation, mind you. Also in the shadow, the healing and vitalizing rays and energies of the sun flow into your body the same way. Especially men and women with thinner hair should not expose themselves to the sun without a headgear, because a sunburn at the head can be very painful and restricting. What do you think, My children, why in hot regions most of the people wear a headgear? Concerning the carelessness, it is similar, when you sweat due to wearing the wrong clothing – with the following “catching a draught”, as you call it. When the transition from the felt winter conditions to nearly summer temperatures happens so rapidly, many people cannot estimate properly, which the correct clothing may be then. Therefore one should be cautious, as well as with the draught in the car or the train. You see, My children, as beautiful as the pre summer sunrays are: Keep a clear head, and dress correspondingly with your mind, and do not forget as well to drink regularly sufficient, blessed water. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 22nd, 2015
The right place of residence
My children, I told you several times about it, but now I have a supplement to it: The item of emigration has become for many people now an important and urgent goal – also e.g. for German or Austrian citizens. Who thinks about it, should know that there is a reason, why you have been born in this or that country. Additionally, it is absolutely important to speak the language of the future homeland also well, and to think about how you can live there, and which profession you can practice there. I now speak especially to you, My children true to Me: It can already be a huge challenge to move within the own country, but to go abroad is a large step, which should be carefully considered. Certainly some of My children true to Me have moved to warmer regions, but this had been mostly due to health problems. Feel deeply inside yourselves, and check, whether you want to stay there, where you just live, or if you rather want to move to other regions. Especially now, in this quite problematic time, a new rootedness in another city or another country is really not easy. Who of you should have to move, will be incited by Me and My angels, who accompany you, respectively it will be proposed to you. It is important that you feel well, secure, and that you are also sure that you can continue to perform your spiritual tasks voluntarily in love also during the next time. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 21st, 2015
My children, you have a are very free spirit in your way of life and adapt yourselves to the facts only as far as it is necessary, and thus you can achieve a relative freedom of your life. Through your deep routed belief and your profound connection to Me, it is self-evident for you to be as independent as possible in the worldly life. Some of you use this freedom, which still exists, to travel regularly with the caravan, to travel by ship, car, or airplane, or also to create an oasis of relaxation in the own garden, to cultivate an allotment garden, or to treat themselves with a time-out for the free spirit on a camping ground. You see, many of you created a niche for themselves, where they can receive power and energy and thus intend to distance themselves from the worldly things. Who says now that it should also be possible to build a creative place with a low budget, I tell him: There is room for it in the smallest hut. A place for meditation or retreat is always available, if you only want it. Even a tree as a place of power to lean on it or to have an exchange of ideas is always possible. Be creative and use your free independences, as long as you still have them. Your prayers and light transmissions are helping immensely to be able to continue it also in future times, when enough people have awakened and engage themselves to support it. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 20th, 2015
Healing happens now
My children, who begs profoundly through the prayer for healing, will experience it – in the scope of his own life plan. However, often healing happens only then, when experiences have been made beforehand, which are necessary for the further development. Therefore, you should accept everything first of all, and afterwards you should pray then for transformation respectively healing. Many things, which are ahead of the people, have developed as a resonance to their own behaviour. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 19th, 2015
My children, most of the people love surprises of the positive kind. But what I mean are other surprises. These surprises wait for the people, if they continue to play the “game”, which runs on earth. Only who awakes from the whole scenario, which you can also call “Sleeping beauty sleep” has the possibility to do something good, and to avert the “surprise”. The people are more and more turned against each other, and their rights are limited increasingly. Protest peacefully through your light transmissions and prayers, and formulate related affirmations, My children. You can do it! Amen.
Father’s Word of April 18th, 2015
It is repeating itself
My children, certain things on earth repeat themselves again and again in a certain interval. Therefore, these situations that happen on earth today happened also in former times, and also the distraction of the people through trivialities happens also since some thousand years. Understand, My children, it is always problematic to be incarnated exactly during the present time, but in spite, now it is different: The process you call Final Time is just happening. Even if many things repeat themselves, everything is more intense by a nuance, and this will amplify. If you now would tell the worldly oriented people that prayers help to prevent the worst, they will hardly believe it, because they do not see any improvement. However, they cannot presentiment anyhow, what happens daily in the subtle realm, My children. So do not watch, what happens optically or seemingly in the world, but only listen to your inner voice and your heart, which is connected to Me through the profound prayer, and you know that you are protected and guarded. Of course you will experience also situations, which help you to solve all old patters and problems with their adherences, because this is very important. But this happens of course so as you live. Your resonances are also here your factor of intensity. Therefore stay in the calmness, and be as My prolonged arms on earth My light houses and rescue anchors for those people, who look for Me and find you as contact persons and helpers. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 17th, 2015
My children, do you realize, what is going on? At first, frightful news are spread through the worldly media, and then reassurances are sent, and then it is tested, how far they can go to cut the people even more from their rights, then again news about worldly “bread and games”. It works already a long time like this, but most of the worldly oriented people are not interested, as long as they have their food on their table, their preferred series are shown in the TV, and their football matches take place weekly. This was presented a bit exaggeratedly, but it is so, My children. Often, people look at you strangely, when you tell them that you never watch TV, or only very seldom, that you do not read worldly newspapers but inform yourselves via the internet, and additionally, that you eat only healthy food … My children, if you want to eat in these days so that the body profits from it, you should not only have eagle eyes or good spectacles to read the small print at the packages, but you should grow as much food as possible and eat as vegan and raw as it is feasible. Good, blessed water is one of the main supporting pillars for everyone, who wants to live healthily. Often it is so that exactly the contrary of the food of the worldly oriented people is healthy. This means: No coffee, no wheat bread, no alcohol, no nicotine, no fast food, no meat, as little as possible milk products, and so on. I have listed only some of the worst “health robbers”, and if you avoid them, it is already a large step in the direction to assume responsibility – for your own life and for your own nutrition. Take care that you do not eat or drink something, which harms you, just to please somebody, My children. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 16th, 2015
Prayers are fulfilled
My children, tell those people, who doubt Me or think that there is no justice on earth, that the law of resonance controls everything and that I gave the people their free will, which I respect as well. Of course there are exceptions: For example, if people are in danger, though their life plan has not ended yet. All prayers that are spoken from the bottom of the heart are fulfilled. How and in which way they are fulfilled depends on different circumstances. Tell the people, who ask you, that they are heard, when they have confidence and put profound power into their prayer. Mankind just goes through a very difficult phase on earth, but you know well from the apocalypse of Johannes that everything comes to a positive end, and only when the things on earth threaten finally to escalate, a transformation and purification will begin. You are in the middle of this process, and you feel it daily, which outrageous things happen, and how little of them is shown in the public media. Depending on the interpretation, you can consider many situations from two sides, because the perspective matters. Thus, many things can be shown through rose-colored lenses, and they can be presented totally differently than they have been or are in reality, by sophistically elaborated methods to conceal them. You, My children, should always know, come what may, that only the direct way through My FATHER’S HEART in the profound connection of the prayer, or the “Calls of Victory”, light transmissions, or good deeds keeps you on the right way and protects you. Therefore be not sad about what happens on earth, but help consciously daily to fortify the transformation, so that a New Earth develops. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 15th, 2015
Old and new
My children, you speak a lot of changes, but you still stick to the old. You wish to have the New Earth, but you still cannot manage to cut the old holding ropes, which hold tight all the old things. Old contracts expire, and the other side tries desperately to keep its power. But the scale can be toppled with every awakened human being, who admits to Me, and also sends light consciously or unconsciously, prays, and does good deeds. Therefore it is again such a special day, where every prayer and every light transmission, “Call of Victory”, good deeds, and so on, are worth a mint. Your FATHER, who knows how much you achieve daily, and who is very much delighted about it. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 14th, 2015
My children, during the next time, encounters will happen. Through the law of resonance, people will meet each other and e.g. exchange experiences, which they need, respectively pass them on. Many of My children are looking for spiritual exchange, conversations about spiritual themes, but also about precaution in the event of a crisis, the New Earth, and many other things. So, if you now meet others of My children true to Me and send light and pray together, this power will be amplified many times over, because I have already often told you: “Where two or more come together in My name and pray, I am among them”. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 13th, 2015
My children, if you ask different people for their opinions, you will get different answers. Why is that so? Now, everybody develops one or sometimes several opinions, and he very often does not deviate, not important, what somebody tells him. However, if now again and again a certain opinion or way of thinking is suggested to him – often also subliminally – through hidden messages, this program begins to work in this human being’s body and to lead him into the requested direction, which is intended. There is one exception: The human being has a strong will and character and/or a strong belief. Now, what shall this tell you, My children? Indeed it is so that My children true to Me are to a large extent protected against manipulation through My mantle of protection, under which you place yourselves regularly through the profound prayer, and which warns you, as soon as you should follow only your heart, and not the logical mind. Opinions are reasonable, when you consider the circumstances you should comply with. At first to respect the free will of every human being, then not to judge or to have a preconceived opinion and to consider always different variants that are possible, and then of course to trust always the heart and the direct help I offer to My children. You see, it is not so difficult in life, when you have a strong belief, and also do not have rash reactions or opinions, and always try to stay centered in your middle in serenity and peace. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 12th, 2015
Worldwide help
My children, the human beings and the animals on earth just now have to go through a difficult period. Therefore it is important that all people, who believe in Me and help voluntarily, work together. I combine your helps spiritually, so that they achieve a stronger power of healing and efficacy. Keep in mind, My children: My light is always stronger than anything the other side may bring up. So stay in the serenity, and do not let your calmness disturb by bad news from the worldly media, and send full of love and the certainty to do good deeds your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and awakening calls, as well as your positive thoughts out into the world, in order to make it with every good deed somewhat brighter and lighter. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 11th, 2015
Lived joy
My children, many people do not live really, but only in a kind of soap bubble or simulated illusory word. What I mean is that you should live also your feelings completely, and that you as well should not suppress emotions. Let out your emotions and feelings, especially the joy and the tears! Many people believe that it is bad manners to show tears in public. But this is not so, My children. Tears of joy e.g. show that the soul and the heart can react very emotionally, and this should be allowed. Who lives the joy, will see also many other things from a new perspective. Did you already observe consciously a single rain drop with joy? Most of the people answer this question with a negation. I have chosen simply only one of thousands of possibilities to demonstrate, how a lot of worldly oriented people namely believe to live, but in reality solely try to survive behind conventions and predetermined guidelines. You, My children, see the world to a large extent with the eyes of love and joy, and you also try to live consciously and resist the suggestions of the public media, how you should live, and which things you should consider as good, bad, or actually up to date. Who lives the joy consciously, can also feel resp. empathize with everything else, because it always works through the heart and the soul, and only afterwards through the brain. Make unconventional things from time to time that please you, My children, and do not listen, what the others think or even mean about it, because you are My prolonged arms on earth and thus also My lighthouses in the roaring sea, and you become sheet anchors for those people, who want your help. Therefore listen to your hearts, and feel into My help, which I send you daily, so that you can live your lives so full of joy, but also humbleness and profound love, as it is appropriate for you. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 10th, 2015
A question of attitude
My children, it is a question of the attitude and the confidence, how a human being handles himself and his neighborhood. Who goes consciously the spiritual way like you, My children, understands also that only a positive and life-affirming attitude can accomplish good things. On the other hand, it is of course of the same importance that you are also so sensitive that you can empathize with other people in order to understand, why they act as they act. It is very important that My children live consciously every day, and that they also pray and send light consciously, because through the awareness you will always celebrate your daily prayers and light transmissions full of compassion, understanding, and help, in connection with Me and My everlasting love, which I let flow to all forms of life, who are receptive for it. Those of you, who understand how important especially now, in this final time, the helpful messages of the most different kinds are, understand also, how helpful they can be for people, who did not know about it yet, respectively did not believe it. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 9th, 2015
What it means to be guarded
My children, many people use the word “guarded”, but what does it really mean? Now, you put yourselves under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer, and you are protected and guarded. Parents try to guard their children as well as possible, and also in the animal realm the word “to guard” is often used. To guard does not only mean to protect, but it extends it for another step. Who guards somebody – and I mean it also from the spiritual point of view – does not only bother tenderly, but nurses him with all his care and commitment as well. This means: When you feel protected and especially guarded, you have a similar feeling like most of you had as babies or small children, when so to say the “all-round carefree package” was active, which suggested the child that an optimal security and guarding was present. It is exactly that what you feel, when you are under My mantle of protection, My children: You are completely protected, guarded, secure and in good hands. If you give this feeling to another human being or to an animal, you have exactly succeeded in what you had intended. Security and to be guarded are two very important aspects in the lives of the human being, which help him to master his life. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 8th, 2015
My children, I can tell you only again and again: Do not believe the rumours that circulate in the public media, and partially also in the internet. Many of them are diversionary tactics from the real things. The transformation process on earth is in full progress, but in spite it takes time, because only a small fraction of the global world population understands partially, what the issues are. Many of My children true to Me are doing every day good deeds enthusiastically, and their prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” also reach many hearts and souls worldwide. Nevertheless, this procedure is still a bit humble, because the main part of mankind has not yet woken mentally. Even though every day people wake up and suddenly see the world with different eyes, it takes time. Therefore be patient and stay in the calmness. Soon, there will be a transformation, which will change several things. But please do not weigh My words to derive possibly the number of days it would still take. It is just as it is. Be patient and positive! I am always with you, and you are protected and guarded. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 7th, 2015
My children, you know very well that everything you send out comes back to you. When you are generous now – in whatever way – it influences your life. In the one way through the law of resonance, in the other through that what happens around you. Many rich people donate generously, because they know about the law of resonance. However, not only the financial generosity is meant, but generosity in every situation in life. Even a smile from the bottom of your heart, a friendly gesture, thoughtfulness, politeness, and also wise behaviour are things that show generosity, and which are at least as important as all the other attributes. What I want to say with this, My children, is that you can enrich your lives so wonderfully, when you include this into your daily routines. Your FATHER, who appreciates His true children. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 6th, 2015
With new energies
My children, you now begin the Easter Monday with new energies and fresh creative power. Consider this day also as a possibility to do a lot of good things, because most of you have a holiday today. Treat yourselves also to creative breaks, where you can gain power, and who wants to sleep late, should do it without a bad conscience. Especially those of you, who have still small children, often think that they have no or only very little privacy, because the children are always in the main focus. Now, this is of course not so. There should be a balanced relationship, because when you only sacrifice yourselves so to say for the family or e.g. the job, your life is not fulfilled, and thus you cannot begin the day with joy, and therefore you can formulate no or only a very few positive thoughts, and you are not able to do good deeds as light-workers. However, who organizes his life consciously and finds a compromise between family, job, and his mission, can use this purposefully, and with the new energy as amplification, he can do wonderful things everywhere. Think about this. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 5th, 2015
Easter 2015
My children, this Easter is something special, because the new energies, which came to earth since the solar eclipse, anchor from the resurrection about 2000 years ago according to your calendar, and they do it now intensified, and thus they flow continuously also into the bodies of the people who allow it. The light becomes stronger, and the darkness retreats. But it does not retreat voluntarily, and there will be problems. However, how strong and how intense they will be, depends also from you, My children true to Me worldwide. You let My love light roam over the earth, and thus reach the people, who follow Me namely with their hearts, but who did not have the correct focus yet to do good deeds themselves. Your prayers and light transmission are thus also guidelines and signs for many awoken people worldwide. Therefore consider this Easter as something special, and enjoy that all impossible things can become possible, when it shall be. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 4th, 2015
Use the beautiful hours
My children, at the time being, the beautiful hours in the nature are still quite seldom, and you should benefit from them, because your bodies need the sunlight and the exercise in the open. Always enshroud yourselves under My mantle of protection, and also use the movement in the nature to pray, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and the enjoyment of the already growing nature. It sprouts and stretches out to the light. Enjoy it and be happy. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 3rd, 2015
Good Friday 2015
My children, Good Friday is one of the days, where My children true to Me often suffer very much and are connected to Me intensely. However, I want you to let this suffering go, and that you instead send out My love light, which you receive daily from Me, out into the world, full of love, joy and humbleness, through your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, awakening calls, and good deeds. I am a loving FATHER and have risen as JESUS, on the one hand to show the people what is possible, and on the other hand, it had been the only possibility to make the lovely Sadhana turn back, who called herself Lucifer after falling away. Mind you, she did it on her own free will, because in the night of Golgatha, she became aware, what she had caused through her rebellion against Me in the past. Try to feel no sorrow but love today, and please send it around the world, because this Easter will move a lot furthermore. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 2nd, 2015
Chaff and wheat
My children, you know that the wheat separates from the chaff, to express it like this. Many people awake now and they recognize how dangerous it is to continue dozing with wrong points of view. It will be tried to reduce cash money further and further, and to make attractive the cashless life to the people. But I tell you: Never ever accept this chip, because it will drive a wedge between you and Me. Try to stay always alert, and read the messages and notifications of the public media always also between the lines. Who makes precautions now and has also stored a lot of water is in a good condition, and it is also necessary to have a thorough general supply for your neighborhood and for your family members, as far as they live together with you. You feel more and more the separation of the chaff from the wheat – also in the community of your friends and relatives – because the way you live and think can nearly not be understood by many of them. Do not try to missionize, but inform only those people, who ask you, and who are open for your help. I am always with you, My children, and I protect you. Amen.
Father’s Word of April 1st, 2015
April weather
My children, directly after the really heavy storms the April weather begins. The words of yesterday are valid here as well, and of course these events are always supported by the other side, which does not want something good for mankind. Stay always alert, because then you understand their wording and their explanations very soon. The most important is, My children, that you – and here I like to repeat My words – come what may, have confidence in Me and your own energies, for in this so-called final time all My children true to Me should pray a lot, send light, and do good deeds. Amen.